Whats the best way to spam Tspin triples?

Started by Dagorath, February 25, 2010, 11:57:18 AM

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TL; DR : Learn how to set them up mid-game, its not that hard. Alternatively you can learn how to do btb tst forever, its in the wiki

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


If someone teaches me how to use that thingymabob I'll show my tst restacking method. It goes b2b tst, rebuild, b2b tst, rebuild, etc.
☠ massi4h


google hard drop and fumen. u'll figure it out.
then type [fumen] [/fumen]

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


i think this is one of the patterns massi4h uses





Yep that's my setup that I made meow. Usually the overhang for the second 2 tsts it made by I, L and most of the rest should be already stacked up. After this you are back at square one and can keep stacking that way. You have to be really conservative with your t's though. And jujube wow that would be amazing if someone ever did that. Getting to be exactly like stage 7 would be insane.
☠ massi4h


OP, are you refering to using t-spin triples after the beginning phase of the game (while downstacking, mid-game)?

Or are you simply refering how to spam b2b t-spin triples in a solo game with no adds to you? Cause non of these setups are practical (very limited/almost non existant) to use mid game in multiplayer with an equally skilled opponent.


I use them midgame all the time. The reason they weren't working for me vs SecretSalamander in hdo2 was imo I was playing way slower than usual (had 2 weeks off) and was playing at a a net cafe with no das for some reason.

I have used my setup to send 12 tsts in a row in a 6p game before
☠ massi4h


there are many tst's that u can pull off in multiplayer with equally~ skilled opponents (especially TD attack)

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: massi4h
I use them midgame all the time. The reason they weren't working for me vs SecretSalamander in hdo2 was imo I was playing way slower than usual (had 2 weeks off) and was playing at a a net cafe with no das for some reason.

I have used my setup to send 12 tsts in a row in a 6p game before

Multiplayer hardly counts as "equally skilled opponent". When you're not even getting sent half the amount of lines you would if you were playing 1v1, of course you can sit there and spam anything you want.  12 tst's in a row in a 6p game does not have any relevance to the practicality of it during a game with an equally skilled opponent. FFA games are void and null unless every player was equally skilled. 99% of the time this is not the case.

When you start a 1v1 game? And you're getting hit by the full blown force of a 75-80 APM player? You really think you're going to pull off those setups? Any one of those players who even tries to use these set ups against eachother would die before they start stacking for the second TST. You can keep using them if you want, not my problem. I'm simply giving you insight into what the high APM players do and what they don't (not because they can't). Even if you did happen to pull off a b2b TST setup, I guarantee you it'll do you more harm than good. While you were stacking, you were taking lines. When you send your 6+7 squeaky clean lines, they'll get sent right back on top of the lines you didn't get to clear cause you were stacking. Guess who won.

Now, if we were talking about setting up a very situational TST mid game with half of it already built for you, then that's a different story. But we're not talking about that are we?

I've stated it before, "The top players on TOJ (stats) average 5-6~ tetris, 3-4 REN, 6-7 T-spin, 6-7 B2B. Notice the FFA games on TOJ, I can average 10+ tetris, 10+ t-spin, and 10+ b2b." Hell, my session average typically shows me at 4.5 tetris and 4.5 t-spin after a 1v1 session.

Quote from: XaeL
there are many tst's that u can pull off in multiplayer with equally~ skilled opponents (especially TD attack)

All but one of the setups shown here are b2b TST or some variation of it that requires too many T's before you even get to the garbage that was sent to you by the opponent.

I didn't say tst's were not practical, I said these setups shown were not.

This is exactly why I was asking the OP what he meant. If he was trying to get a high score or show off to friends, then sure, a continuous TST setup would be neat.

If he wanted to win at multiplayer more often, then that's not the path he wants to go down.


Well yeah you're right, but I'm sure if someone was sending tsds at the same speed of this, I don't know if the tsds would kill the tst player. I would usually use the first tst to cancel anything incoming (sometimes the second as well) and then you have another 2-3 tsts which build up really quick. OZJs are real easy to build mid game as well if garbage gives you a 2/7 split and you've already stacked to the right, you just put OZJ and then an overhang an bam easy b2b tst setup.

The 6p example was just explaining how easy it is to setup and continue I guess.
☠ massi4h


Quote from: massi4h
Well yeah you're right, but I'm sure if someone was sending tsds at the same speed of this, I don't know if the tsds would kill the tst player. I would usually use the first tst to cancel anything incoming (sometimes the second as well) and then you have another 2-3 tsts which build up really quick. OZJs are real easy to build mid game as well if garbage gives you a 2/7 split and you've already stacked to the right, you just put OZJ and then an overhang an bam easy b2b tst setup.

The 6p example was just explaining how easy it is to setup and continue I guess.

If two players were the same speed and player A sent all TSD and player B sent all TST, then I agree player A would not kill player B and player B would send more lines. I also prefer a TST b2b TST opening myself, but I don't do them consecutively like these setups show. It has proven time and time again to be the only opening to defend against a combo start (my worst nightmare) and is why I constantly use it. My TST opening has the option to TSD if the lines sent back are too aggressive. But even then I'm afraid for my life when using a TST opening against a slower player who knows how to send lines right back (Briann is non forgiving with my openings, meow... is just good, jujube... is also just good).

The main point however, is that player A gets sent cleaner lines and has more options to clear their lines. For example, if during my stacking of a TSD, you sent your first TST and I opted to eat the full force of it. I could easily hold my T, tetris, then TSD or visa versa.

Whereas if player B got sent a TSD/tetris in the middle of the TST stack, you only have one option and that's to clear what you just made before you reach the garbage that was sent (with these setups).

Mid game, these "options" are what makes and breaks your game. Your decisions with these options (along with the efficiency of your stacking) are what defines a bad player from a good player. These options can also save your life when sent a huge stack of lines.

Player B has only one path.

"OZJs are real easy to build mid game as well if garbage gives you a 2/7 split and you've already stacked to the right, you just put OZJ and then an overhang an bam easy b2b tst setup."

But yes, easy TST setups midgame are good. I'm just saying these setups shown on this thread are not easy and are not good.


Player A would send the same number of lines as player B if they went the same speed, oddly enough.


Quote from: caffeine
Player A would send the same number of lines as player B if they went the same speed, oddly enough.


Good to know.

I keep thinking TSD as 4 clear for 4 sent and TST as 3 clear and 6 sent. My bad. 2 for 4, 3 for 6, duh.