Just something to remember

Started by ohitsstef, April 11, 2010, 05:42:50 PM

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warning - there are photos of dead people and possibly traumatizing stories.. don't watch if you're easily scarred.

I'm doing a paper over Seymour Hersh, the old guy in the video, and he wrote a book over the My Lai Massacre that happened during the Vietnam War. These two youtube videos are surprisingly interesting, and for some reason I've noticed teachers don't teach enough about the Vietnam War.. (probably because America lost? maybe?)

This is just a reminder to everyone what could be going on during wars, that we don't hear about because of the repressed media. Think about it. And remember the victims of My Lai.

(if you don't have enough time, at least watch the first video.. start at 2:00.)

- tell me what you think about the incident: in the end only one guy got in trouble and the rest were pardoned.. for killing off an entire village.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


War is ugly, but this is some f'd up stuff.is I don't remember learning about this in school, they covered it up really well.  

probably the soldier who intervened said it best: "No one wins in war, and civilians always suffer in war - and the only way to prevent atrocities in war is to prevent war."


Somebody needs to punch those dudes! ;(
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I know the reason both my global history and us history classes in high school skipped Vietnam War was for the fact that we had NO time to cover it prior to Regents Exams (that only 2 states offer, NY/CA I believe.) EDIT: We even skipped the original Iraq War in the 80's under Bush Sr. which should have been covered since we were engaged in Iraq/Afghanistan under Bush Jr. but it seems we just "never got around to it" and focused on guaranteed tested material.

Heck both classes kind of had the "You are never tested on any material after WWII so we just won't cover it" Sadly I'll never read up on history, mostly because every event in history can be viewed through both liberal and conservative lens whether it be the last decade or all the way back to the founding fathers. To find a book that has no political slant on history is nearly impossible because humanity is innately biased whether they refuse to admit to such a bias. Thats the problem with political discussions, it always turns into "your a conservative, your a liberal..." and just bashing a viewpoint than any worthwhile discussion. I'd comment on the topic, but I have no understanding, no backing, or no depth and I don't trust google for history since its easier to find incorrect history rather than the truth.

Could say I'm lazy, and that "those who don't know history are bound to repeat it" and maybe you can push the problems of today on lazy people like me. I just find more value in reading fiction novels that can pull me into deep thought and questioning of values like Golden Compass or Neuromancer  since usually after reading those novels I feel compelled, even after an english class, to write up small thoughts and argue with myself trying to discover a view of the world that I believe in rather than being told how the world works. When a novel has ever left me in doubt of that view, the effect is greater than those in which I'm no longer questioning at the conclusion of self-analysis because I've got no more counter arguement left to attack it. You'd be surprised how often I feel more solid in my understanding of life now because of it (even gone from pro-choice -> pro-life though I still haven't become part of a religion and will likely remain a spiritual atheist)

PS: Most times you find me streaming video, if I'm not playing any BGM I'm probably listening to something that would get the channel I'm streaming on in hundreds of copyright violations that would pretty much shut it down on the spot, mostly talk radio. Thats the best way to truthly know what I'm listening to is by what I'm not listening to.

PS#2: I just derailed the topic completely, my bad. It started with why I've never learned anything past WWII outside of the civil rights movement (which is covered every year prior to high school in my district, watching a presenter give the "I have a dream" speech every year discussing the importance of Martin Luther King Jr. does that to me) and turned my post into a discussion about what I read and why I choose to read it. I apologize for that, which is mainly why I don't post in topics like this about politics.
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yeah state tests make it hard to teach a lot of things and i can see why some people only study up to ww2.

it's good to be aware of the past though

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


"It was the white boys"

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im reading a book for english " night " its about the hauloscost
however you spell it
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Quote from: chowmain24
im reading a book for english " night " its about the hauloscost
however you spell it
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lol you two are cute:P
the holocaust has nothin to do with the vietnam war though
watch the videos!

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


It's interesting for me because I live in England and at age 16 to 17 in History if you take it, there is an option to study the Vietnam war which a lot of my friends have taken up, and the My Lai massacre is I'm sure taught. I didn't watch the video but I found interestnig how America still doesn't want to get this out in the open.
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There are hundreds of horrible things that we don't learn about in non-specialized studies. Not many people know about Japan's Unit 731, the UK's 1930 unrestricted submarine warfare, USA's agent orange, and I can stop people on the street and ask them if they know what's going on with Darfur and they'd have no idea what I was talking about.

I think we got up to the WWI in first and secondary school, and then in college I could've taken some later history but didn't have to.

But really, as awful as these things are, I don't really blame anyone for not teaching it in school. There's already enough history to learn.


yeah that's true we already have a lot of things to learn in school

it would take forever to learn every inch of history :/

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I had an extremely liberal activist government teacher in high school.  He was friends with Michael Moore and had an executive producer credit in the film "Roger & Me"

We covered all the crappy parts of our government and it's history.. I remember this from class.  But that was a long time ago   we were in the first golf war when I was in high school.


wow thats really.. long ago m lol

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Can we start calling m_ grandpa?