Kowalis - weird japanese tetris game

Started by Wojtek, August 17, 2010, 10:09:07 AM

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This one is kinda wierd.

Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


LOL, i still don't completely get it!
[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's


Sooooo weird; got to level 11 and had to go. Those white pieces are a pain in the....
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Can you change your controls?
And what's the point? I don't get it.


So... What would tetris be like if gravity destroyed the pieces @.@?


o______o apparently the white blocks have no weight... and the black single blocks have infinite weight

failed at lv 2...........


Well, that wasn't the best Tetris variant I've played, but it passed the time . I got caught by surprise when the garbage started in row 20, and died shortly after.


I like this one , i could get up to level 12...


I dunno if you noticed  but you can "use" the pieces by rotating them agains the wall so if youre not happy with a piece you can change it to a 3-block piece or a 2 block-piece and it will fit anywhere.


i noticed this! it is especially good for the white blocks. You can just spin it against the wall to make it into one block to fit somewhere or to completely disolve! ha!


Okay, here is how the game works.

Game has cascade gravity, and scores combos with cascades.

However, all pieces stick.

But all pieces have weight.  The more blocks are in a piece (with a few exceptions) the more weight the piece has.  WHen pieces are soft dropped, they cause damage to other pieces and themsleves based on their weight.

the single black brick has really heavy weight, and if soft dropped will often break part stuff adn dissolve on it's own.

White pieces (these are alway tetraminos) have zero weight, and wil not drop down if lines are cleared below them. They will also support other pieces that are stuck to them. They never cause damage when dropped.

Black with outline pieces (also always tetraminos) have negative weight. they will float UPWARDS if they are not stuck to another pieces. they often break apart and have the top part float up. they also support others the same way whites do.  They also never cause damage when dropped.

When clearing a level, all pieces except whites and the single black piece are removed, and 10 lines of garbage are dropped in.  This is why white pieces are such pains.

When pieces are rotated, if they rub against another piece, both are weakened, and if they rub against the side while rotating, they are weakened. you can shave off pieces this way.  If you completely destroy the active piece (very advisable if you cannot clear a line with it and it's a white or negative gravity piece) you will et a -2000 point penalty.

Sufficiently weakened blocks will break away and cascade down. and even weaker ones will crumble.  Use this to set up cascades for massive points.

Clearing ALL grey blocks also scores massive points, and guarantees a level completion when time runs out. Other wise, you must fill the experience bar to level, and if the time bar fills you lose the active piece, get a Time Out, and are penalized some points i think.

The game is designed for score attacking, but as long as you destroy or use the white and black ones to clear, you can survive very easily.  In later levels, simply dropping the large pieces can cause major damage, and long cascades. Eventually grey garbage lines will leave behind some grey weak bricks when cleared. These can help with more cascades, or get in the way.

When the bonus bar is filled, you can play the bonus game. You are a sattelite with a laser. It blasts away colored blocks quickly, but garbage slowly.  If you let it reach the bottom, you get a large bonus, and all garbage blocks become loose, for major cascade power. But if you crash it instead, you will clear the board, and then get the clear all garbage bonus after the next piece your drop. It's up to you. Cascades help fill the bonus bar,even ones that don't clear lines.


I got to level 11 then got bored and went back to NullpoMino.


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Tetris Online Poland