TPM Training Extra

Started by Magnanimous, August 26, 2009, 01:31:26 PM

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Lately I've been shooting to stay over 100 TPM in every game, and this gave me an idea: Create a mode/option where if your TPM falls under a predefined number, the background will turn red. If you catch up to your TPM goal, the graphics will change back to normal. It'd be an easy way to see if you're keeping pace well.

Or do any games already have this?
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


that sounds like an awesome idea. However the TPM would have to be taken from a fixed interval, such as the previous 10 seconds, otherwise catching up could be a heck of a problem
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i have ANOTHER great idea: 1) how about you can select an option where if it reaches the time you're trying to get under on 40L, it automatically restarts for you-- and 2) an audible voice counts down the last like 8 lines for you so you don't have to be wary of when to start doing major downstacking. What do y'all think?


Magna-i like the idea of some kind of notification, but having the whole background change color sounds a little distracting.

bowcy-1)that might keep you from getting into the habit of clearing down at the end. there's something to be said for removing as many blocks as possible even if you have a bad time. 2)i like the audible countdown idea.


i actually really like this idea, unfortunately - deniax has been rather busy with other things.


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]2) an audible voice counts down the last like 8 lines for you so you don't have to be wary of when to start doing major downstacking. What do y'all think?[/quote]
Lockjaw (yeah, not too popular now) counts down from five, but the way the voice is implemented it usually squeezes a misdrop out of me. Has to be subtle.