The One Year Challenge: BLINDFOLDED 40 lines

Started by bach_of_tetris, July 07, 2010, 10:36:00 PM

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Do you think that I can do it?

42 (67.7%)
14 (22.6%)
"Perhaps, considering your personal ability vs. the allotted period of time its plausible that... wait! no, there's no way."
6 (9.7%)

Total Members Voted: 63


Quote from: Someone2knoe
If the piece previews have specific sounds then its possible. Otherwise nope. Unless you are psychic.

What game will you do this on?
i think hes gonna do it on nullpomino with TGM sounds, so its possible
☠  crzy242


Then I believe he can do it. I think I could do it in a month if I wanted to.


40L = 28.71
My Blog


☠  crzy242


Quote from: BentoBoxer
Bach, I think you just might be able to pull this off. You see, the brain is a transmitter as well as a receiver. All you have to do is switch the frequency of your brain and the minos will conform to the will of your mind. It's all very simple once you get the hang of it, you just have to believe in yourself

"I am dreaming less and sleeping more, but I'll sell my soul for the dream you stole." - Armor for Sleep


Quote from: mippo

maybe you should try and beat blazen's invisible mino sprint on tf first

Easy stuff
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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.



hmm i kinda want to try.. it would be possible with sound to hear piece placement
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this would totally not work on tnet lol but wow you're crazy! coming up with such an idea lol gl to you!
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Bach, I find this quite interesting, being the psycho that I am, I once too imagined the possibilities of blindfolded Tetris. In Chess it isn't hard, since the board is composed by columns and rows and these have an assigned number and letter, so perhaps what you intend on doing is to develop your spacial intelligence to its fullest extent by imagining every piece in its location. You can do the row and column technique in Tetris and I assume you have an appointed sound for each piece, so your only concern should be the placement, which can be practiced in Invisible mode(the best way to do it is by clearing single lines, not to stack high, or else memorizing each line clear will be overwhelming).

The column and row theory for Dummies:
You are smart, don't worry, you just need to focus when you read the following description of this technique.
First, with the field, I don't know in which clone you pretend to do this on but lets give a default number of 9 columns and 40 rows(if applying the single line clear technique as well, you don't need to worry about more than 2 rows). Once you get your first piece all you need to do is tap your way to the column you want to place it(you can take a piece to a corner and start counting from there) and follow up the sequence. If you receive an L for instance, you are aware that it will occupy 3 or 2 columns and 3 or 2 rows, and a stick will occupy 4 or 1 columns and 4 or 1 rows, having these basic things in mind you just need to add columns and rows(if you not too fond of math, just add the columns) with each piece. If you placed two sticks flat next to each other for example, you know your field has 9 columns, so there is one column left open(gap).

And to make things more interesting, I shall join this entertaining challenge, how can one be considered the best Blindfolded 40L player if there isn't more people participating, it will be "The Blindfolded 40L player" which sounds a bit dull. So to put more pressure for you it only makes sense to have a competitor(s) (jic other people decides to get IN on this).

I will record myself once I am 51% confident I can do it, let the race begin, and remember is not about being "A Blindfolded 40L tetris player" is about being "The Best Blindfolded 40L tetirs player"...and the way I see life is if I'm not first...I'm last, so good luck.

...btw, how the f*ck do I appoint a specific sound for the incoming pieces(and if possible, which tetris clones are eligible)?
☠ Apocalypse


I've done this with Nullpomino before, with the help of Paradox - he made a note for each incoming piece

I could upload the soundpack for you if you want...not today though
               Tetris Belts!


Cool Paul, awesome as always, whenever you can plz.

And also, for those of you who think this is useless and that we are all crazy, it is in fact the first step for breeding Super Tetris players. Once you get the hang of it and associate pieces with sound and timing for each piece/column movement and placement you will be using an area of your brain that will enhance your response to a Godlike level, in other words, you will be using more processors.

People always said I was crazy when I was younger, trying to fit the square piece in a circular gap, I swore to them that I would make it possible for any geometrical piece to fit in any geometrical gap ...10 yrs later I hammered and shattered the squared piece and I haven't found a gap that it doesn't fit in.
☠ Apocalypse


.Doing thing with your opposite hand...not something you need to tell an ambidextrous person here. Good luck Bach. I think it's possible if you practice hard enough.

btw, some people said it impossible because you will got no idea if the piece it's a T/L/J/O/S/Z or I, since unlike chess, you can't touch the pieces in the screen to feel it. That the toughest challenge.
"A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning."

~Pat Riley


Piece sounds give you the hints you need since they should be separate for each next piece. However, there could still be an issue since the first piece is unknown...
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