TetriNET2 Has Been Revived.

Started by Corrosive, February 01, 2010, 12:34:18 AM

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A few computers were hacked, a few throats were slit, a few files were stolen, and a few people were paid off, but now I am proud to announce that TetriNET2 is back to life and is back for good.

All people who are interested in playing on TNET2: http://www.tnet2.org .

This is an epic day in history.


P.S. Maybe you've never played tnet2 and ask yourself why should you? Well,

1) TNET2 has the best team support of any multiplayer game, very easy to play 2v2 and 3v3 or 2v2v2. You can also associate a team name/clan tag next to your name for all to see.
2) You can customize and create your own theme. Sensitivity and controls are also easily customizable.
3) TNET2 is a small application, so there is no java or flash lag you have to deal with.
4) The interface is one of the best things about TNET2, it is lovely.
5) Each game you play records your stats, which you can view in a detailed list.
6) There will be a lot of active players on TetriNET2, the lobby has always been packed and it is easy for people to stay and idle and just chat.
7) There is specials game type with cool specials: darkness, confusion, quakes, switch fields, gravity, nuke, etc.
8) You can fully customize a game that you can create.
9) We will be hosting future tournaments for TNET2, giving us the opportunity for teams competition.
10) TNET2 is personally my favorite multiplayer Tetris game, also, read what Trance has to say about it below.
"Put some stank on those blocks."




"Put some stank on those blocks."



I'm pretty sure my account info is the same, so I'll give it a shot after work.


i sent you a message, but i'm doubtful it'll work on a mac.

but its worth a shot!
[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's


Quote from: Corrosive
This is an epic day in history.

Certainly is


two thumbs up, it's great. i still think random starting orientations are really lame, but besides that, i'm liking it.

it doesn't live up to all the hype its been receiving though imo, and i feel even more insulted after being degraded and spat upon by many tnet2 players who have claimed that this was the 'perfect' multiplayer tetris clone. very good game, but certainly very far from perfect.


so if we know our old logins we can go straight to playing? good thing i never deleted it bwahaha


Quote from: heretic
two thumbs up, it's great. i still think random starting orientations are really lame, but besides that, i'm liking it.

it doesn't live up to all the hype its been receiving though imo, and i feel even more insulted after being degraded and spat upon by many tnet2 players who have claimed that this was the 'perfect' multiplayer tetris clone. very good game, but certainly very far from perfect.

Imo, it's not perfect either, but it has many elements that allowed the player to create a strong base and improve upon it.

Wider fields means that the player can't just rely on outstacking the opponent with tetris's like we can do currently on blockbox. That type of playstyle was ridiculed during the tnet2 days. But since it's available now with a 10 block wide field, many of the "faster" players try that strategy without actually learning on how to improve on their downstack game. They think that because they're winning against slower players, that they're actually better than they really are.. But when challenged against a player who won't just lie down and die, their weak game after the opening tetris's will earn them consequetive losses. Tnet2 forced you to learn how to downstack well if you wanted to become better. This base carrys on to all different tetris games as once you know how to downstack with a random garbage, it's a cakewalk downstacking with clean garbage.

You were also able to check your stats for every specific game that you played. If you were losing more than you usually do versus a specific player, you can check game by game what was different than what you normally do. Right now on blockbox, you can only check your session average? I don't even know where the stats come from. Could be the stats from your last game played only?

Also it was king at game customization that allowed a lot of people to play whatever they wanted. I started off as a sticks player. A game with only sticks and surprisingly enough, it built a very strong understanding for my downstack game today.

It's not a perfect game at all, but I don't think there's a multiplayer tetris game out there today that can teach you as much as tnet2 can. Granted it probably won't replace TOJ as my primary tetris game of choice, I do urge newer/less skilled players to give tnet2 a shot. It teaches you a lot more than you think.


memoryless randomizer also taught me how to stack... even though i'm not used to it anymore


Quote from: solo2001
i sent you a message, but i'm doubtful it'll work on a mac.

but its worth a shot!
I think that Tnet2 is so small and cpu-nonintense that you could run it in a Windows emulator on a modern Mac.


Quote from: heretic
two thumbs up, it's great. i still think random starting orientations are really lame, but besides that, i'm liking it.

it doesn't live up to all the hype its been receiving though imo, and i feel even more insulted after being degraded and spat upon by many tnet2 players who have claimed that this was the 'perfect' multiplayer tetris clone. very good game, but certainly very far from perfect.

haha, heretic, you must've heard that from me a million times! Well, tnet2 is so different than I remembered it to be (kinda annoying to adjust to now that I'm playing it again), but I guess your first "good" tetris game will always leave the best impression on you!

I do find myself opening up tnet2 more often now out of laziness since its soo convenient to just play right away instead of loading up a browser and junk.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b230/kotetsu213/cat_slaps_amphibian.png\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b230/kotetsu213/cat_slaps_amphibian.png\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' al


Quote from: spindizzy
I think that Tnet2 is so small and cpu-nonintense that you could run it in a Windows emulator on a modern Mac.

sadly thomas, this is not true, at least not with parallels. i have one of the newer macbook pros and it still cant even run tnet without l4g =(


for some reason the user db we dug up was from 2005. so if you made an acct after 2005, you'll have to remake it.

potion, i run tnet2 using vmware fusion on an old macbook pro and it works pretty good.
...and that is why I'm not wearing any pants.



Quote from: atsuro
for some reason the user db we dug up was from 2005. so if you made an acct after 2005, you'll have to remake it.

potion, i run tnet2 using vmware fusion on an old macbook pro and it works pretty good.

yeah i think spin said something about vmware too...maybe parallels just sucks. cant do anything about it though cause its provided through my job =T