Competitive Tetris Scene Rant

Started by Blink, September 06, 2010, 02:28:25 PM

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the point wasnt that its bad to have opposing views, its that people jump to opposing views just because they want to oppose something.



Quote from: Ryan

I disagree  


hehe see that was a trap, someone could have easily disagreed with what i said


Quote from: Someone2knoe
the point wasnt that its bad to have opposing views

Just for the record
[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's


I think the best case scenario would be Nullpo-style play in TTC-sponsored tournaments. If TF were like Nullpo then it would make Nullpo obsolete, and if it were like Blockbox then BB would become obsolete, etc. There's no way clones can compete with the user base of official games, and a larger base = bigger tournaments = better competition, so I think this petition makes perfect sense. And isn't the main purpose of a tetris clone to give players the opportunity to play with settings that TTC won't offer? If TTC were convinced to feature that style of play in one of their games then it would be as if the clone had done its job.

Anybody that thinks the petition won't amount to anything, but would play TF if it were like Nullpo, BB, or Cultris, should sign. It's worth taking a minute of your time if it might make a difference. Supporting clones alone will never change anything in official games. I don't see how TF multiplayer has been inspired by Tetrinet, Cultris, Heboris, Blockbox, Blockles, or Nullpomino. I think in the past we've played these games to escape TTC and haven't banded together to demand changes in official games. Maybe TTC will make some changes and you won't agree with them, but if you want to see some real competition in the future, you should support any change geared to make the experience better for high level players. There's no telling how things may continue to mature from that point, but it has to start somewhere.

And I just want to say that i'm unopposed to what I just said.


For the past month or so, I feel like I've been kind of left out of the whole tetris loop. I'm currently unable to access Blockbox, TFA, and every time I get on Nullpo, there are no players online. But as someone who has invested so much time into the game of Tetris, I really want to see the competitive aspect grow and be recognized. Not just by casual players, but hopefully even TTC so that they will come to find an incentive to do something geared more towards the hardcore players.

So here's what I think, and here's something that I'm willing to do:
I'd like to see HD host an actual, in-person tournament that can at least gain local media attention. Rather than winning large amounts of cash or anything like that as the main purpose, it should be geared more towards gaining more recognition. Get more people to spectate, to become interested, and to eventually try the game for themselves.

What can I do? I have my own restaurant/coffee/tea shop that could be used as a venue to do a tournament. I've held tournaments in the past including games like SSBM, SSBB, SF4, and Tekken. a Tetris tournament is certainly doable. Although I obviously can't fund all the prizes, I wouldn't mind making a donation of something like $50 (throw in a meal and some boba too). Of course it'd be difficult to gather a large group of Tetris players of a high caliber due to geographic issues, but being in the middle of California, it could be the one opportunity to get Tetris players from Norcal and Socal together.

There's also a lot of ways to make this kind of even seem really big, a lot bigger than it really would be. To do all of this would take at least a few months of preparation, some more volunteers from other people that support the idea, and donations that don't necessarily have to be money, but perhaps just time and effort for anything anyone wants to contribute. Some things that I can think of off the top of my head are artwork for a tournament logo, doing communications with other gaming sites and trying to get their interest to cover such an event. There are many other things.

Also, I'm not saying that my place has to be the place to do a tournament, if we can find a bigger, better venue, that would be ideal. My place is just an option as something better than just someone's house. I also think it's nice to be conveniently located in the middle of California. If people would be willing to come from elsewhere outside of California, then that would even be better as we'd be able to say that this is a national event.

Of course, there would also have to be a lot of other details worked out. Things like rules and format for the tournament, which game to play (Nullpo, TFA, BB).

Well, a lot of it is wishful thinking right now and it's not something I can do on my own. Any thoughts?


That's really cool of you to provide the venue arf.  This is something me and Kitaru have been talking about, and I'm sure others in the community would also pitch in/donate for prizes.  Maybe around winter break, or if needed summer break - a live tournament event can be a reality!!!

Seeing as how TTC still hasn't responded to the petition and emails, I think it's best for us as a community to just move on without them and do things without their help.


Actually I don't think Winter is realistic, probably Summer break might be more appropriate.

Maybe we should do some sort of tournament checklist so we can prepare and see who wants to help out.  

Here's some things off the top of my head that we would need to handle:

To Do List

1.  Date
2.  Venue
3.  Game(s) Played
4.  Promotion/Flyers
5.  Prizes
6.  Volunteers (online + who will be at the event)

For fliers I think killahbee would be willing to help, she does a lot of fliers/promos for parties in her area and is pretty enthusiastic about the movement whenever I talk to her =).

As for prizes: Myself, Kitaru, Wojtek, Chopin, and ItsWhatever have expressed interest in donating, and I'm sure we aren't the only ones.

For venue arf has given us an option!


I'd be down to help. I don't live too far away and I'm sure Kitaru wouldn't mind either. I would mind putting forth a part of a prize or something as well. Maybe we should be taking our own incentive... Who else but us, right?


;( stupid Aussie island away from the action...
"Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" - Rachmaninoff


I'll also add in the fact that I like the idea of next summer. My teaching job in the far east right now requires me to be here until at least the end of January of next year. Winter is coming up and I don't want to be MIA for something like this.

Also, I don't think other regions should necessarily feel left out. It'd be great if we could get more than one event going. Get the interest of other Aussies! Or maybe even do something on the east coast of the U.S. too.

If something big enough happens on the east coast, I would seriously consider going.


If it's a live event, if we want to make it bigger in terms of players, we could do "linked events" as such so that the Brits could come to one place, and others in other places. Even failing that, if it's being played on a game such as nullpo where people all over the world can join in, what about people remotely playing in it along with those at designated venues? (I'm thinking nullpo weekly style here.) I can't see that doing any harm, and on the contrary, it shows that the tetris bug has caught the whole world, not just Cali.
               Tetris Belts!


The Day of Tetris 2011

Let's make it happen. B)
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


If we do separate venues linked together, any Arizonians down?


i could get a place in dallas =P if anyone's willing to drive up here
then we could all play at once

i guess like what s2k said.. we could get players in other locations and play at once.. hook up some webcams and stuufffffss
that'd be fun =)

We do not forgive. We do not forget.