Tetris friends online, real online player?

Started by Tonino92, August 27, 2009, 10:16:05 AM

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Hi. im new on this forum. (sorry for my english), i have 17 years old and i live in switzerland. i play every time at Tetris Friends Online. for now im on RANK 13-14 on all online game on tetris friends site. my name of tetrisfriends its Tonino92. stupid question, but i want to know. Every time i play i have some questions, because, i see something strange.

- Two or three times, i play on 6P games, and i see ALL the 5 player with the SAME name and the SAME descriptions

- If i go on PAUSE in one online, i return after 5 minute, and i see, the other player not beginning!! i dont think the player wait me!! and why this? why the player dont play the game if i go in pause?

- If i finish a game on Sprint 5P (40 lines faster), i see all the times of finish of the other player, but without wait hes finish the game

- i find EVERY TIME one people for play with me, and the game flow PERFECT with my sh** connection.

loool, the question are stupid, but i want to play with real player, this is real player? i know its a stupid question . i never play tetris on other sites for now, i play every time only on tetris friends. byee, and ...


You're playing against replays of other players, it isn't true multiplayer.  If you want to play the realtime multiplayer sign up for the beta here: http://www.tetrisfriends.com/users/beta_signup.php  and then play the Tetris Live mode.


this is amazing!!! thanks a lot man  i play right now in this beta