Which of the four?

Started by DAS44, August 23, 2010, 08:35:08 PM

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Which of the four is best?

34 (37.8%)
26 (28.9%)
"Tetris Online Japan"
13 (14.4%)
"TF (gtfo)"
17 (18.9%)

Total Members Voted: 90


Quote from: Ryan
 To me blockbox multi-player is more like a race to see who can get the most tetrises before toping out.
Are you kidding? theres no way you can win by just stacking on top of holes for tetrises over and over again (unless you are vsing someone ALOT worse than you), good downstacking (not just the combo bs) is essential if you want to win.
☠  crzy242


Blockbox Beacuase its where i started and i can still learn a lot from it!


Crap i missed the nullpo button umm can i redo this?
But still i like the self esteem on people in TF which is why i get into a lot of arguements   but it can get annoying. Nullpo is best for NO LAGGING! I dont like how in bb it lags a lot for me which is why i md so much and toj well that game got ruined when they took out the das patch and i can read what people are saying
"Given the real thing and an indistinguishable fake, which is worth more"- Gaen Izuko (Nisemonogatari)
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."- Aristotle


Quote from: jemm_4
Crap i missed the nullpo button umm can i redo this?
But still i like the self esteem on people in TF which is why i get into a lot of arguements   but it can get annoying. Nullpo is best for NO LAGGING! I dont like how in bb it lags a lot for me which is why i md so much and toj well that game got ruined when they took out the das patch and i can read what people are saying
das patch is back
☠  crzy242


Quote from: jemm_4
Crap i missed the nullpo button umm can i redo this?

would you like a side of epic to that fail?


Quote from: EnFuego
Tetris friends has very little appeal to me because I have no need for a self-esteem boost that comes from beating noobs all day.

Oh that's strange, I see more than 2/3rds of hdo4 finalists on tf about every time I go there....

(I'm not saying tf is a better game tho)


Quote from: mippo
Oh that's strange, I see more than 2/3rds of hdo4 finalists on tf about every time I go there....

(I'm not saying tf is a better game tho)

Right because whenever I am on all the good people line up and wait to battle me on TF. The rooms are never full and it automatically connects me to where the good people are without any effort at all. And these are magic rooms that don't have handicrapping and disallow noobs from entering so I don't have to deal with them.


That's pretty conclusive if you asked me :/.



Blockbox for the win! <69>
My awesome downstacking guide, last updated (Jan 29, 2013): Downstacker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tired of the same old Tetris games? Read my idea for a revamped Tetris game! The Next


Quote from: mippo
Oh that's strange, I see more than 2/3rds of hdo4 finalists on tf about every time I go there....

(I'm not saying tf is a better game tho)
It's easier to find a random shite game on TFA, cause there's always 1500 random lvl20s around that will at least allow you to play someone who will pretend to be able to add lines. If you keep an eye on it nowadays, it's getting steadily easier to find games on nullpo too.... Also, a lot of people just lurk on TFA and talk  


Quote from: AgamemnonIf you keep an eye on it nowadays, it's getting steadily easier to find games on nullpo too....
That's true! It might be a product of the new member count at the top of the chatbox, saves you the sh!t of having to go on every 10 minutes to check, itll just let you know if there's anyone on.  



i gotta give my vote to blockbox
Morpheus: What are you waiting for? You're faster than this. Don't think you are, know you are. Come on!


1  bb
2  tf
3 toj
4 nullpo

i never play  nullpo, its glitchy, and freezes my computer like mad, this thread makes nullpo appear way more popular than it really is,

i put toj and tf as almost a tie i just stopped playing toj cause of the inconsistency of the patch working and stuff

btw u like me and ninja's pictures
"Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda


Quote from: DannyBars
this thread makes nullpo appear way more popular than it really is,
How exactly? It's an open poll and there have beena  decent number a voters (per most forums I'm active on). The general consensus (so far, and probably in the future) is that nullpo is better. It may not have as many players but that's not the question, for most people it functions perfectly. It wasnt a question of popularity, it was a question of function and in that sense (with a few exceptions of course) nullpo is winning.

It does have a considerably smaller fan base than, say, TF but the game itself is much better.

Not exactly sure what you mean in saying this poll makes nullpo seem more "popular" than it really is.



Quote from: EnFuego
Right because whenever I am on all the good people line up and wait to battle me on TF. The rooms are never full and it automatically connects me to where the good people are without any effort at all. And these are magic rooms that don't have handicrapping and disallow noobs from entering so I don't have to deal with them.

These so called magic rooms without handicapping are called E+.
Also if you befriend some people from here, you actually CAN find rooms with good people quite easily.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter, I was only responding to your comment about beating noobs all day.