Hard Drop Open Tournament II

Started by Blink, November 04, 2009, 12:15:40 AM

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Okay 4 matches down, 4 to go.  The deadline for first round playoff matches is Jan 7th.  Try to schedule your match with your opponent via PM or something if you are having trouble.  If a match isn't played by Jan 7th I will see who's been on TF Live and actively trying to get their match played and drop the player who hasn't been.  If both players aren't active anymore they will both be dropped from playoffs.



haha it's pretty sweet to watch the recording. thanks virulent! i wish i could've given a better show in the end though lol.
goooo sirtetris!

Quote from: SiRTeTRiS
SiRTeTRiS defeats mzhang 15-6. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/3621531


PM sent to SecretSalamander. When we set a time I'll post it here and see if anyone can record. My good computer is broken so I'll be doing it at a net cafe (which is easily accessible for me) so I can't do any recording or whatever (I don't have the stuff anyway). But at least I'll get to play with a wired keyboard lol.
☠ massi4h


Looks like it should be around 5 pm GMT+13 (my timezone) on Tuesday which is 4am GMT Tuesday I guess. Hopefully someone with recording abilities can be on at that time. Just gotta confirm it from SecretSalamander as well.

Edit: lol the winner of us plays Blink. That sounds promising...
☠ massi4h


TomatoKirby defeats sonic 15-5


SecretSalamander beat me 15-12, gg so epic.

☠ massi4h


blink, the match between sirtetris and i will have to be play when sirtetris finishes with his hectic schedule. he's working some pretty crazy hours 7 days a week for 26 days. and I will not play any tourney matches at night time. this is not up for negotiation, i simply do not play well at night from fatigue and the servers lags me alot due to all the ppl online at night.  i don't think i should have to play at a time when i know i will not play my best.
i want to play st, but it has to bet morning/afternoon game, less ppl on tf the better. i mentioned this to vir during my first playoff match, the lag issue, not making this up..
"Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50 million, but I was just as happy when I had $48 million."-Schwarzenegger


That's a really long time to delay the tournament, a whole month.  I will delay the deadline for this round until Jan 25th and hope something frees up between now and then for you 2 to play, but I can't hold the entire tournament for 1 match.  

kotetsu, when do you want to play our playoff match?


Quote from: Blink
That's a really long time to delay the tournament, a whole month.  I will delay the deadline for this round until Jan 25th and hope something frees up between now and then for you 2 to play, but I can't hold the entire tournament for 1 match.  

kotetsu, when do you want to play our playoff match?

yep, well sirtetris' last Pm said he can only play after 10pm EST every day. and thats just too late for me. i dont see any way around that. he blocked out 8am to 10pm, even on weekends.. i just hope he can get out early or have a half day or something,.. a holiday is coming up on the 18th too.. wonder if he has to work also on that day.
"Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50 million, but I was just as happy when I had $48 million."-Schwarzenegger





Quote from: zemus
yep, well sirtetris' last Pm said he can only play after 10pm EST every day. and thats just too late for me. i dont see any way around that. he blocked out 8am to 10pm, even on weekends.. i just hope he can get out early or have a half day or something,.. a holiday is coming up on the 18th too.. wonder if he has to work also on that day.

Sorry I rarely get a chance to check forums anymore...been hella busy.  Woke up to go to bathroom here and figured I should check.  Hopefully I can get out a half day or early at some point the problem is if/when I do I'll have no heads up...so it's not like I'll be able to let you know in advance obviously.  Far as 18th goes we don't get off sadly, so not sure when can try to fit this in.  

For future though too zemus it's not like everyone plays their best game at the exact same time in life so I don't know if you expect everyone to conform to your morning/non-lag times for play or what?  I know I personally play my worst in the morning and best at night when I'm free from thought for what I have to do for the day, but that's just me.  Either way hopefully can work something out soon here.

Thank you Blink for extending to 25th but that's not really going to help me as I think the schedule is going to go til the 1st or 2nd depending on how our whole Fulfillment Department does so I don't know what I'm going to wind up doing?  I'll try and check back tomorrow night after work.


Quote from: SiRTeTRiS
... Hopefully I can get out a half day or early at some point the problem is if/when I do I'll have no heads up...

if it's before 5pm est. u can get vir or blink ( or u) to IM me on AIM.
chances are if you got a half day i should be home. but if not i'll just leave work for a few hours and go home to play.
"Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50 million, but I was just as happy when I had $48 million."-Schwarzenegger