Competitive Tetris Scene Rant

Started by Blink, September 06, 2010, 02:28:25 PM

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Someone2knoe, you're talking almost the entire time from the point of view of what would be best for us.

"Though consoles might make them more money in sales, I think more people are bound to participate on the computer."

Sentences like this are the bottom line as to why you're thinking about this the entire wrong way and arguing from a pointless perspective. TTC aren't going to do anything unless it makes more money for them. The whole point of my original post in this thread was to say that you guys are being way too demanding and selfish, and basically making a ton of demands that would be good for the community, without emphasising why it might also be good for TTC. If it doesn't make more money through sales, or other means, it's not something they're going to be interested in all that much.

And while I will always maintain that the fastest way to play Tetris is using a keyboard, it's not impossible to get pretty good speeds with a gamepad if the DAS is quick. There are non-PC Tetris games that might not see speeds of 180tpm and above, but they still offer pretty decent competitive playing.

And I think you're talking rubbish to try and use the fact that new consoles have new controllers as any sort of reason for why Tetris shouldn't be on consoles. FPS games have far more complex controls than Tetris, and they've managed perfectly fine over the years. Tetris needs a d-pad (or analogue/joystick) for one thumb, a button to rotate each way for the other thumb, and then ideally a shoulder button for hold, and maybe another button for using items if they exist. Even a SNES controller can offer that for Tetris, and there hasn't been a mainstream console since then which couldn't.


wooo ttc saw our statuses. you know what they did?
they hid the leaderboard.
now its under the "community" menu tab...
along with gallery and tetris news...
funny thing is, the videos in the gallery have been removed due to copyright laws.
☠  crzy242


"Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" - Rachmaninoff


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]wall of text[/quote]

- Console games outsell their PC version. PC version has better controls.
- Tetris will not become an eSport. There may be tournaments but it's silly to say that having tournaments equates to it being an eSport. If you've watched it for 10 minutes, then you've seen just about everything there is.

Quote from: crzy242

rofl, TTC getting a taste of their own medicine


Quote from: crzy242
wooo ttc saw our statuses. you know what they did?
they hid the leaderboard.
now its under the "community" menu tab...
along with gallery and tetris news...
funny thing is, the videos in the gallery have been removed due to copyright laws.

Hopefully that isn't their way of just hiding the truth. I'm hopeful and I think they are just moving it until they can resolve what is going on.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Someone2knoe, you're talking almost the entire time from the point of view of what would be best for us. [/quote]

Regarding the controllers, it was just one point to point out that the mechanics would constantly change.

The real rubbish is arguing about this because its going nowhere.


<div style="overflow: hidden; background-image: url(;background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 285px; height: 85px;position:relative;"><span style="width:60px;height:85px;float:left;overflow: hidden;margin-top:10px;margin-left:10px;"><a href="http://hard


Yep they're not the same thing everyone.

Don't forget to sign the petition guys:

HeborisMAI is rallying the Japanese Tetris community's support on 2ch's Tetris forum (porn ads warning):


Q: Why are we looking for official tournaments?

It seems like a hassle for anyone to actually host an "official Tetris tournament" since they'd have to get all of the players together in one location to play. (Like the Starcraft tournaments.. Yeah I've watched those) Most players probably aren't willing to spend the plane ticket in order to go to it (I'm saying this cause most players are young.. and we're poor =( ) And it'd be hard to find sponsors to pay or donate money in for the tournament. Plus, they'd have to get some type of publicity out of it right? By.. airing it out on TV or something. How many viewers would we actually get from that?

From what I see, even though there are lots of serious Tetris gamers, like us, who want Tetris to transform and grow... it will always be a casual game to the majority of people.

If we're looking for prizes and stuff.. I'm sure some people will offer to donate something.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]"as a community we've been pretty patient but as time passes I'm starting to realize that they dont care about competitive tetris players" [/quote]
-I hope it didn't take you this long to realize this =P jkjk
From the get-go TF already made their players pay for rubies, and extra options. So I thought it was obvious they were just trying to get money out of players. They recently made TF arena.. (I don't remember what it was from the beginning) and it's still in "Beta mode." Even then, they basically copied TOJ, replaced the awesome TOJ garbage with crappy garbage. Plus with so many other games out already, TOJ/BB/Tetrinet/blockles you'd think they'd follow those examples and make an awesome kickass game! But no they made something mediocre that basically slapped all serious players in the face.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]"I think a staff member said that competitive tetris players were just a small part of the community. well yeah.. just like how sc or cs the amount of serious players were outnumbered by the amount of casual players.. they still had tournaments.... blahbalhbalbhalbhalbha" [/quote]
-Tetris cannot be compared to games like Starcraft or Counterstrike.
If you said, "Wellll Bejeweled did blabhalbhalbha and now they have major tournaments (even though they don't)" then maybeeee it would work. (I think they're in the same category as "puzzle games") Tetris can't be compared to SC/CS because Tetris started out as a casual game with only single player mode (basically marathon) and Counterstrike is action packed with blood, gore, gutts, and orgasmic voices when you kill off x victims! It's apples and oranges.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]"Someone mentioned on the forums before that TF saw the community wasn't happy, said they were going to do something about it with Expert HD, and then we don't hear from them anymore." [/quote]
TF only did that to get you to advertise for them =P

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]"I'm getting tired of waiting around for them to do something, they've already shown several times in the past that they are unreliable and don't get things done. If we don't do something about the competitive scene, nobody will. We have a good percentage of the competitive multiplayer Tetris players. I want to get sponsors and do a large tournament for prizes on our own but haven't had any success. "[/quote]
Who needddsss OFFICAL TOURNAMENTS?! Screw them, they can suck yo nuts!


We do not forgive. We do not forget.


We can start with online tournaments until it gets big and someone wants to sponsor. We probably wouldn't start out with live tournaments until the competitive fan base grows.


Quote from: ohitsstef

-I hope it didn't take you this long to realize this =P jkjk
From the get-go TF already made their players pay for rubies, and extra options. So I thought it was obvious they were just trying to get money out of players. They recently made TF arena.. (I don't remember what it was from the beginning) and it's still in "Beta mode." Even then, they basically copied TOJ, replaced the awesome TOJ garbage with crappy garbage.

Getting money from players isn't the problem, they have to make money somehow.  TOJ did the same thing, and Blockbox makes you pay if you want VIP features.  It's only become more and more obvious lately that they don't care about competition because there hasn't been any tournaments in years.
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]

-Tetris cannot be compared to games like Starcraft or Counterstrike.
If you said, "Wellll Bejeweled did blabhalbhalbha and now they have major tournaments (even though they don't)" then maybeeee it would work. (I think they're in the same category as "puzzle games") Tetris can't be compared to SC/CS because Tetris started out as a casual game with only single player mode (basically marathon). They've only recently brought out multilayer modes.

I was comparing the communities, not the games itself.  Here, I'll use Puyo Puyo as an example, which is a casual puzzle game but the creators cared enough to throw competitive tournaments for them.  Now it's top 2 most popular puzzle games in Japan next to Tetris.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
TF only did that to get you to advertise for them =P
I never advertised for them, if I did I should have gotten paid.  I enjoyed playing their game, and made it clear that I enjoyed it.  I've recently gotten fed up with them ignoring the competitive aspects of it, which I had hope they would start paying more attention to when they began asking the community about what we actually wanted.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
Who needddsss OFFICAL TOURNAMENTS?! Screw them, they can suck yo nuts!

Agreed, it's starting to look more and more likely that we have to host our own tournaments because they aren't going to help us out.  Me and Kitaru have been discussing it and have ideas going, but it's pretty tough without some more support.


The world needs to see the greatness that is John Tran. And he needs to make a big salary from it.

I actually do mean this seriously.
☠ massi4h


Without a company backing you its going to be near impossible to get a large scale live tournament.

However I think an online tournament has huge potential. If you want more players I wouldn't make people sign up through a forum thread but actually have a page for it that looks very organized. Then the match ups can also be linked to from there. Then some good commentators for the big matches.

Then make a standardized rules (form a committee  ) for the tournaments so the rules aren't always changing (which changes the participants). I think we are more likely to get a consistent and growing amount of participants with standardized rules.

I would really like to see that.


Quote from: massi4h
The world needs to see the greatness that is John Tran. And he needs to make a big salary from it.

I actually do mean this seriously.

-empties wallet-
Here he can take my debit card... =P it's useless without the PIN.

Q: How professional would an online tournament look?
I suppose you could grow from an online tournament into a live tournament.. but it will take awhile. :/ We need more PUBLICITY. Get some girls together and make them run around towns naked with Tetris blocks on their boobies and stuffs.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]I was comparing the communities, not the games itself. Here, I'll use Puyo Puyo as an example, which is a casual puzzle game but the creators cared enough to throw competitive tournaments for them. Now it's top 2 most popular puzzle games in Japan next to Tetris.[/quote]
Ok they may both be casual games, in the end though it's up to the creator to move from "casual" to "competitive."

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]I never advertised for them, if I did I should have gotten paid. I enjoyed playing their game, and made it clear that I enjoyed it. I've recently gotten fed up with them ignoring the competitive aspects of it, which I had hope they would start paying more attention to when they began asking the community about what we actually wanted.
Maybe you feel like you haven't advertised for them directly, but since you're a really good player and lots of people look up to you... when you say, "I like TF" you are advertising for them. It's not intentional propaganda.. but it still is propaganda.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Get some girls together and make them run around towns naked with Tetris blocks on their boobies and stuffs[/quote]

lol, is that what you are going to do ? ;P

Maybe HD can cooperate with someones version of tetris so that the tournament would be advertised through that site. And then the people's game accounts could be linked to HD for when they sign up for a tournament.

Maybe thats too out there. But I think online tournaments can get big and turn into live tournaments. The problem I see is so many small tournaments  have happened. We need to have one big tournament and standardized rules that will be easy for most to conform to. We need excellent formatting that is user friendly, and we need banners so we can advertise it on our facebook page.

I think we should start with small cash prizes. I would participate if I had a chance to win even 5 dollars. Lul