Could anyone help me?

Started by GiGiSSiMo, June 17, 2010, 02:46:37 PM

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Hi all.
A few days ago i started to play an on line tetris but i'm only 179th
Could anyone help me with some strategy lessons?


What game and game mode are you playing?  Also it would help if you had a replay or something so we can take a look at it.


Tnx for moving in the right sub-forum, i didn't see, sorry
Could i send to u a PM before posting my question?


I'm playing a tetris on line contest reserved to italians citizens, i'm trying to learn some strategy, if exists...

It isn't standard tetris, there is a wide game field: pieces starts dropping from 4 or 5 lines outside the game field on the top and you don't have next piece's preview.
Also when you complete a line it doesn't disappear. Also you can go right, left, down and only rotate anti-clockwise (with spacebar).
You can also pause the game.
Last, the pieces doesn't "slide" on each others, when there's a collision you can't rotate or slide the piece as in standard tetris...

The are 3 levels.

The goal is fill much as u can the game field and u make extra points:

1) each line you complete

2) dropping down fast the pieces

3) leaving less "pixel" as u can on the game field

Could anyone help me?

Thank u very much.


Sounds like something similar to the old tetris board game really.
Where a lower amount of holes left in the playing field scored more points.

Could you possibly post a video or something similar so at least we can see what it looks like?

That would make it so much easier =)


i can't attach images in this forum....
Or i didn't see the option for doing that?


you can attach pictures by clicking on the picture of the tree, or you can just upload pictures to


The first one requires an url.
I've chosed the second...
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


19x35? wow that is weird haha; i dont really have much advice but to read this i guess...

although im sure other people can give you some stacking tips and whatnot
good luck!


playing forever assumes line clears. fail.
does this have bag?
it appears to have srs colours..

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: XaeL
playing forever assumes line clears. fail.
does this have bag?
it appears to have srs colours..

yea but this gives you somewhat of an idea of how to stack...
also it probably doesnt have a bag, especially since theres a bunch of O pieces bunched up at the top and no O pieces near the ground


Thanks for the link. I'm reading but as XaeL says "playing forever assumes line clears", but i'm anyway reading to see if it can help me.

what do you mean with "does this have bag?" (maybe my english is not very good, i'm italian)
And also what does mean "srs colours"?

Thank all for helping.


a bag means that every 7 pieces, you will get one of each tetrimino, he was wondering if the game is played by bags or if the pieces are completely random

look up stuff on the wiki if you dont get some of the terms


I've much to learn!
Thanks also for this second guide link.