Tetris vs T-Spin

Started by NoManual, August 13, 2010, 01:15:55 AM

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I`m pretty new here, don`t know that much about Tetris, only that I`ve played it for 10 years. I wonder what T-Spin is all about? Is it to get more points in Marathon, or like toss more lines at your opponent in a 1v1?
I play the Tetris DS version atm, wondering to maybe get the Tetris Party Deluxe (any recomandations would be great  ).

And one more thing.. Is there any records for Tetris DS Mission Time Trial?

*My goal under 1:00 *
40L = 28.71
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Aw man, I thought this thread was gonna be about arguing what's better, Tetris or T-spin?
Oh well...


Quote from: NoManual
I`m pretty new here, don`t know that much about Tetris, only that I`ve played it for 10 years. I wonder what T-Spin is all about? Is it to get more points in Marathon, or like toss more lines at your opponent in a 1v1?
I play the Tetris DS version atm, wondering to maybe get the Tetris Party Deluxe (any recomandations would be great  ).

And one more thing.. Is there any records for Tetris DS Mission Time Trial?
*My goal under 1:00 *

t-spins give more points and toss more lines in a 1v1 than a tetris
to learn more about them, you can do a forum search on t-spins or read the wiki on t-spins

for your last question, check the records and see if it is there or not


I have TPD and I really like it. Much faster and more game types than TDS! I haven't gotten to try the online play yet however


Quote from: ManOfMiracles
Aw man, I thought this thread was gonna be about arguing what's better, Tetris or T-spin?
Oh well...

No reason not to.
Questions been answered sufficiently so might as well make usage of this thread. I'm kinda curious about what people think is an efficient ratio of T-spins and Tetrises, considering that it's possible to set up both easily as long as you stack stack stack.


i think 1:1 is pretty good ratio. or 1/3 tetris, 2/3 tspin.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Aww I thought that it'll be a debate too...T-spin is more suited for comboers IMO,and Tetrises are more suited if you're used to cleaner lines and to deal faster damages...

Though I really suck at T-Spin and I'm not used to the setups OTL.So I could only do tetrises,urgh.But if I knew how to T-spin instinctively,I would use the ratio mentioned above,but for now,I don't.


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Quote from: Raikozu
T-spin is more suited for comboers IMO,
WTH does this mean? Comboers can't handle the hordcoreness of t-spins.
Quote from: Raikozu
Tetrises are more suited if you're used to cleaner lines and to deal faster damages...
Cleaner stacks I'll give you that, but faster damages? Yeah right.   Stacking for t-spins is much faster, because t-spins takes half the pieces as a tetris. I can stack for t-spins much more faster than tetrises. That's why T-spins are my choice of attack.


I thought the best part of t-spins (TSDs) is that they combine well with tetrises for your attacks, exactly because they both need different pieces.
So I don't see it as either or, but more making extra use of all the pieces that are available.


I still only use tetrises for my online play (TDS, dont think there is a t-spin or any spin bonus in this game). Tetris stacking works pretty well for me tho, (maybe only playing against noobs?) my wi-fi rating is around 6.5k now, started 2 days ago  (yes im addicted lol).. But is it only for marathon mode and line clear (modes with points) t-spin will get usefull? only in TDS tho, dont know about any other game, but going to buy TPD today tho ;D
40L = 28.71
My Blog


I have both Tetris DS and Tetris Party Deluxe..
I'd say.. if you moved from Tetris DS -> a PC game you'd enjoy TPD  

TPD is more about the other spins, and they count combos.. I think? Plus it's faster than Tetris DS which I like.

Um and for Tetris vs T-spin, Tetrises are easier to set up but Tspins give out messier garbage .. and are more fun to do.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: ohitsstef
Tetrises are easier to set up but Tspins give out messier garbage .. and are more fun to do.
And far more exciting to watch with players of mediocre (not sub40) speed.
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