you know you're addicted to tetris when.....

Started by MzSlowmo, April 22, 2010, 09:28:20 AM

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When you have to wake up at 3 am tomorrow and you are still on tetris. Goodnight ;(!


...feeling sad that S0N1C is quitting TF.

...having cut-outs of minos next to the keyboard.

Imperatore_Magia can't see a shuttle or rocket taking off without thinking of this game.

...just looking at a Tetley tea box makes you want to play Tetris.



The tetris theme song is your ringtone =x

HAHAHA it's not anymore.. but used to be..

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


You know your addicted when...

someone said "busted" and you thought about slowmo's post about blockbuster which reminded you about blockbox.


When you stay up until 6:00 A.M. in the morning just to play tetris.
"A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning."

~Pat Riley


When people know what your doing in class even if they can't see your screen.


When the first thing you see in a conversation is ''TETRIS''

When you say ''T-spin'' when you rotate the key in a door

When you become garbage cleaner just to clear the garbage others sent you in tetris


When you see tetris graffiti around your city, and it makes your day.

And when you consider getting a tetris tattoo. Or you have one.


Quote from: chopin
When you're having sex with your girlfriend and all you can think of are t-spin triples.

when kissing your girlfriend and suddenly put her aside cause the next tetris game is about to start
when you know how to programe a very basic tetris game without being a programer.
when at least 70% of your college work is based on tetris at some level.
when you can play the "tetris theme" in at least 3 instruments
when having tetris jewelry.
when made tetris jewelry.
when you had to sleep at the couch just to play tetris
when you buy a console just to play a newer version of tetris. (DS)
when you have cosplayed as a tetrominio.
when you studied russian and/or japanese just for tetris
when you spend all nigth reading about  statregies, terminology, history and other tetris related stuff
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Quote from: JBantha
when you spend all nigth reading about  statregies, terminology, history and other tetris related stuff



When in your dreams you're actually practicing new setups that you will try to use when you wake up.
"I am dreaming less and sleeping more, but I'll sell my soul for the dream you stole." - Armor for Sleep


I swear that I made my infinite TST setup while having tetris dreams all those years ago. That was the time when I would play tetris DS 2-5 hours every night in bed. Mighta been one of the day dream ones instead lol. I had both tetris dreams and daydreams.
☠ massi4h


When you play tetris while the computer is off?
ello, wasup?:D