Expert HD Mode (Tetris Friends)

Started by Blink, August 01, 2010, 09:25:20 PM

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Now I'm confused. First they said they were creating ExpertHD then they said they were changing Expert+, so which is it? I would rather they improve Expert+ for now because what's the point of ExpertHD if it's just going to replace Expert+. Are they planning to lock ExpertHD for lvl20s? If not, I think everyone would be playing it and Expert+ will be abandoned and become a useless option.

And I agree with Chopin, small changes first, bigger changes should come later.

TOJ's targetting is fast. I think it was 1 second per target. How long is TF's? I like how they change settings to be different from TOJ and all of these changes end up as complaints. ;D They had a perfectly good game which they could have used right off the bat. I hope this is a good lesson learnt.


Quote from: ManOfMiracles
I completely agree. Just look at the Arena leaderboards. 95 players on there are max. That leaderboard doesn't really show who's the best. And Plat rooms aren't what they use to be. There are plenty of players that are not that good yet they are still there. There really needs to be a 5th rank. I'm just too tired of playing shitty players.

A 5th rank would mean that players would need to do more grinding to get to and thus have to play shitty players. If you want to see how good you are and how you rank let me direct you here:

Quote from: KeroKai
While it's cool that this is all for the elite. There are still medium based players like myself that would like an improved version of E+ in regards to combos/garbage.  If targetting is removed. Garbage to all should be an option rather than compulsory in the game. Otherwise, you're essentially locking out players from these supposedly improved game mechanics that people wish to draw attention to on how it's superior.

Why do people insist on target based systems? If you need to target the best player to win that isn't real skill. Getting lucky and winning is pointless and getting unlucky and losing is frustrating. This is a no win situation. But if you don't want your opinion to matter on the "HD elite mode" and want to have expert changed you can always bi*** complain in this thread:

Quote from: meow
Now I'm confused. First they said they were creating ExpertHD then they said they were changing Expert+, so which is it? I would rather they improve Expert+ for now because what's the point of ExpertHD if it's just going to replace Expert+. Are they planning to lock ExpertHD for lvl20s? If not, I think everyone would be playing it and Expert+ will be abandoned and become a useless option.

And I agree with Chopin, small changes first, bigger changes should come later.

TOJ's targetting is fast. I think it was 1 second per target. How long is TF's? I like how they change settings to be different from TOJ and all of these changes end up as complaints. ;D They had a perfectly good game which they could have used right off the bat. I hope this is a good lesson learnt.

Because TF is trying to make everyone happy. If they separate it into an HD mode the people who play expert+ can't complain about that. The effort on behalf of TF is appreciated but I am not going to hold my breath until they make the game up to the high harddrop standards.


Well... They got us good DAS, they brought back IRS/IHS, -- which, although it isn't 100% correct, definitely takes care of line clear delay eating preemptive inputs -- they've come this far with Expert and Expert+, and it looks like they're willing to keep trying to take steps toward the game that players want to see. Maybe it is foolish or unreasonable to expect everything to move smoothly, -- DAS settings took something like two years and three days to show up, and IRS/IHS about as long to come back gimped -- but I think we can hold out a little hope knowing that they're putting in an effort to meet player requests.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


they are updating now...

they're adding new friends features and updating the closed beta server
whatever that means...

i don't expect they're already implementing the HD mode?


Quote from: EnFuego
Because TF is trying to make everyone happy. If they separate it into an HD mode the people who play expert+ can't complain about that. The effort on behalf of TF is appreciated but I am not going to hold my breath until they make the game up to the high harddrop standards.

But the changes listed by Blink aren't even for the elite people, they're changes that improve expert+ mode overall, and I think those changes would make everyone happy.


Quote from: Agamemnon

@zaphod77; if you had read through the thread, you'd see a table showing the comparative strengths of combos in different games; TFA added the +1 at 1st combo, without telling anybody. The other games do it at 2nd combo. With MUCH faster softdrop. That's called balance. You just like your combos.

Actually, I believe combos are too strong in TF.  I wasnt' arguing with the suggestions about reducing their power.

The speed of the soft drop directly affects how fast a player can t-spin, though.

Adding in sonic drop would result in a massive speed increase to t-spinners, which would make it much more powerful.

Therefor a nerf in spinning needs to be done if people don't have to wait a full second to soft drop  the T down to the bottom.


Quote from: meow
But the changes listed by Blink aren't even for the elite people, they're changes that improve expert+ mode overall, and I think those changes would make everyone happy.

I would think so also. I completely agree that the proposed expertHD makes the most logical sense, but if everyone else agreed these would have been the standard from the start.


I don't feel like reading through all of the pages before. But perhaps instead of having an Expert HD mode, we could convince them to have HD options, were we could select which of the options we'd want a room to have. This makes it where people could have: sonic drop, or just a faster soft drop; Reduce combos, or leave them alone; as well as all of the other things people couldn't agree on.


Quote from: ThePiper
But perhaps instead of having an Expert HD mode, we could convince them to have HD options, were we could select which of the options we'd want a room to have. This makes it where people could have: sonic drop, or just a faster soft drop; Reduce combos, or leave them alone; as well as all of the other things people couldn't agree on.

I completely agree. Having options interchangeable between each game is better than one single rule that some like and some do not. The more customizable the rooms, the better. I sure hope we do not have to pay for this...


Quote from: ThePiper
I don't feel like reading through all of the pages before. But perhaps instead of having an Expert HD mode, we could convince them to have HD options, were we could select which of the options we'd want a room to have. This makes it where people could have: sonic drop, or just a faster soft drop; Reduce combos, or leave them alone; as well as all of the other things people couldn't agree on.
My thinking is that, there will be so many differences in what people want (considering their particular game of choice) there will be a clutter of rooms, and few people in each. If there are x number of possibilities, chances are there will be loads of rooms and certain rooms would attract certain people. While I understand why you'd say that. I think it should be one rule.

People would gravitate to their preferences and that would screw with the number of people in these adjusted rooms, kinda sucks playing 2 player in a 6p room...



Quote from: DAS44
My thinking is that, there will be so many differences in what people want (considering their particular game of choice) there will be a clutter of rooms, and few people in each. If there are x number of possibilities, chances are there will be loads of rooms and certain rooms would attract certain people. While I understand why you'd say that. I think it should be one rule.

People would gravitate to their preferences and that would screw with the number of people in these adjusted rooms, kinda sucks playing 2 player in a 6p room...

As it is now, I already gravitate to certain options. If it were only sonic drop in E-HD I probably wouldn't play it.


Quote from: DAS44
My thinking is that, there will be so many differences in what people want (considering their particular game of choice) there will be a clutter of rooms, and few people in each. If there are x number of possibilities, chances are there will be loads of rooms and certain rooms would attract certain people. While I understand why you'd say that. I think it should be one rule.

People would gravitate to their preferences and that would screw with the number of people in these adjusted rooms, kinda sucks playing 2 player in a 6p room...

Yes, this is a fault with many options. However, a simple fix for this is noticing what types of rooms are already made. Instead of making yet another six-player all spin sonic drop room, take a look at the room list and notice the other three of them. I still think it's funny to see three two-player rooms with one player in each room.


Quote from: ThePiper
As it is now, I already gravitate to certain options. If it were only sonic drop in E-HD I probably wouldn't play it.

i doubt it... you probably would unless you want to continue playing with lesser players; really when expert HD comes out there shouldnt be an excuse to not play it

people always want to get better, and learning to sonic drop would be part of that


Quote from: Noogy
i doubt it... you probably would unless you want to continue playing with lesser players; really when expert HD comes out there shouldnt be an excuse to not play it

people always want to get better, and learning to sonic drop would be part of that

Not all the elites would move to sonic drop. You're sacrificing control for speed. I'd rather have control. And if people stopped playing without sonic drop I'd probably just leave tf.


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can we get anti-hacker support?

EDIT: maybe a sound pack too? i like the fire truck sounds in nullpo