What i do/am :)

Started by Frenzy, October 08, 2009, 01:26:02 PM

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Hey guys heres a little bit about me im a junior in HS. I am a referee for MLG (Major league gaming) events around the USA, im also a site administrator for Gamebattles which is MLG's Gaming tournament site. i love to play baseball and my Gears of War 2 team have 3 1rst place events. im still a proffesional gamer but i had to quit the Gaming in order to work for MLG. forum moderation, interview chief, administrator, platform leader are my jobs. just a little bit about me. Thanks for reading!!


heya frenzy, glad to have you here.  Nice to see you're in the progaming scene, and thats awesome that you have connections to MLG.  you're a pro gamer for GoW2?  What's your team name?  see you around.


may team names change a bit, but the best ones are PureTechnique, FullySpaced. gow2
i make friends with alot of pro gamers like Finalboss for H3 and many more. too many. im working on programming a TF ladder into it. im arranging a meeting for Tetris to be in upcoming MLG events next year so if your interested tell me.


Quote from: Frenzy
im arranging a meeting for Tetris to be in upcoming MLG events next year so if your interested tell me.

make it happen captain


ill let you into the information i get. Since im starting the Tetris ladder that means ill be leader of it all. i talked to my boss and he informed me if it should be implemented it will only have a 30,000$ start off prize starting feb 3rd. he says it sounds good and he'll make it happen. ill give you the info on the time/date when i get it for when the first Tetris tour starts. We just need to contact the creators of "Tetris" their corporation and ask for permission.


what game do you plan on using for the ladder?   Also i looked up your GoW2 team fullyspaced on youtube, crazy stuff.


Thankss yeah we worked hard the past year for Events  but uhmm, its going to be Split into 2 ladders TF and TOJ. TF is going to be easier seeing ashow we have acess to their information conact and TOJ might be alot Harder so well try but no promisses


yeah it would probably be easier to just do it on 1 game.  Having said that, I have some doubts because 30K for a tetris ladder is pretty hard to believe - good luck with everything man.


Quote from: FrenzyWe just need to contact the creators of "Tetris" their corporation and ask for permission.
That shouldn't be too hard, I remember reading an article not long ago about how they were wanting to get Tetris into more of a tournament scene.  God speed, good sir.
"Not all who wander are lost."  -J.R.R. Tolkien


Yeah i had to contact them myselves and they're creating adversisments for TFO. Its going to say Harddrop Tetris Tournament Featured MLG user Frenzy. and the backround it says Blink


yo dawg you forgot to mention dat you're a fake a** b****. kill yo'self, ho.
Monte: you scared of the rookie of the year
Digital: sigh, I'm soooo scared
Digital: *digital pees in his pants*


gosh don't need to be that harsh to him. he's still a minor lol


If you continue posting this lie I'm going to ban you from the site Frenzy.  If you like the site and want to move passed this, then please do so.