Expert HD Mode (Tetris Friends)

Started by Blink, August 01, 2010, 09:25:20 PM

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If you are someone who has mastered double rotate, that is not a minor problem. Its hard to play when you keep pressing a button that does nothing whenever you see opportunities to double rotate.


Heh, got my edit in too slow.

As far as using AHK goes, the system I proposed would be a little better since it would happen instantly and test the other direction if 2x CW fails. I guess another way they could approach it is disable kicks when using the 180? Different kick tables for 180s? Someone is going to have to explain to me at some point how Nullpomino's 180 kicks work, too. Did they calculate them mathematically like how "true SRS" does and then just store shove them in a big array to make "the kick table?" I guess I need to try to dive into the source code and get confused without English comments to save me.

I don't know, SRS is kind of retarded. This would be a lot easier to balance if the kicks didn't go all the hell over the place.
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i might like to see a rule preventing combos from being a valid strategy at the start, it would make for more fun matches, as long as combos arnt banned all across tf, they still need to be allowed in some rooms

and no line clear delay, and perhaps a faster soft drop

ive mastered double and both left and right rotations and it is frustrating not to be able to double, but i live with it
"Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda


I think they should only use kicks that are logical and not ones that teleport like the z teleport i posted in "create your own set-ups" thread.

Yeah that would be better than AHK to simulate 2 rotates but its still just as lame.

@DannyBars I think double rotate is a necessary control and shouldn't be left out of the game. I think tetris should be like keyblox and have a key for every movement xD but like keys for 2left 2right, 3left 3 right n such. Then people who don't know how to use that can play normally by setting their controls. That way we are not forced to waste time pressing the same key twice in a row


Things get tricky due to symmetry, but I think maybe they could handcraft a kick table that doesn't do retarded things like +1 from symmetry and +1 from kick and push I's through walls.
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They won't, I predict never seeing 180 rotate in TF ever lol.


however many lines you send is how many points you earn towards rankiing up ( probly only good for platnums only)
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The slow drop speed and lack of sonic drop is a balancing factor against spins.

If sonic drop is implemented it must be on for all, and spins need reducing in power to compensate.

Allowing people to increase their soft drop speed affects everyone.  Increasing it strengthens spinning relative to other tactics.

I think t-spinning is powerful enough as is, and woudl dominate if drop speed were increasedl.

I think best way to handle it would be

a) reward all twists.
b) use immobile algo, it detects all true twists equally.
c) +1 line for twist, provided you clear a line with it.

After this, it should be safe to increase drop speed.

Sonic drop alo helps out tetrising some, by allownig you to fix overhangs rapidly, which is useful in tetris stacking, but the boost to t-spinning is much greater.


I find it amusing how many posters in this thread have arrived at "if it challenges my favourite strategy, it must be stopped!"
If you like 'as is', we don't even care. They're asking what we want changed for a separate mode.

@zaphod77; if you had read through the thread, you'd see a table showing the comparative strengths of combos in different games; TFA added the +1 at 1st combo, without telling anybody. The other games do it at 2nd combo. With MUCH faster softdrop. That's called balance. You just like your combos.

@everybody (and I guess there's been many) who dislikes the idea of all-spins: learn it? You complain it's complicated, but everybody else has had to learn. Nobody tells you to play this mode. It's an alternative mode that they ask for, and many of us ask it to be an option, not a necessity, for all rooms in this difficulty.

@those who say they need softdrop to fix mistakes: STOP MISDROPPING! How freakin hard can it be?!? (ok, it's much harder on TFA, but that's a different problem. If they can make das and flash work out without lag, it'd be like any other good tetris game...)

..and yeah, double rotate isn't really necessary without all-spins...

[/rant off for now]

More importantly; trash should be distributed, not randomized. Games that are supposed to be based around skill should never EVER use random rewards or punishments... Skill =/= random!


playing with spins rewards and without spin rewards is a totally different game though. So I understand people wanting to stick with other systems. But I think there should be an option to accommodate those who play with all spins.


tetris vs tspins as tspins clear less lines and thus result in more line clear delays than a tetris.

sort of. All line clear delay is one second.
Tspin sends 4 lines, for 1 second of line clear delay
Tetris sends 4 lines, for 1 second of line clear delay.

If your stack is low then it wouldnt matter

Quote from: Kitaru
. Did they calculate them mathematically like how "true SRS" does and then just store shove them in a big array to make "the kick table?"

I'm guessing that they simply did the following ->
rotate the piece right (doesnt matter if it is in illegal position).
rotate the piece right (doesnt matter if it is in illegal position).

Go through all the kick tables for position 2->3  if the original position was 1 and turning piece right adds 1 to position.

After iterationg through kick tables if still in illegal position then unrotate piece twice.

Using this method the I piece behaviour (teleport through walls) can be achieved.

Therefore, without looking at source code i believe this is the implementation.

Anti all-spins argument

all spins is not spectator friendly.
Also there is the "send more than you can downstack" argument. If you simply do any spin whenever possible, it is possible to just play aggressively and create spins out of every downstack. The problem with this is that ALL Spins ON sends more than you clear (each line u clear would send 2 lines) and this is a problem because it reduces the longetivity of games.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Clarifying my original post, I'm in favor of a cap at 4 for combos, but also starting on step one.

0,1,1,1,2 etc. (proposal)
0,1,1,2,2 (current)
0,0,1,1,2 (TOJ?)

The logic is that chained B2Bs should be worth more, and you shouldn't have to downstack a sequence of three singles to send a single line.

As for opinions against certain game mechanics, I don't favor EZ spins. I'm guessing I'm in the minority there. Sliding and kicking when the same piece could be rotated and then harddropped just doesn't work for me.


Quote from: XaeL
Therefore, without looking at source code i believe this is the implementation.
Well, no, I know they have a separate kick table in both Heboris and Nullpomino. I've looked at the source of both. I was more trying to divine how they arrived at it since there is no precedent in a guideline game.
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Quote from: chopin
Regarding All Spins, I'm kind of shaky on the idea introduced to Tetris Friends at this time. Currently a great Tetriser can beat a good Tetris/Spinner, but with All Spins, Tetrisers will not stand a chance. (Not to mention also that 96% of people don't even know basic twists yet i.e. Z-twist).

Quoted for the truth.
Overall I'm glad they gave us the option to change things, but I'm just wary of changing the entire dynamic so that it's just basically another tetris varient. The current rule settings I'm pretty happy with... Though I've no idea what sonic drop is.


What about the afterimages of the Tetriminos on J-Spin, L-Spin, S-Spin, Z-Spin, and I-Spin?