How to look ahead in tetris

Started by Tchux, August 05, 2010, 03:34:59 AM

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Quote from: lmartins
I do that all the time
Discovering a missdrop from earlier when not paying enough attention >_<


I look at the shadow of the current piece im dropping, i look at the previews with my periphs.

I used to think i didn't use previews but I can't play that well with less than 3 previews when I tried. Basically I use the previews subconsciously.

This is how I think it works when learning tetris (at least for me):

When you first play tetris you focus on the controls and how to put the pieces down, so your mind is on the current piece

Then you start putting your pieces down in a more organized manner
and you start to look for important pieces in your previews, like an I piece for a tetris.

Then eventually after being accustomed to so many situations, you know exactly what pieces to look for to put in your current field, and you look for pieces that you need that are not as obvious as an I piece for a tetris.

Then after hours and hours of practice, all of this you do subconsciously.

When it becomes subconscious you start to see the bigger picture. In vs you think okay I need to make a tetris or a tspin, then you do it. you don't think of the process anymore you just think about the goal and your brain does it  for you.