Hello Tetris Woooorld!

Started by colorhapsody, July 25, 2010, 12:13:29 AM

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Hi! Just saying hello. Well, I grew up watching my older sister play tetris for hours and unfortunately I get addicted to things pretty easily so this game has basically been my summer occupation. I'm relatively a noob though, so I'm looking forward to sifting through and reading the forums to get all the help that's out there. I'm a college student from the US majoring in Philosophy and if anyone's into that, we should discuss! I also love drawing, art, and manga. Nice to meet everyone; I'm excited to play and improve!
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I'm a professional philosopher. I make 200k a year with this gig.


Pfft at miracles... welcome to the site!!

Tetris DS: 162047 665731


Quote from: ManOfMiracles
I'm a professional philosopher. I make 200k a year with this gig.
I'm a food critic and I get paid 450K a year, put that in your pipe and smoke it

Welcome to HD color




I do know one philosophy prof that makes $200K/a, so it's not impossible to make money in philosophy, just not very likely, but I don't think most people go into philosophy for the money.  I took a few philosophy courses in undergrad and grad school, and they were my favourite courses.


WELCOME COLOR!!!!!! psshtt ignore them they all r idiots XD after all u noe me best


Bahahaha well Aristotle definitely put Happiness (via philosophy) before money. And I could go into law or teaching? idkidk i'm only a kid.

Thanks for all the greetings ^^
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Oh god, don't become a lawyer... get a job that doesnt suck your soul out of you.

Yeah I have issues with lawyers ambulance chasers



i took a college philosophy class in college and i got 100 percent in the course i didnt lose one point the entire sememster

"Do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda


DAS44: Ok, sometimes maybe I'd have to play the devil's advocate and defend something I don't believe in, but I'm attracted to the idea of doing pro bono work for, say, small organic farmers who can't afford to go against big corporate farms! ARGH it just makes me so angry when money triumphs over something that is obviously justified. lol so that's my pitch for lawyers, not that I'd actually go into it anyways-- doesn't suit my personality.

I'll just double major to make everyone happy..something that makes big bucks... ;-)
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Quote from: DAS44
Oh god, don't become a lawyer... get a job that doesnt suck your soul out of you.

Yeah I have issues with lawyers ambulance chasers

LMAO!!!!! too true too true


Hey, welcome to hd! I currently major in philosophy too, doing my final master year after the summer vacation. Nevermind the haters here, "hoi polloi" as Heraclitus would say    Nothing wrong with becoming a functionary of mankind   (eventhough it doesn't pay )


Quote from: colorhapsody
DAS44: Ok, sometimes maybe I'd have to play the devil's advocate and defend something I don't believe in, but I'm attracted to the idea of doing pro bono work for, say, small organic farmers who can't afford to go against big corporate farms! ARGH it just makes me so angry when money triumphs over something that is obviously justified. lol so that's my pitch for lawyers, not that I'd actually go into it anyways-- doesn't suit my personality.
That works :p



Dude, ColorHapsody is pro!!!!!!!! She won't stop beating me.


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