Looks like I have a stalker

Started by Lancet, August 31, 2009, 07:49:33 AM

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Okay, guys, this is seriously creeping me out. Someone on my blog uses my old nickname I got rid of half a year ago (I change them a lot, idk why, lol). Seems like a girl, but you can never know on the internet. Anyway, (s)he know things about me that I never blogged, (s)he replies only to me, and (s)he even made an email address for this sole purpose, containing my birthyear. I ordered this creep to reveal her(?) true identity twice, first time no answer, second time "I'm the one you always wanted to be."; generally, (s)he sounds like some weird deranged person. do you have any idea how to find out who the f***er is? I don't want to delete this blog because I've been doing it for years and I'm terminal anyway so I want this to reamin after me. But atm it seems the only way to get rid of my stalker. Plz help?


that is really creepy!  maybe it's someone you know playing a trick on you!  but you should be wary of the Internet!  if you delete your blog, you'll have to start all over again!  dunno how u can find out who the stalker is, i think u you should expose your stalker, so everyone reading your blog knows you don't have your old nickname anymore!  and maybe ignore the stalker?  and dont say too much about yourself!  you shouldn't shut down your blog tho!  i hope it's not those serious, scary stalkers!


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Quote from: jdapple
that is really creepy!  maybe it's someone you know playing a trick on you!  but you should be wary of the Internet!  if you delete your blog, you'll have to start all over again!  dunno how u can find out who the stalker is, i think u you should expose your stalker, so everyone reading your blog knows you don't have your old nickname anymore!  and maybe ignore the stalker?  and dont say too much about yourself!  you shouldn't shut down your blog tho!  i hope it's not those serious, scary stalkers!
My readers already know that I don't use that name anymore. I banned the stalker's account, but I'm sure (s)he knows me IRL and will come after me. (Killing people in dark alleys is surely a deranged thing to do but to do this to terminal people, after letting them know that you are after them, is just.... too insane for me to comprehend.)


I always said that if I ever had a stalker, I would find some way to exploit them. For example, I'll have a five minute conversation with you for $50. You can touch my arm for $100. I'll let you watch me use the bathroom if you give me your car, etc.

In other news, your avatar is scary. Do you need some help? There are people that you can talk to.


i has spin
nice sig
I don't mean to spam but I don't like this random topic
It's all about the love


Quote from: caffeine
I always said that if I ever had a stalker, I would find some way to exploit them. For example, I'll have a five minute conversation with you for $50. You can touch my arm for $100. I'll let you watch me use the bathroom if you give me your car, etc.

In other news, your avatar is scary. Do you need some help? There are people that you can talk to.
I think this one isn't in love, tells me always how much of a loser I am.... LOL, look who's talking, no better thing to do in his/her life than trying to scare people over the net  But nice idea indeed  
And don't try to get me banned because of my avatar, or worse, brainwash an innocent hobby outta me... because that's pretty rude ya know?  And it won't work anyway. I don't have emotional problems (other than being angry at stupid people sometimes), it's just something that feels good (you can take that sexually or otherwise), I'm doing it for 6 years now, and don't need anybody to harass me because of it. Peace


Doubt it's a stalker.

My most likely bet would be it's a friend(s) playing a prank on you.

Also, cutting yourself isn't an innocent hobby. It's usually a pretty good sign of some sort of psychological problem, whether you think you've got one or not.


Quote from: Rosti_LFC
Doubt it's a stalker.

My most likely bet would be it's a friend(s) playing a prank on you.

Also, cutting yourself isn't an innocent hobby. It's usually a pretty good sign of some sort of psychological problem, whether you think you've got one or not.
A friend would never say me things like that person did. Also, I banned the bastard out of my blog twice and now (s)he seems to have gotten off my back. I hope this thing won't get repeated again!

OK, now you're just jugding me before knowing anything about me. First off, I have Aspergers, which is 1) genetic, so you can't say I'm just 'weak' or something, 2) causes sensory differences (like the one that makes me resistant to cold. I literally can't feel cold - I register it mentally as a fact but no discomfort. And as long as I don't get sick, it's OK.) Second off, I lead a happy life and if I listened to everybody that wanted me to give up things they didn't like, it would be a less happy one. (I got told the same stuff about videogames by my mother once.   ) Read my blog to learn more, we're going too offtopic here.


I'm not judging you. I just said that it usually points to some sort of psychological issue which, as it turns out, was correct as you have Aspergers syndrome.


ooo sounds like it's time for a plan!!!


this is what i would do...

if you use AIM and update your blog in your buddy info. change your contact stuff so that only people you add can see that you're online. make a new blog. the post it in your buddy info, so that only your AIM buddies can see it (they wont know that you changed your settings to only allow friends to IM you). and if the stalker appears you can tell it's one of your buddies. =]

and if the stalker dissapears. you have a problem xD


this is the "solve my stalker problem thread" not the "yell back and forth thread"

Tetris DS: 162047 665731


Quote from: Ando

this is the "solve my stalker problem thread" not the "yell back and forth thread"

You make it sound like we've had some sort of huge argument that's gone on for pages and pages. It was four posts, and we were done anyway.

And the only one yelling (or using caps at least) is you.

Discussion is discussion. Just because two people have a disagreement on something (and I'd say it was more misunderstanding than disagreement) doesn't mean that it's an argument or that we're "yelling", or that it needs to stop. If discussion was shut down every time two people disagree on something then forums wouldn't exist. Theads of people just posting complete agreement would be an utter waste of time.

Now it would appear that this post is arguing with you, which isn't really the sort of image I'd like to convey, but seriously, don't tell people to stop having an argument (and on the internet of all places), and especially don't do it when they're not even really having a heated argument, because then it's just annoying.



Tetris DS: 162047 665731


If you have a stalker, you shouldn't be asking the internet for help about it. Try the police. Might work a little better than random Tetrisheads.


Quote from: KevinDDR
If you have a stalker, you shouldn't be asking the internet for help about it. Try the police. Might work a little better than random Tetrisheads.

but we're soo cool D=

Tetris DS: 162047 665731