Facebook Tetris Moderator Fail?

Started by flamewheel91, January 29, 2010, 04:52:37 PM

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There seem to be hundreds of people using ST/ZT stacking on Ultra, so I doubt that was the reason.


Yeah I'm starting to get annoyed.
Emailed the Facebook application developer on Friday morning... no response.
Emailed tetrisfriends.com support Friday afternoon... no response.
Found an admin on Facebook, "Tetris Casey," and emailed him yesterday afternoon, so let's see if he'll respond.

If not I'll probably just not play Facebook Tetris again.


To iphys and anybody else interested:

Read from bottom up:

Reply to support:
I know the score was flagged at hacked--what the truth is that the score was NOT falsified. Due to the increasing number of accusations I've been receiving over the past, I made a Youtube video showcasing the fact that I do not cheat.

Here is the link for your convenience:
If you wouldn't mind, would you please watch the video...

I feel that this is slightly arbitrary in the fact that just because somebody (any random person) could flag my score, it is removed without second thought and the rest of my hard-earned scores are taken down as well. What does this mean then? Let's say somebody was just being mean, and went around flagging all scores as hacked/cheated. Would all these scores be taken down?

I feel as "the way the system is setup" leaves no way to return/"refund" those scores that were marked as cheating, so perhaps the system needs to be changed? If there IS such a way though, if my legitimacy is cleared up by the provided hard evidence, could I please have my scores back? Setting a new record doesn't happen all too often, and those scores were the investments of hundreds of hours put into the various games.

Thank you,
-George Zhao.


On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 2:48 PM, support <support@tetrisonline.com> wrote:
Dear George,

According to our search, the Tetris Ultra score of 66,153, recorded on 1/29/10, was flagged as a hacked score and removed. When your Ultra score was removed, all your other scores were also removed because that's how the system was setup.

-Tetris Online Customer Support


From: aznpower91@gmail.com [mailto:aznpower91@gmail.com] On Behalf Of George Zhao
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 6:43 AM
To: support
Subject: Deleted Scores.

To whom it may concern:

My name is George Zhao, also known as flamewheel91 on tetrisfriends.com, and I am the top Ultra player there. Two days ago on Thursday night I set a new Facebook tetrisfriends record as well of 66153. However, my best friend and roommate (who wanted to watch the replay) informed me the next morning that the score had "vanished." I check my Facebook Tetrisfriends account not only to find my new Ultra score gone, but the rest of my scores, which included top-100 sprint and Marathon scores.

I have "contacted the developers" from Facebook but have not gotten a reply or a reinstatement of my scores yet, so this is going directly to the source since I assume the owners/administrators of tetrisfriends.com also run the Facebook application.

I would very much like my scores to be reinstated. If whichever moderator reads this and requests validation, I am going to be making a video to showcase my legitimacy due to the increasing number of people that have accused me of cheating as of late.

Thank you,
George Zhao.


Quote from: iphys
They did remove a player's Marathon score once just because he soft dropped all his pieces before using hold to get more soft drop points,


except my idea was to softdrop x2, twist twist softdropx2. Get 2 points every second and then go ad infinitium and then go OMG OVAR 3BILLOIN SCORE ZOMG

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Sounds like a bunch of sh**. Hope they can reinstate your scores, but it doesn't sound like their "system" is set up for that sort of thing. I wouldn't be surprised if, once they are gone, they're gone, and it would take nothing short of database hacking to put them back. Hopefully I'm wrong though, please let us know if you get any further responses so we can hate TF more!


Hate hate hate.

support to George
show details 4:13 PM (2 hours ago)
Dear George,

We apologize if your score was removed in error. Unfortunately, we cannot restore your score on Facebook at this time. Currently, all development effort is being focus on tetrisfriends.com so the priority to fixing Facebook Tetris Friends has been delayed.

What we can do is compensate your tetrisfriends.com account.

-Tetris Online Customer Support

From: aznpower91@gmail.com [mailto:aznpower91@gmail.com] On Behalf Of George Zhao
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 10:58 AM
To: support
Subject: Re: Deleted Scores.
- Show quoted text -


zhaog to support
show details 4:15 PM (2 hours ago)
That's fine.  If there ever IS a point in time though where my scores can be restored, please do so.  I will not be touching Facebook Tetris until then, seeing as how the scores I set up will just be shot down.  I would like it if my tetrisfriends.com account is 'compensated,' but what would said compensation entail?
I've already put up notably better scores for everything due to, likewise, investing my time into tetrisfriends.com--the only score that was higher on Facebook WAS my newly set Ultra score.

-George Zhao.

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 4:13 PM, support <support@tetrisonline.com> wrote:
Dear George,

We apologize if your score was removed in error. Unfortunately, we cannot restore your score on Facebook at this time. Currently, all development effort is being focus on tetrisfriends.com so the priority to fixing Facebook Tetris Friends has been delayed.

What we can do is compensate your tetrisfriends.com account.

-Tetris Online Customer Support

From: aznpower91@gmail.com [mailto:aznpower91@gmail.com] On Behalf Of George Zhao
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 10:58 AM
To: support
Subject: Re: Deleted Scores.

Reply to all


George Zhao to support
show details 4:15 PM (2 hours ago)
That's fine.  If there ever IS a point in time though where my scores can be restored, please do so.  I will not be touching Facebook Tetris until then, seeing as how the scores I set up will just be shot down.  I would like it if my tetrisfriends.com account is 'compensated,' but what would said compensation entail?
I've already put up notably better scores for everything due to, likewise, investing my time into tetrisfriends.com--the only score that was higher on Facebook WAS my newly set Ultra score.

-George Zhao.
- Show quoted text -


support to George
show details 4:23 PM (2 hours ago)
Dear George,

We're glad you understand. We have compensated your tetrisfriends.com account with 500 tokens. Unfortunately, we cannot compensate you with Rubies. Those are being handled by another third party vendor.

-Tetris Online Customer Support

Seriously, tokens?  That's like 10 minutes of playing.


well, hopefully they'll make some changes to their cheat detection system, and this sort of thing won't happen again. it's a shame your scores are gone forever though.



unfortunately this is the side effect of the countless cheaters who are posting bogus scores on a nearly daily basis.


I can't believe they actually proposed 500 tokens. This is such an insult to players. Especially one of your calibre.

Edit: Why not screenshot our replies here and let them know how much we disapprove of such stupidity? The already negative sentiments we have about TF is getting worse for me it feels as if they're just shoving us aside, do people in the top 10%, the real regular players, have no say in their system?


Sorry, but what you expect? I'm pretty sure it's impossible to restore your record if they have deleted it from database. Restoring your older scores from db backup (they do backups, right?) however should be possible, but I think they are too lazy to do it (It's a bit of effort).

So I think apologizes are best you can get. Of course giving 500 tokens is faux pas, it would be much better just don't offer anything expect apologize. They just don't understand hardcore players.
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Quote from: WojtekI'm pretty sure it's impossible to restore your record if they have deleted it from database.
Perhaps people are too used to MediaWiki, the FAT file system, and YouTube, where "deleting" something just sets a flag that hides it from view.


Quote from: tepples
Perhaps people are too used to MediaWiki, the FAT file system, and YouTube, where "deleting" something just sets a flag that hides it from view.

...until it gets overwritten by something else, at any rate. Which should be fairly soon given how much activity the game must have.

I think the main problem with restoring a record is not the score, but the replay. They could just insert the score in the database, but would everything work OK without a valid replay to go with it?

Whoever designed the deletion system should have considered the possibility of erroneous deletions and, rather than irrevocably destroying the things, just delisted them from the high scores or something. Something reversible, at any rate. I'm sorry to hear the results, flamewheel, but I can't say I'm surprised  


Quote from: myndzi
I think the main problem with restoring a record is not the score, but the replay. They could just insert the score in the database, but would everything work OK without a valid replay to go with it?
that's a good point. if there's a replay for every game except for #1, everybody who plays ultra will question the score and the integrity of the leaderboard. they'd be convinced he hacked the system to destroy the replay. maybe the TF support team's attempts at restoring the score would only make things worse. at least as it stands people sympathize for flamewheel.

Quote from: iphys
500 tokens?  What an insult.
Quote from: Wojtek
So I think apologizes are best you can get. Of course giving 500 tokens is faux pas, it would be much better just don't offer anything expect apologize. They just don't understand hardcore players.


It's the 500 tokens that seems to be patronizing.