
Started by Kendomo, August 10, 2010, 08:07:57 PM

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Hello Hard Drop! My name is Kendomo.

I'm a long time player of Tetris DS, and have just gotten into Tetris Friends.
I recently saw Friends linking here so i decided to join!
I hope to make alot of videos, in fact here is one of me reaching level 20 and the bonus level on tetris friends.
Think of this as an exhibition video.

Well thanks for having me and i hope to be an active member.  


My awesome downstacking guide, last updated (Jan 29, 2013): Downstacker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tired of the same old Tetris games? Read my idea for a revamped Tetris game! The Next


heya ken, welcome to HD =).  Nice video, invisible kicks my butt too.


Oh hai there. You should venture into *better* versions of computer Tetris than Tetris Friends. The other three big games here are Blockbox, Tetris Online Japan, and my personal favorite, NullpoMino. Links to downloads and game guides are all pinned on http://harddrop.com/forums/index.php?showforum=17 .


que pasa, amigo

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Hello everything thanks for thanks for the welcomes!

Also thanks coolman, lately Tetris Friends has been annoying me so i'll check out the other games!


hey tetris friend.


Hey there
Will we be seeing you in TF Arena or the nullpo lobby? If so, as whom?
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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


Hey Kendomo! Nice to meet you!

Cool vid, how did you record it in HD and all?

See you in TF or Nullpo some time