Expert HD Mode (Tetris Friends)

Started by Blink, August 01, 2010, 09:25:20 PM

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Okay, so they're not offering to get rid of Flash, but they should still do something about the dropped inputs.  I kind of half wonder if the reason for the dropped inputs isn't because people used to cheat by opening multiple browser windows and bogging down their computer to take advantage, so maybe they changed it so inputs would be dropped when the Flash lags to prevent people from cheating.  If that's the case, people aren't going to cheat like that in live multiplayer though, so if it's possible to not have the inputs dropped it would be way better for fast players that play by muscle memory rather than what they see the piece doing on the screen.

I definitely agree the combos need to be somewhat weaker.  I would prefer it if combo tables depended on the total number of lines cleared in combination rather than the number of lineclears, because it seems crazy to me that a combo of 12 singles is worth so much more than a combo of 3 tetrises.


Is input dropped because the game runs at a low framerate? We're normally used to 60fps where our inputs are read 60 times a minute. If the game ran at say half speed, then our inputs get mixed up. Eg. you pressed A, B, C but the game could read A and B (or B and C) together in the same frame.

Do the people who experience no lag have a high-end computer? Perhaps this should be discussed in another thread. TF lag + comp specs anyone?

I know next to nothing about games and this is just my wild guess as to what's happening.


I actually have a pretty decent computer(3.6Ghz, 4GB RAM, and a Radeon 4870 HD graphics card) and I experience lag ALOT. I think it has something to do with the most recent update/changes when teams was added. Before this I rarely lagged at all on TF.  

Not sure what all can be changed for the "HD" option.  But this is what I would like to see(all of these have been mentioned):

No Line clear delay
Faster soft drop
Change the targeting/ garbage system. Targeting at times seems unfair if you say get targeted by 2 ppl at one time, or if you have ppl that want to target who their garbage goes to(remove the crosshair?) Reduce the time the target is on each player, maybe 1 sec. 2 at the most. Or like some have mentioned make it send to all?
All spins option would be a nice feature- maybe make it an on or off option
180 Spins--- YES
I think that these type of changes will make for a smoother gameplay, TF always seems to be a little rough when playing and it would be nice to have the feel of the game be faster and smoother.
Oh, I read someone post about no handicapping(there isn't this in E+ already, right?) Definitely do not like handicapping players!
And yes I also agree that the combo system could be reduced and have a max, sending 50 lines for a combo 13(or whatever it was I read earlier) does seem quite excessive! Max it out at 4 or 5.

Ok, thats all I can think of atm.

Maybe a nice Harddrop background?
☠ Jennr246


Quote from: DAS44
Oh and I think we should have the option of using "'no solid garbage"outside of private rooms.
Nothing more annoying than losing because of the damn solid garbage. I understand having solid garbage in ffa rooms, but in 1v1 rooms, it shouldn't be there.


Quote from: EnFuego
You have valid points but I think we can separate and expert plus mode and an expert HD mode. Expert HD mode shouldn't hold you back at how fast you can play. Stay at expert plus if you want to handicap faster players.
Sonic Drop:
I guess it makes sense to enable people who want this to have it. Although, like Blink, I would prefer to be able to soft drop pieces into places. A separate key would please everyone I guess.

Line Clear Delay:
I guess I just like that there are limits in speed in TF that are more realistic and approachable for players than in other tetris games. I like that after a point speed doesn't really matter at the top and you can focus on other elements of your game.

I don't understand why there should be no line clear delay... Removes an element of the game =\.

I guess you are right and I can just stick to e+ but I just think HD rules should be the most Balanced possible rather than the fastest possible (which in my mind is not balanced).

Heres an idea of HD rules though: Why not remove the rising garbage? HD games should last until someone WINS, not until someone tspins when there is 5 lines left to play with.


Quote from: Ravendarksky
Instant death when you top out OR allow people to try and save by placing blocks as the screen rises
(Currently it allows you to place a block but in reality you are dead. Many people notice this when being killed while halfway through dropping an i stick into a hole)
I know this may be OT, but this is extremely annoying.

Anyway any idea what "What we love about Tetris Friends" he is talking about? This one?

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The first one can be completed out of order to combo two singles as well.

I think Chopin is the only one that has shown me anything that major warranting soft drop use: Prophecy setups using an O. Personally, as far as the slow misdrop solutions go, I can't think of any reason I'd ever actually need or want to use them.

EDIT: This works better than what you have if you're still really intent on doing it that way.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


I like most everything that's been mentioned...although I do agree with Mippo I think until we can test a lot of it it's hard to say for sure how it will all work.  As far as solid garbage goes though I do think there should be something but maybe limit it to like 8 lines high instead of going right to the top.  A lot of my biggest issues with TF are the stalling/new terribad garbage system so with those changed I think I'd be happy.  Again though I think we should all be able to test these out...which is why I recommended on the forums when they did this new garbage system that they should no longer have the power.  Allow the players to have sliders for different settings so each game could be customized more or less.  There'd be a default I think most would use and then us HD ppl would come up with settings we like the most or that would become common.  Although that's too logical as usual.


A lot of good ideas here.  

Fix the lag/dropped input problem.
TOJ garbage system.
Remove line clear delay.
Faster soft drop.


As expected there are alot of differing opinions, but so far everyone seems to be on the same page about the following:

Changes to Expert PLUS:

+ Combo sends garbage starting on combo 2 rather than 1
+ Max combo garbage capped at 4
+ EZ T-spins send 1 line instead of 0
+ Garbage hole is changed on each attack rather than on each add to the field.
+ No or reduced line clear delay
+ Faster SoftDropping
+ No auto-handicapping whatsoever
+ Garbage to all in teams mode
+ Faster targetting movement

I'm going to relay this over to him and see if we can start beta testing the mode sometime in the near future.  From there, we'll make any needed adjustments.


Quote from: Kitaru

I think Chopin is the only one that has shown me anything that major warranting soft drop use.

Yeah, I guess you can always just dig through it. I would like to feel confident soft dropping though! It should be an option when i want it to be. Waiting for the gravity is just ridiculous. Fast soft drop makes careful piece placement difficult.

Here is what I'd have done.


All spins are a must! Amagami and Party Deluxe were only humble beginnings in SRS spin recognition!

Also, anything that can help improve my 40L timeplayer's skills is go

(Forgot about NO auto-handicapping)


no all spins thanks

i like blink's list. what about no rising garbage?


line clear 0
less combos.
more lines sent for tst's
no sonic drop just faster.
all spins
<div style="overflow: hidden; background-image: url(;background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 285px; height: 85px;position:relative;"><span style="width:60px;height:85px;float:left;overflow: hidden;margin-top:10px;margin-left:10px;"><a href="http://hard


Again, I think that soft drop/sonic drop will have to be custom tuning options for each individual.

Regarding 180 spins, I feel the same way about it as All Spins. We should work on fine-tuning the game to run smoothly first. We should wait at least until T-Spins are more developed amongst SRS Tetris players first before introducing 180 spins and rewarding all twists. The progress is too sudden in my opinion.