How addicted are you

Started by GOOBZILLA, September 12, 2009, 12:04:48 AM

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Im half way through my school exams at the moment and realised just how hard it is to stay away from tetris. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. Like I can stay away, but during my breaks from study i always find myself playing and then play longer then i should
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Goob's Money Crew[/div][div align=\\\"center\\\"]


I'm way too addicted. I've pretty much been playing for a year and a half non-stop, as in there have rarely been days where I didn't play any tetris at all.


Hi.. My name is ItsWhatever and I'm an addict..


sometimes i have the worlds most boring dreams.  i dream that a bunch of colored squares are falling from the ceiling and i have to stack them or something ominous and evil will happen.  and in my dreams i never end up clearing lines i just keep building in the 9 left columns infinitely until have a stack with about 100+ tetrises ready.  like i said.  the most boring dream in the world.
I eat babies.  Yum.


tetris ruins lives welcomee


[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Try playing for like 8 hours straight. That should feed the addiction enough and you should be able to break for a few days after.


I am so addicted I got a tattoo of John Tran and David on my back thinking it would make me play better. I sold my soul to the devil to go faster. I have been injecting myself with chopped up tetrominoes. I gave one of my eyes for a drink from the Well of Wisdom so I can see more future pieces than the game shows. I am thinking of getting surgery to replace my human fingers with robotic fingers. Past that I would say I am not really that addicted, but instead I just enjoy the game.
Play Cultris


Quote from: Red_Star
I am so addicted I got a tattoo of John Tran and David on my back thinking it would make me play better. I sold my soul to the devil to go faster. I have been injecting myself with chopped up tetrominoes. I gave one of my eyes for a drink from the Well of Wisdom so I can see more future pieces than the game shows. I am thinking of getting surgery to replace my human fingers with robotic fingers. Past that I would say I am not really that addicted, but instead I just enjoy the game.


I was playing since I was in my mother's innards, need I say more? Yes? Then, she was playing on the NES while pregnant of me. That's where and when I got the Tetris love.


Enough to make me hallucinate day and night
TetrisFriends Profile // Facebook
AIM: qgstkpnjtp // OS: Mac OS X 10.5.6


I can avoid playing it if I just don't start, but if I start I can't stop, and it's hard for me to get sick of it with so many different versions to play.  I have had spans of up to 6 months that I went without playing it, just because I knew I had to focus more on my work at the time and couldn't take the risk of sitting down for "just one game."  I have thought about only playing on odd-numbered days so I can get more work done and can say I only play Tetris on the odd day here and there, heh, heh (and there are a few more odd days in the year than even days).


Algrokos and iphys- Those were some funny posts. LOL.

I've never had a tetris dream but I want to. I've had dreams about online poker and browsing web forums (and porn) but not playing tetris.

My addiction isn't too bad. I tend to do the thing where once I start, it's hard to stop... I have a lot of hobbies so if I get even a little bored, it's easy to find something else to do.

I also love how every version is a little different. Today I've spent time on Tetris Party, Tetris DS, and Tetrisfriends.
Tetris DS Friend Code: 485942 003301
My Music:


I play too much. it is destroying my life  (kind of)

it's really annoying when blocks fall in my head and I have to do tspins ><


yes i have the same problem. through all my spares where i should be studying i find myself kicking a** on tetrisfriends. everyone knows me as the tetris player and my english teacher took me over to her friend and made me play tetris to show her how good i was. im going to fail yr 12


I Have to play at least once or twice a day... my cell phone broke over the summer and I had to go a month without my usual mobile Tetris.. luckily it led me to Tetris Friends on FB
-- Tetris Addict and proud... Looking for a Team --