Which of the four?

Started by DAS44, August 23, 2010, 08:35:08 PM

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Which of the four is best?

34 (37.8%)
26 (28.9%)
"Tetris Online Japan"
13 (14.4%)
"TF (gtfo)"
17 (18.9%)

Total Members Voted: 90


Quote from: Blink
really now? how so?  
You are sadly mistaken - TOJ has some of the best skilled all-around Tetris players in the world.  To name some off the top of my head who would destroy you 1v1 in it - rowa ks, kan-kerisu, heborisMAI, SAMAF, Trance, panna, covaya.

Name 3 players who would destroy you in blockbox, you probably can't.  

Just because you played some casual players on TOJ and beat them easily doesn't mean the game is all noobs, same with TF.  The platinum rooms actually have players which can give a challenge.
People beat players on the lower levels and think that everyone on the game is noobs, but if it's that easy then shouldn't you be one of the top players?

Thats funny, theres competitive guys in TOJ, now I can place one of the BB "noobs" in a match with one of those guys under BB rules and I'm pretty sure a win from those guys would seem like a miracle, its like if you say "Cultris has the best guys, Gigolo, Jtadore, DD, R.Poopmore, Trevor, try beating one of them Blink". Its a different world with different rules, and I still stand correct, TOJ if full of noobs, same as TF, and the more noobs there are, the more noobs are susceptible to these games, thats why theres so many players, and people blindly see these games as the best by the amount of people they contain rather than its quality.
☠ Apocalypse


Yes, games should be judged by the quality of the game, not by its players.


Quote from: Apocalypse
Thats funny, theres competitive guys in TOJ, now I can place one of the BB "noobs" in a match with one of those guys under BB rules and I'm pretty sure a win from those guys would seem like a miracle

Uh.... what?  Hebo mai, trance, and I still did well on BB.  Samaf also did well, and the others never even touched it so how would you know it would be a miracle for them to win.  

Quote from: Apocalypse
its like if you say "Cultris has the best guys, Gigolo, Jtadore, DD, R.Poopmore, Trevor, try beating one of them Blink".

There's a difference, I've never said Cultris is full of noobs.  I respect players from other games.  I know it's a different game with different rules.  You're saying TOJ is full of noobs, back it up.  Another thing, the top players of these other games have reached the top by overcoming thousands of players, not only around 100.  Not only that, but like I mentioned before:  
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]To excel at Blockbox you need to be fast, good at downstacking, efficient at using hold piece, and can stack for Tetrises well by using your next pieces. To be good at TF and TOJ, those alone aren't enough. In addition you would also need T-spin knowledge, garbage countering awareness, timing, and combo skills.[/quote]

Quote from: Apocalypse
The more noobs there are, the more noobs are susceptible to these games, thats why theres so many players, and people blindly see these games as the best by the amount of people they contain rather than its quality.

Players improve, when Blockbox just came out there was a bunch of noobs on there too.  You of all people are aware that beginner players follow where the good players go, that's why a few months ago you kept bugging me to come back to Blockbox because I was supposedly "stealing players away" by having them follow me to a different game.  If a game is popular and has a bunch of players from different levels, isn't that a sign there's some good players somewhere on it?

Here's a question:  If having beginner players = a bad game, then why do blockbox players keep posting on intro threads trying to get new beginner players to play?  Wouldn't that be the opposite of what they want?

You say you want to judge a game by its quality and not by the amount of players, but then talk about how bad a game is because of its players.  I'm confused.


I'm gonna elaborate on my post a little more because there's really more to it than just TF being laggy, and the lag is a MASSIVE issue for me but it isn't all, but I can say that if I could play without worrying about even 5% of my inputs getting dropped then I'd play it a lot more than I do now (which is never)

Besides the lag TF just has slow gameplay for me, between the slow line clear delay (speed it up), slow soft drop (speed it WAY up), and the 22 or so seconds between games (too long for me, the 12 seconds on TF Live was much better). Another thing is the distinction between normal rules, E, and E+, honestly there should just be E+, and now a FOURTH RULE is coming? It had better be replacing one of the above, otherwise you end up with too much segmentation, why can't there just be one rule? Then of course there's FFA but I just try to avoid FFA entirely.

TOJ, what can I say. Okay, its lag issues are nonexistent, but that isn't enough for me. How about those 1v1 rooms which are either locked with a password, or open so anyone can interrupt 2 people playing whether they like it or not. TF does the room thing right, TOJ is pretty much, in my opinion, how NOT to do rooms. If I go on TOJ to play 1v1, I want to play 1v1, not pseudo-1v1 with 6 different people rotating where everyone has to wait their turn. That format might be great and all for a fighting game or whatever but has no place in this game.

The other issue is DAS unlocks. I'm not even gonna touch premium or TP because it seems getting settings that aren't half-assed (or even quarter-assed) without having to dish out $ is a lost cause for official Tetris games. My problem is that all of the DAS settings SUCK. 4 is too slow and 5 is too hard to control, and then they want to call that BS "tuning", at least TF's settings actually feel like you're tuning the gameplay to your own preference.

So so far, we have TF which lags and drops inputs every 2 seconds, and apparently it isn't Flash's fault. Completely and utterly unacceptable, and then there's TOJ which has no lag issues but still sucks unless you don't mind being slow or you have fairy fingers or you want to cheat.

Nullpomino on the other hand is made by experts for experts, and there is ZERO debate that gameplay-wise, Nullpo compared to TF and TOJ is like Brock Lesnar curbstomping a kitten. I don't care if it's sparsely-populated or that it's not "noob friendly", as far as I'm concerned, it is the best game by FAR and yet it continues to improve and add new features with no end in sight (unlike TOJ), all because it's run by the community who cares more about a good game of Tetris than trying to make money off of it.

I didn't mention Blockbox yet because I don't really know what to say about it. It was fun while it lasted but now with the latest Nullpo update it does just about everything Blockbox can do, without lag issues or the buggy chatbox or VIP or replays not saving (or being limited to only 17 replays).


that was pro, salamander.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


I have to say there was a point where most of the TF platinum regulars were not being a challenge to me anymore. When I finally got around to installing TOJ (when the DAS patch was easy to get), every single person I played was better than 90% of the TF population. I improved really quick and had some of the most fun I've ever had with tetris. I've never seen TOJ as a noob game. I always thought it was the game for the pros, and only the most hardout would play it, especially outside of Japan. SS does raise really good points. I want to get back into TOJ but I really don't have much time to even set it up nowadays.
☠ massi4h


just to keep it short. because this discussion has no point anyway...

Tetris Friends is getting better (sadly. but i won't be playing it anyway).

TOJ used to be good. i totally agree that players there are really good. but without the DAS patch its pretty pointless. at least for me.

BB is an awesome game (2nd fav game).

Nullpo pwns. As for me it's almost like bb, but it has more to offer. So many modes. Customization. And it's for FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From what i know, it's the only game to reward all twists. So yeah.

The winner is..... dun dun DUN ... n-blox.


when will nullpo have survivor
"Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" - Rachmaninoff


Quote from: bach_of_tetris
when will nullpo have survivor

survival is not that simple because of non discrete mino positions. which is kinda unusual and slightly more complex than typical discrete mino positions. thus requires more coding. but it was requested several times and should be added anytime soon  (right ?)


Quote from: Apocalypse
silly noob, www.gamepoint.de, its not a cheap slut, just a foreign one.(for when BB UK is down)

And also, I've played nearly every Tetris variant out there, and in my opinion TOJ isn't the best, its noob friendly cus its full of noobs, thats about it, same as TF. This is about the quality of the game, try rating on that perspective.

i said that TF was the cheap slut, not blockbox.
yeah i don't think that TOJ has that much competition.. plus the 1v1 rooms are frustrating.. =/ unless your room is locked, other people can come in and interrupt. =/ doesnt make it 1v1 anymore.. makes it 1v1v1v1v1v1v1poo

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I've been a huge BB supporter for a long time.  Honestly though i've only really played TF and BB.  I've tried to sign up for TOJ countless times and i get lost somewhere and never get to a game.  Toj looks fun and i like the idea of having more users to play against. My only real grip with BB.  Someone hit me with a link to Nullwhatever and i'll give it a try.





Quote from: Blink
Uh.... what?  Hebo mai, trance, and I still did well on BB.  Samaf also did well, and the others never even touched it so how would you know it would be a miracle for them to win.  
There's a difference, I've never said Cultris is full of noobs.  I respect players from other games.  I know it's a different game with different rules.  You're saying TOJ is full of noobs, back it up.  Another thing, the top players of these other games have reached the top by overcoming thousands of players, not only around 100.  Not only that, but like I mentioned before:  
Players improve, when Blockbox just came out there was a bunch of noobs on there too.  You of all people are aware that beginner players follow where the good players go, that's why a few months ago you kept bugging me to come back to Blockbox because I was supposedly "stealing players away" by having them follow me to a different game.  If a game is popular and has a bunch of players from different levels, isn't that a sign there's some good players somewhere on it?

Here's a question:  If having beginner players = a bad game, then why do blockbox players keep posting on intro threads trying to get new beginner players to play?  Wouldn't that be the opposite of what they want?

You say you want to judge a game by its quality and not by the amount of players, but then talk about how bad a game is because of its players.  I'm confused.

Well,  BB is just a complicated game, it really isn't noob friendly, and I've never said that a game is good or bad by the amount of players or any type of players (pro, semi-pro, noob...).  the game speak for themselves, and this is all my opinion, perhaps noobs can say that TOJ is the best, or TF, or Null, or even BB for that matter, but its very clear that players have more fun where theres more competition, those games that contain lots of players has a large variation of lvl's. I was going to play TOJ just because the competition was tough there, and I like the challenge, but it wasn't because of the game itself. And also, the only players that I can respect as an all around pro tetris player from TOJ are you and Trance, the rest really haven't prove themselves to me. So really, is about quantity or quality? I respect every vote that Nullpomino receives, its an all around fun game, LOTS of customization, modes and it really doesn't have much players, so thats a game being judged by its quality, TOJ and TF, I question those votes, I would like clear reasons why being voted.

This thread is clearly confusing me, because i'm taking the perspective of the evaluation to another direction, and none has been given, so perhaps its just an opinion for each player, even if its because "my friend Lolwtf plays 'x' game, thats why I play it". Even tho I would rather see, "My family plays 'x' game, but I think 'y' game is better, it has customization, lots of modes, beautiful interface and lovely graphics".

And hey, perhaps most are evaluating the way I respect, since BB and Nullpomino have the most votes.

-sigh(been adding so much replies), btw, BB's replay issue has been solved... YOU CAN VIEW MY 5 MINS RECORD IN SURVIVOR MODE, and the old records that was thought to be deleted were brought back and also have replay.-
☠ Apocalypse


On a side note- it's "which one" aka which would you rather play, rather than "which is the better game." Or at least, on that interpretation, I voted tf. Xael pointed this out perfectly on bb when he said jokingly "SOMEONE SPEAK! AT LEAST ON TF PEOPLE SPEAK!"

and I started out on bb...
               Tetris Belts!