Nullpomino Guide

Started by jennr246, June 30, 2010, 09:22:55 PM

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I decided to make this thread to help players new to Nullpomino get their game up and running.  It really is a very simple process.

For Mac users
Please see this thread: by Aaron

You will need to have Java installed to play this game. Download it here:

Or you can also Download it here: for Windows 32bit for Windows 64bit

Go to the Nullpomino thread: and the very first post has the link to download Nullpo.

Because Nullpomino is still in development, it would be a good idea to check this thread weekly to see if there has been a new release.

Once you have downloaded you will need to extract to a folder of your choice. I will include a brief explanation of this, because I know there are some that do not have any experience doing this.

I use WinRAR to do this, but there are also many other programs available(7-zip is another good program). Simply click on Extract to

And Thanks Meow for the tips.

Meow's Random Tips:
* If holding down the left/right key is too slow when changing a setting such as sound volume, gravity, ARE, line clear delay etc, you can hold down Button C while pressing left/right to rapidly change the values.
* If you set a netplay server to be watched in the netplay window, it will display some numbers on the bottom right corner of the screen which tell you how many players (not sure what the numerator/denominator actually is) are online. This is useful if you're playing a single player mode.

Please read the Readme_en text document, this contains ALL the detailed information about the game(located in your main NullpoMino folder)
☠ Jennr246


yay jenn
awesome guide!
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]


whoa, this is very thorough.  great job jennr, i know this will help alot of people get started.  *stickied*


Good Work Jenn, now we can get these "how does (insert every little detail) on nullpo work" pepole off our backs. Thanks ;D
☠ ZeroT


great job jenn, very helpful! now i can play nullpoppimominoooo


before reading this thread, i did not know how to shot web. But now i can O-Spin and even beat blink in typomino! Thank you for very good guide it make me block with hole is factor of too many misdrops.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Great guide jennr246. I've got a few suggestions you might want to add.

More Java download links
Windows 32bit
Windows 64bit

Setting keys
There are different ways to do this. Personally, I would set button A and C for left rotate and button B for right rotate. Then, in the Game Tuning set A Button Rotate to Left instead of Auto. This way is more complicated than what's listed in the guide.

I think it's more correct to say that Button A is the confirm button and Button B is the cancel button because this applies universally.

Button F is useful to have. It's used to start and end practice while you are waiting in a netplay game.

Netplay tripcode
If you want to authenticate yourself, you can do so by entering username#password for your netplay nickname. When you connect to a server, it will be displayed as username !randomcharacters. Other people cannot impersonate you unless they know the password that generates the bunch of random characters.

Random Tips
* If holding down the left/right key is too slow when changing a setting such as sound volume, gravity, ARE, line clear delay etc, you can hold down Button C while pressing left/right to rapidly change the values.
* If you set a netplay server to be watched in the netplay window, it will display some numbers on the bottom right corner of the screen which tell you how many players (not sure what the numerator/denominator actually is) are online. This is useful if you're playing a single player mode.
* readme_en.txt has a lot of useful information.


very nice guides thanks guys.


good job jenn, this should bring lots and lots of new players  
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


I will be making a small brief tutorial on tripcoding, just not finished with it yet.
☠ Jennr246


whos got a trip-code uncoder

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


xael, when i post about the tripcode it will include a program that will search for certain words you would like to show up in your code. here's a link if you want to try it out:

When you run the program you'll have to change the options to use ASCII only.
Have fun!
Heck maybe i should only post this link and forget about a making a whole new thread?

OK Made the tripcode thread.
☠ Jennr246


Thank you so much for making this guide! So helpful!!


chopin wanted a grid thingy on his background, so i made it

- download this background and name it as back0.png
- open nullpo folder > res > graphics
- replace this file with the back0.png already there (the space background)
- run nullpo, and go to config > general options
- turn on show background


how do i change the H and W to 20 and 40? and hiddin H to 6? theres and option for that in the ruleedit thing. but idk how to save it
<div style="overflow: hidden; background-image: url(;background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 285px; height: 85px;position:relative;"><span style="width:60px;height:85px;float:left;overflow: hidden;margin-top:10px;margin-left:10px;"><a href="http://hard