Classic Tetris World Championship

Started by Yokay, June 01, 2010, 09:16:44 PM

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Here. Dana edged me for the third spot in drop points. To think I had the first slot at one point! :p Qualifiers were pretty crazy in that regard. The top four scores were all perfects, and the fifth was a six tetris chain with an accidental single burn at the end.
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There are lots of articles :

At the end of this article :

They say they are making a documentary about Tetris and will include the tournament in it.

EDIT : i found an interview about the documentary :


Quote from: caffeine
I'm not sure he ever did live in Hawaii. I know he lived in Washington state, and he visits Russia at least sometimes. I think I remember reading that he was thinking about moving back to the motherland for good eventually.

I'm not 100%. I'd need to look back at the interviews.

I was basing my information on his Facebook profile (the one that's friends with Henk), but apparently it now turns out that that account is fake.


Some of the people who got an automatic bid to the semi-finals weren't very good. From a spectator form of view, the way they set it up was very chaotic and hard to follow. Also, the MC didn't know anything about tetris and looked like he didn't want to be there. It is an "I-block" not a "line piece"!! Finally, I wish someone else had a livestream besides girlgamer.

My b***hing aside, I watched the entire stream (and would probably watch another stream just like it). Keep up the effort to all involved! I am kind of excited for the documentary, until I watch and find more stuff to complain about.

sidenote: Kitaru, it sucks you didn't qualify. I am confident that you could have had a shot. A lot of people were able to point you out in the livestream and were wondering how you did.


Quote from: EnFuego
Some of the people who got an automatic bid to the semi-finals weren't very good.
For one, NES Tetris is really unforgiving and some freak accidents definitely happened. Secondly, I'm sure the pressure of the event led to some mistakes that wouldn't have otherwise been made. I know I had my share of retarded moments in qualifiers, and I had the opportunity to go back and make more attempts!

Quote from: EnFuego
From a spectator form of view, the way they set it up was very chaotic and hard to follow.
Yeah, this. They were going to try to have a setup with 8 fields on one screen, but the fancy hardware absolutely hates the NES for no discernible reason. I was there with one of the fellows on the crew for a couple of hours trying to get the NES signal to freaking go through to the box to no avail, at which point they went with the old stuff and got some simple quad-boxes and a AV switcher.

Quote from: EnFuego
Also, the MC didn't know anything about tetris and looked like he didn't want to be there.
Hey, give Pat a break, he is new to the game. :G That said, I really wanted to commentate, haha.

Quote from: EnFuego
It is an "I-block" not a "line piece"!!
When in Rome.

Quote from: EnFuego
Finally, I wish someone else had a livestream besides girlgamer.

Quote from: EnFuego
My b***hing aside, I watched the entire stream (and would probably watch another stream just like it). Keep up the effort to all involved!
Here's hoping for next year! I'd definitely make another trip out.

Quote from: EnFuego
I am kind of excited for the documentary, until I watch and find more stuff to complain about.
From what I've seen so far, it should be top notch. :]

Quote from: EnFuego
sidenote: Kitaru, it sucks you didn't qualify. I am confident that you could have had a shot. A lot of people were able to point you out in the livestream and were wondering how you did.
4th in qualifiers, just short! Qualifiers were totally crazy. I was one of four players to play perfect games of B-Type on level 18 there -- seven tetrises in 25 lines, no skimming allowed. I ended up losing on drop points in the last 15 minutes and couldn't pull off another perfect in the two attempt tickets I had left. To think I was so sure of my spot when I first played it, haha. I was a bit disappointed I didn't get to move on, but I'm still really happy that I was able to put down a perfect game when it counted even if I couldn't push it hard enough to clinch a spot.
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Good to see this event repeating, props to the event organizers.

I hope they decide on Tetris Splash over PS3 Tetris for the console multiplayer, although they probably want to draw more attention to PS3 since it recently came out.

TS has better gameplay settings though - faster DAS, customizable buttons, messier garbage.


Quote from: Blink
Good to see this event repeating, props to the event organizers.

I hope they decide on Tetris Splash over PS3 Tetris for the console multiplayer, although they probably want to draw more attention to PS3 since it recently came out.

TS has better gameplay settings though - faster DAS, customizable buttons, messier garbage.

Console multiplayer? Where did you read that?

I think I am missing something


Hey quick question does the palace take off when you don't max out.  Because i remember getting to level 29 consistently when i used to play as a child and i almost always made the Palace take off.  I however never payed attention to the score.  I'm not going to claim i 'maxed' out from score because the honest truth is i can't remember any of my scores.  I wonder how long a NES can hold your scores because im certain my mother has my old NES and i used to play Tetris non stop on that thing.


Quote from: ProfaneHey quick question does the palace take off when you don't max out.
Yeah, that scene triggers after around 500k iirc.

Quote from: ProfaneI wonder how long a NES can hold your scores because im certain my mother has my old NES and i used to play Tetris non stop on that thing.
NES Tetris didn't have a save battery, so the score lists clear after you turn the machine off.
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Quote from: Kitaru
Yeah, that scene triggers after around 500k iirc.
NES Tetris didn't have a save battery, so the score lists clear after you turn the machine off.
Well that sucks.  lol.  I really wish i could see how i scored before.  I used to be really good at NES Tetris.  honestly i was by far the best player in my area.  i just remember trying to get to level 30 and obviously never being able to do so.  i used to think it was impossible but i keep trying.  which is also a reason i don't believe i ever went for score.  it was always about how many levels i could reach.  

Also i never knew about the skipping to level 19 thing.  I'm pretty sure i always started at level 9 or 10 which ever was the fastest you could start at from selecting.  this makes me want to by an old NES just to see if i could recreate my past glory.

If the Palace went off at 500k then i was likely a good amount away from maxing out because i would set it off all the time but i remember having what i considered 'good games' and not setting off the Palace.  i was likely floating just above that score.  i guess i'll never know.


Start playing again and then you'll know.  Getting to Level 29 is great, but you have to be pulling tetrises at Level 19 speeds to max-out.
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its not world tournament its the us tournament because canadian people can play in this tournament , so i think the world tournament is on this website.