Missions Anybody?

Started by ZZOmega, November 09, 2009, 01:09:05 AM

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As always, TetrisFriends comes out with a new mission every Monday since the release of the feature. My first impression was that these so called 'Missions', would test my ability and take me the whole week to finish. This is not the case, as probably ALL of you know, since I can finish the ones released so far easily within an hour.

A recent mission update from TF.com implied that the ones released thus far, as well as few to come, will be "training", so to speak. Once this training is all done and over with, we can only hope that they have some pretty twisted and challenging 'Missions', ready for us to take head on!

So, fellow members of HardDrop, I ask you this:

If you were to create a mission, what would it be?


1)100 lines in Survival in the same game... AFTER you get to the bonus round.

2)Win 25 Sprint, 2P and 6P (thats 75 games) in which the rank you play is no more than 1 below your highest achieved rank aka if your a Grandmater, you must win at Grandmaster or 19 if your 10 you must win at 9 or higher, if you reach 11 the minimum you must win at goes up to 10.

3) Clear 25,000 Lines in 7 days.

4) Clear 1,000 Singles 1,000 doubles 1,000 triples and 1,000 tetrises with at least 500 being back to back!

Ok... those are 4 I'd do but don't really care that much.
<a href="http://www.soldner-x.com/profile_6881.html" target="_blank" title="Hsanrb's Profile for Söldner-X Himmelsstürmer"><img src="http://www.soldner-x.com/gamertag_6881.gif" alt="Hsanrb's Gamer Tag" /></a>


A few ideas:

1. Secret Grade
2. Perform an imperial cross t-spin during 2P battle mode
3. Beat the 2P Battle mode X amount of times without using hold
4. Pass Marathon mode in under X amount of minutes
5. Perform a 18 or higher combo


1. beat blink's highscore for Sprint


Quote from: Blink
2. Perform an imperial cross t-spin during 2P battle mode

By 'imperial cross T-Spin', do you mean this?


Quote from: GoldPlatedDish
By 'imperial cross T-Spin', do you mean this?
By imperial cross he means:


I was thinking that a cool idea for Tetris Missions, would be challenges. If you've ever played Poker Smash, you know what I'm talking about.

Suppose you have X amount of lines of garbage in the matrix, and a certain order of pieces that you receive that does not ever change, even if you re-try the mission. Therefore, the way you do it is completely the same for all players, but extremely hard to figure out. The mission could be something like get rid of the garbage/all clear with certain restrictions, such as no I pieces, clear the lines in a certain order, etc.


- Make 200 lines using only singles.
- Make 200 lines without clearing any singles.
- Make 200 lines using only doubles.
- Make 200 (effectively 201) lines using only triples.
- Make 200 lines using only tetrises.
- Make 40 lines in under 1:30 using just doubles and triples.
- Bat the cycle in order (single then double then triple then tetris, not necessarily as a combo) 10 times in a 150 lines game.
- Complete a 200 lines game without using an I tetromino to clear any lines.

A lot of those are harder than you think...
It is only when you open your mind, that you will be able to see how beautiful the world is...


Quote from: Pineapple
- Make 200 lines using only singles.
- Make 200 lines without clearing any singles.
- Make 200 lines using only doubles.
- Make 200 (effectively 201) lines using only triples.
- Make 200 lines using only tetrises.
- Make 40 lines in under 1:30 using just doubles and triples.
- Bat the cycle in order (single then double then triple then tetris, not necessarily as a combo) 10 times in a 150 lines game.
- Complete a 200 lines game without using an I tetromino to clear any lines.

A lot of those are harder than you think...


This is the type of challenge that I would like. Spending 5+ hours a day trying to do it, and feeling accomplished when it's successfully done. And yes, I can only imagine how hard those would be... :x


Pineapple, you're evil! Those would be very difficult to focus on.

g u r l g a m e r


Quote from: Boingloing
Pineapple, you're evil! Those would be very difficult to focus on.
Great ideas Pineapple. TF would probably try and neuter a lot of those, but if there were a graduated bronze/silver/gold system then that would be fantastic for everyone!


Quote from: bigwig
Great ideas Pineapple. TF would probably try and neuter a lot of those, but if there were a graduated bronze/silver/gold system then that would be fantastic for everyone!
I also have to say that I love Pineapple's ideas.  Those are the sort of missions I expected when they first announced missions.  Those actually have challenge behind them, compared to these where you dont even have to focus, just beat listed game X amount of times until criteria is eventually filled through normal play.  However, yes, TF would try to dumb down them by a lot...

I would like to see personally...
-Secret Grade
-Beat [MODE] in [TIME]
-Beat [MODE] without use of [BLOCK] (removes block from queue entirely)
-any other sort of game that needs its own "game" like:
++Form a [ITEM] shape (Tetris Party's Shadow mode)
++Beat [MODE] with reversed controls


Quote from: Wulven
I also have to say that I love Pineapple's ideas.  Those are the sort of missions I expected when they first announced missions.  Those actually have challenge behind them, compared to these where you dont even have to focus, just beat listed game X amount of times until criteria is eventually filled through normal play.  However, yes, TF would try to dumb down them by a lot...

I would like to see personally...
-Secret Grade
-Beat [MODE] in [TIME]
-Beat [MODE] without use of [BLOCK] (removes block from queue entirely)
-any other sort of game that needs its own "game" like:
++Form a [ITEM] shape (Tetris Party's Shadow mode)
++Beat [MODE] with reversed controls

These too are what I imagined when Missions were announced. I would honestly love to see these in practice. It also wouldn't be hard to implement the "Shadow" mode since TF owns Party as well, correct?  

EDIT: I'm looking at Tetris Party game modes on YouTube, and Stage Racer looks pretty promising as well. We can only hope right!?


Quote from: Wulven
I also have to say that I love Pineapple's ideas.  Those are the sort of missions I expected when they first announced missions.  Those actually have challenge behind them, compared to these where you dont even have to focus, just beat listed game X amount of times until criteria is eventually filled through normal play.  However, yes, TF would try to dumb down them by a lot...

I would like to see personally...
-Secret Grade
-Beat [MODE] in [TIME]
-Beat [MODE] without use of [BLOCK] (removes block from queue entirely)
-any other sort of game that needs its own "game" like:
++Form a [ITEM] shape (Tetris Party's Shadow mode)
++Beat [MODE] with reversed controls
It wasn't just "having challenge behind them" that I was aiming for. I wanted to make people think about the game differently, with those ideas.

Speed isn't everything. Although being able to cope with the higher speeds is a good skill to have, speed (especially if the only thing being pushed for) comes to the detrement of other aspects of playing the game. By training in other areas, you can make much more use of being able to play faster.

Beating a mode (or clearing a certain number of lines) without giving the player a certain piece (the I is the obvious choice to remove) is actually easier than giving them the piece but letting them not use it. Without getting the piece at all, your stacking changes to focus more on doubles and triples (L triples are probably the way to go). With being given the piece but not being allowed to use it, you have to fight very strong urges to not use it as you want to.

But looking at the not so obvious choices for pieces to not be dealt: Without O means that stacking can be looser, as crenelations are not punished. Without T is quite difficult, as it's probably the most versaitile piece in the game. Would mean that you can't switch a snake funnel as easily, for one. Without one of the chiral pieces would be interesting as well, as it would mean that certain situations would not be cleanly correctable. That would certainly give me problems.

This discussion has given me a really evil idea, though...
It is only when you open your mind, that you will be able to see how beautiful the world is...


Quote from: Pineapple
- Complete a 200 lines game without using an I tetromino to clear any lines.
oh nice nice