Your Perfect Tetris Clone

Started by Magnanimous, March 08, 2010, 11:53:49 AM

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(sort of continued from oliv's thread)

Tetris Friends, Blockbox, Tetris Online Japan, Cultris, TetriNET, Lockjaw, Texmaster, Heboris, Hangame, etc... They're all pretty good, but they aren't perfect. How would you do it?

Hopefully we can come to a consensus as to what the perfect tetris client would look like. I'll keep this first post updated.

Line sends: Like TOJ/TF? (customizable)
Randomizer: Bag is standard, but there is option for History, etc... (Can everyone play with their own randomizer?)
Piece previews: 5+
Garbage System: TOJ, but with garbage 2 all instead of targeting
Line Clear Delay: None. Or if there is, it's negligible
Lock Delay: ?
Hold: Of course
Pieces Enter: Above ceiling (like TF/TOJ) or below ceiling (like BB/TGM/TNET) ???
Player chooses between soft/sonic drop (also, can set the speed of soft drop)
Player can choose SRS/ARS/BRS/?
Fully customizable DAS/AR
Double rotate

Single Player:
Solid content online AND offline. (Like, Blockbox and TOJ have amazing single player... But you have to be online to play.)
Global leaderboard, easy to see your rank/percentile in each mode
Modes: Several marathons, 40L, 180 secs, Survival, every TGM mode, Invisible
Sandbox Mode: Lockjaw, basically

Six(or more?) players to a room, unlimited spectators
Global leaderboard
Lobby chat
Teams: 1v2, 1v3, 2v2, 1v1v2, 3v3, 2v2v2, 3v2v1, etc...
Intuitive friend system, no friend limit
Stats: Wins, losses, win:lose ratio, play time, TPM, LPM, APM, TOJ graph, secret form, ?

Should there be a rating system? The system in Blockbox works best, I think...

In-game utility to record games
Open source
Works on Mac and PC
Written in Java?
No lag  

Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


Garbage to all in a 6-player match means everyone gets 20 rows after everyone finishes the second bag and makes one tetris. Whoever happens to get the I early in the bag gets an advantage.

Leaderboard for single players: how do you detect and thwart tool-assisted speedruns?

Lobby chat: Should the game allow chat among strangers? (Nintendo WFC games generally disable all chat except in friend matches.) If so, should the game use spell check so that people can't swear to strangers? (Toontown Online and Club Penguin blank out numbers and any word not in the dictionary except between players who have exchanged friend codes.)

Intuitive friend system: Would this involve Nintendo WFC style friend codes?

Open source: If it were, it wouldn't be Tetris because Mr. Pajitnov hates open source.


Quote from: tepples
Garbage to all in a 6-player match means everyone gets 20 rows after everyone finishes the second bag and makes one tetris. Whoever happens to get the I early in the bag gets an advantage.
Doesn't Garbage 2 All decrease the lines sent if there's more than two players?

Quote from: tepples
Leaderboard for single players: how do you detect and thwart tool-assisted speedruns?
How does any other game thwart cheaters?

Quote from: tepples
Lobby chat: Should the game allow chat among strangers? (Nintendo WFC games generally disable all chat except in friend matches.) If so, should the game use spell check so that people can't swear to strangers? (Toontown Online and Club Penguin blank out numbers and any word not in the dictionary except between players who have exchanged friend codes.)
If there are lobby mods, then there shouldn't be a huge need for censorship... Though a basic word filter would probably be useful.

Quote from: tepples
Intuitive friend system: Would this involve Nintendo WFC style friend codes?
Why not just let people register usernames? ._. Wi-fi codes are a little annoying.

Quote from: tepples
Open source: If it were, it wouldn't be Tetris because Mr. Pajitnov hates open source.
Then I'm ignoring Mr. Pajitnov. >_> This is all just hypothetical anyway.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


1v1 anonymous skill-based matchmaking (like WC3 and SC2)
Everyone gets the same sequence of pieces
Everyone gets the same sequence of random garbage (not this 30% stuff) (no peek style)
Garbage sends to all, but the total is divided by how many opponents are left (remainder is saved and adds an extra line after it passes the decimal).


40 lines

Trainer -- Two minutes. Garbage stays halfway up the field (if you clear a garbage row,  one immediately pops up at the bottom). Your score is how much garbage you would've sent plus how many garbage rows you cleared. (I'd be very interested in seeing what strategy is used in the top replays.)

Survivor -- The game starts in 20G. Lock delay is entry reset: "expire in air." Lock delay starts at 60 and decreases once every fifteen seconds. So, after fifteen minutes, your lock delay will reach zero and you will die no matter what.

No line clear delay or others of the type. Customizable autorepeat and DAS are a must. Double rotate for extra love.


everything totally customisable so there are no meta-arguments
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: MagnanimousHow does any other game thwart cheaters?
By requiring games "for the record" to be played online. Game time is from getting the randomizer seed to submitting the last frame of the replay.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]If there are lobby mods, then there shouldn't be a huge need for censorship[/quote]
One online game has 100 staff, 70 of which are lobby mods. You aren't just looking for swearing; you're looking for pedophiles looking for victims.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Why not just let people register usernames?[/quote]
For one thing, kids might try registering their real names as usernames for pedophiles to find. Or if your name is Fukush¡ta or Hillary Anne or Babcock or (gosh help me) Dick, you might get disappointed.

Trainer sounds like a hybrid between HR Derby and Drill Attack in LJ.

Survivor sounds not too different from Rhythm in LJ, except perhaps speeding up a bit too brutally near the end.

Everything can't be totally customizable; someone will always think of a game mode that doesn't fit in with your framework. If you implement a scripting engine for new modes, you might as well turn it into BYOND or Roblox or whatever.


How about this: you can only get your score counted if you're online to verify that you didn't cheat, but you can practice offline.

Pedophiles are stupid.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


i don't it's possible to reach a consensus...

i would prefer a variety of clients that excel in a particular area rather than one that is a jack of all trades

too much customizability won't lead to a perfect client because there will be too many modes and options and everyone will play something different.


Looks like your dream came truth. Recent versions of Nullpomino have most of features you mentioned.
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