
Started by julia123, June 16, 2010, 10:07:57 PM

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Hello, new member here.

I've been playing tetris for about a year now since discovering Tetris Friends. While I'm not bad at tetris, I'm pretty much a total N00b compared to everyone else here. I didn't even know simple terminology like DAS and SRS until recently when I discovered this site.

I also didn't know there were other online tetris games besides Tetris Friends until I came here. Thanks to you guys, I've moved on from TF to other sites like TOJ.

So while I'm not as skilled or passionate about tetris as you guys, I hope to get along with all of you. Also, if any of you guys happen to play me and completely destroy me, please don't judge me too hard.


heya julia, love your intro =).  I'm sure you'll get along with most of us just fine, and don't worry about being a casual player most of the players on HD are.


Welcome, Julia. You'll find that Harddrop's a nice place to hang out - and if you want to learn more tactics and maneuvers, you'll find that here too.


hello! you're not alone... i too don't know much about DAS and SRS; im so used to playing on default DAS! feel free to challenge me on TF/TOJ


Quote from: Noogy
hello! you're not alone... i too don't know much about DAS and SRS; im so used to playing on default DAS! feel free to challenge me on TF/TOJ

Cool! What's your name on TOJ?


his name is HEBO_MAI he's really bad, feel free to challenge him ^^

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: XaeL
his name is HEBO_MAI he's really bad, feel free to challenge him ^^

Ha Ha and get beaten in 3 seconds flat? I'm not falling for that.  


lol ur too good. you should add me then, CF_Xeal on tf and XeaLouS on TOJ lets play some tiem

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: julia123
Cool! What's your name on TOJ?

ubernoogy; pm me if you want to play TOJ; im usually on TF most of the time