pick me apart! please!

Started by Blink, August 31, 2009, 09:53:28 AM

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So last night I lost to hebo-MAI @ TOJ 25-17 and then 25-10, and I would appreciate very much if you guys can point out what I am doing wrong, or things I should try to do more/less, and what to change.  I know I'm far from being an efficient player, my style is too sloppy.  I don't know when to take garbage or when to counter it - do you guys have some sort of guideline?  What should I do when I'm at the very bottom and the other player is at about half field - stacking up for a Tetris at this point seems to allow the other player to get down, and then take my tetris garbage and send the neat garbage right back to me, turning the tables.  I'll try to adjust before the next time we play, because obviously what I'm doing now isn't working.  The series between us started out with me dominating, then it turned into us trading wins, but now I feel like hebo's starting to pull away now because this is the first time I've lost twice in a row to hebo.  I don't know if I was just having a bad day or what, but after losing the first set 25-17 I tried to adjust but ended up losing even worse.  So maybe you guys can see mistakes that I've missed?  I was never really good at analyzing, let me know what I should try to improve on.

Here's the replays of the 2 losses from last night if you want to help me out, they're long but just skip around:

25-17 http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2079613
25-10 http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2079954

I won't be back till late tonight - but hopefully I can get some feedback, thank you babies


try not being so bad!
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Get trance in here ;o  I haven't had the chance to take a look at the videos yet but will offer my quick 2 cents.. you've been playing a lot of TF lately no?  That probably has at least a little to do with it.  But if you think your play on toj felt 100% normal then idk :s  The couple of games I saw you two play last night, hebo made huge combos and won so I would think maybe you should try that?  I'm sure you're just as fast if not faster than her so it could work right?


I'm not sure exactly how the garbage system works, but to me, it looked like garbage was a little more random when you got multiple small garbage adds, and maybe when you combo.

So maybe if the other person is at half field you could try adding a lot of little garbage first so that the garbage is more random and it takes longer to clear through the garbage, and then kill them by adding a lot of garbage like  with a tetris or something while they are still trying to clear through the random garbage.

I don't know if this actually works since there is garbage countering, and I don't know how the TOJ garbage system works, but it might be worth a try  .
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I don't think you should take it that bad Blink. There is no player in the world that is close to reach the ultimate play. For me, Spindizzy is the guy that reached a level of play that noone managed to surpass, but he also played a game that is no longer relevant for present day tetris. Besides, you don't play TOJ that often and HEBO-MAI does. You are good, but don't think that you dominate so much at tetris, that you can beat someone at a game you play from time to time, while that someone is spending hours on that particular game every day. The game is different to Blockbox and TF, so I think its normal. You have to realize that you will incur losses from time to time. The universal tetris game is not yet created and many players are good at many different games. I`m sure HEBO can't beat you on Blockbox. Considering that you created this topic, I think your problem is more or less psychological and my advice is to work on that.

Our greatest quality is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. It was something like that.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein


is hebo better than samaf now?


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]is hebo better than samaf now?[/quote]
From what I've seen lately yes
It's all about the love


I didn't really see much wrong with how you played.  Tetris is one of those games where a tiny difference in skill or whether you happen to be "in the zone" on a given day can make a big difference in the outcome between two similar players.  Sometimes when people get frustrated or unsettled from losing it just makes things worse, and I kind of wondered if that was what was happening when I watched you last night, especially since the second set went worse than the first.


based on half of the first vid ima tell you
i think your style is too predictable for him... he seems to always open the same way.. stack for combo and wait for your garbage to hit. then he counters everything and sends it all back to you.
hebos garbage counter is really good.. he doesnt tspin double for no reason.. he waits until you send garbage then he counters... and you go so fast that you dont really have time to counter
you seem to mess up your combos a lot too... i see a bunch of small combos rather than 1 big one
anyway i gotta head to class but thats what iv noticed so far!


If you feel sloppy then you should try slowing down a bit.
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i dont have time to watch the videos yet but from what i saw against your 25 - 15 lost to SAMAF you need to keep you stack lower as one of the main priorities
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It seems as though all you do is Stack Stack Stack in rapid speed, I think you ought to chill a bit and you'll you'll be fine!

But hey maybe you were just unlucky...


First off, you aren't the real Blink because Blink never loses!!! /goes to cry over the fall of his hero

Now as far as winning goes, just go faster. None of this slow down garbage stuff. If you can get fast enough then nothing will counter it. Just play with your style but at a much faster pace. Get faster Blink.

I don't think you were even pulling 250s. Seriously, more speed with your gameplay should help some. Don't let him sit at the bottom by himself either. Stay at the bottom and throw some back and fourth until you can send some serious garbage for real massive damage.
Play Cultris


After hours of meticulous statistical analysis, I've reached the following conclusion:

You got beat by a girl.  


Dude, come on, don't insult the rest of us by making out that you're a rubbish player.

If the majority of us were in any real position to give advice we wouldn't be getting whitewashed constantly