Possibly an Urgent Topic,

Started by azn_papirus, September 27, 2009, 01:24:08 PM

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Maybe you've all heard of a couple floods down back in my home country [Philippines]
but if you haven't... well, they're reeeeally bad = =", not since '67 has it been.

Sorry if it seems like I'm babying you, but only to make sure u knew.

The water level in my old neighborhood is high enough that they have to be on the second floor, and since most people don't have a second floor, they're all packed in my aunties upstairs, which isn't very large, [think maybe 20 or so people packed into your living room].

It might seem like not so bad, but it -was- a flash flood, meaning no time to prepare, so up in that upstairs you have possibly 20 people w/ no food, no usable water probably, and no sewage, also, the open sewage system definitely overflowed, and if you happened to be down the flow from that... = =;;;;

I'm not sure if I'd be scolded for complaining, or posting on an absolutely unrelated site, but hear me out,
this is my country, I'm sure if your country was going underwater, you'd be just as concerned.

So a favor I could ask right now, is if you could just include my country in your prayers tonight, or maybe if your not Christian, still maybe pray for my country, anything helps, everything helps.

lols, sorry for the long post, thanks very much ^^ if you read through the whole thing. Or even if u didn't and skipped to the end. lols, ty...
What a cloudy day!
No ees not ._.


your English is -now- almost a B+.


Sorry to hear about the floods. I'll make sure to keep it in my prayers. Floods can be a serious problem after the fact, they water damage can cause lots of problems, not to mention transportation can become difficult and dangerous until the water recedes. I hope everyone is alright over there and the flood won't cause much damage.
Play Cultris


What a cloudy day!
No ees not ._.


Yes I heard about those floods. Overall, floods are typical for your country, but this seems to be a major one. I hope your government acts as fast as it can and takes the necessary measures and right decisions.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein


Quote from: SpawN
Yes I heard about those floods. Overall, floods are typical for your country, but this seems to be a major one. I hope your government acts as fast as it can and takes the necessary measures and right decisions.

yeaaaa that's not gonna happen. it's depressing to admit, but the politicians there will probably figure out how to make money from the situation instead of working to help the people in need. hopefully NGO's will be able to pick up some of their slack :/


lols, socks beat me to it, but good news, there's a coming election, we're all praying we get a leader who'll help us out more than make money, so there's hope on the horizon.
What a cloudy day!
No ees not ._.


Monte: you scared of the rookie of the year
Digital: sigh, I'm soooo scared
Digital: *digital pees in his pants*


Yo, bad news u guys, two more typhoons on the way, pray for that too,
also the typhoons arent just hitting the phils, we got them in vietnam, laos too, so also pray for that ._., thank you,
What a cloudy day!
No ees not ._.