Tetris Friends Battle 6P

Started by pinkyy, October 26, 2009, 11:16:06 AM

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So this week's mission is 'King of the Hill' and it is to win fifteen games of Battle 6P.

I've never really played the game before and I gather that who ever KOs the most wins :| Not who sends the most lines:|

I think it's that anyways. But I can't win ONE!

Any tips? Thanks


number of lines sent will decide a tie in KO's


just wait for the "aimer" to move on the weakest person. I find targeting is the best method here.
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If you just want to get 15 wins as fast as possible, purposely finish last to get ranked down so you can face easier opponents that you can win against.

Also, I don't think you get credit for the KO unless you sent the person the majority of the garbage in 6P, so targeting the highest stack might not necessarily get you credit for the KO.  It might be better to just send as much garbage as fast as you can without worrying about who it goes to and hope you get credit for most of the KOs by sending the most garbage to each person.


Quote from: iphys
If you just want to get 15 wins as fast as possible, purposely finish last to get ranked down so you can face easier opponents that you can win against.

Thats the lazy way to get your badge... I've got 4 wins to go and I'm playing through Grandmaster and I don't think I'll struggle for the rest of my wins like I did in 2P Battle @ Grandmaster
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Play with the T-spin map.  Almost no one has any clue how to use it, even though it's obviously set up to give you 3 free T-spins right off the bat (plus a pretty good combo after you finish stacking all your other pieces up the sides).


this one is really easy for me. I was only on level 8 in 6p battle as I never play it

it's that first one that's tough... 2000 lines in marathon.  I just don't want to play marathon on TF


Quote from: pinkyy
I gather that who ever KOs the most wins :| Not who sends the most lines:|

o jeeze, I just took 2nd in which I sent 67 lines, while 1st sent 33