New team Gameplay idea

Started by oliv, August 11, 2009, 01:00:35 PM

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I think experimenting with something like this is a good idea. Henk and Alexey also put forward an idea in a recent interview about "passing the ball"/tagging out. However, they didn't really talk about the implementation past that.

It could be pretty interesting. Each player could have a different role in the match. Depending on the rule of the game, some people could be charged with setting up special t-spin or combo setups and tagged in to do some big damage. Other players could act as tankers and downstack heavily while other the other players get their stacks back in order.

For this tag battle setup, maybe it would be interesting if each player had an Guard Meter of sorts that depletes either during active time or upon receiving garbage. Monte brought up the idea for this sort of mechanic for standard versus, -- his idea was that you'd only be able to use TOJ's countering/blocking mechanics until the meter depleted -- but I think it could be a good fit here as well. If it depletes past a certain point, then other players on the team would start to receive garbage. If it goes to zero, it would basically be like Send To All for the whole team. When tagged out, it could fill back up again slowly. It would prevent people from hiding behind one key player and require some team coordination to be successful.
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offensive and defensive players thing is stupid, we don't need any more sh** like that. tetrinet2-style team games is the way it should be, lines sent to all and tetrises = 4 lines to all. no more experimentation, we've got 2v2 tournaments coming up.
"Put some stank on those blocks."




you can't have team play sh** without changing the fundamentals i just said, with the exception of if specials are incorporated where there is immunity and grav and clear lines etc. to help your partner which involves actual team work
"Put some stank on those blocks."


Quote from: Corrosive
offensive and defensive players thing is stupid
actually it isn't

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
we've got 2v2 tournaments coming up.
that's great, but what does that have to do with this thread? why wouldn't people talk about team gameplay ideas, just because somebody wants to start a team tournament.

Quote from: oliv
Okay we already have the tetrinet-like team game and the original blockbox team game.
But I think these team games dont really favor cooperation or allow different style of players to combine their skills to make a better team.
i see your point. basketball teams don't usually have their centers sitting on the perimeter shooting 3's, and baseball teams don't usually have the right fielder come in to pitch. there are lots of team games where each player is a specialist. i think you're right that teams are better when the players aren't trying to do it all as individuals.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
To favor the offensive player to stack for tetrises and be as fast as possible, he would get less lines that the defensive one. say he would get 1/3 and the defensive one 2/3 of the lines sent from the other team.
i'd be willing to try something like that.


there is no playing "offensively" or "defensively", it is called having good yield and keeping your field balanced out at the middle.

"Put some stank on those blocks."




oh i like this idea

i wanna be a defender and clear through the garbage


Quote from: Corrosive
there is no playing "offensively" or "defensively", it is called having good yield and keeping your field balanced out at the middle.


I don't believe that to be true. It really depends on the tetris game. A tetris game that sends garbage with holes lined up, like Tetris DS, seems like it would be in favor of playing more defensively. While certain tetris clones will favor more offensive styles, such as Cultris v19, which can reward people for stacking really high.

I'm am for a team game with something to it. I really don't get the point of having teams where both teams do the same thing they would do if they were playing single player. Unless teammates shared the same field and/or bag. I feel like there should be some actual teamwork in a team match, something to connect the two people. At least have something like having one hold slot per team so teammates could pass blocks or something. It seems kind of silly to have a team of individuals doing whatever, not reacting to there teammates one bit.
Play Cultris


Quote from: Red_Star
I don't believe that to be true. It really depends on the tetris game. A tetris game that sends garbage with holes lined up, like Tetris DS, seems like it would be in favor of playing more defensively. While certain tetris clones will favor more offensive styles, such as Cultris v19, which can reward people for stacking really high.

I'm am for a team game with something to it. I really don't get the point of having teams where both teams do the same thing they would do if they were playing single player. Unless teammates shared the same field and/or bag. I feel like there should be some actual teamwork in a team match, something to connect the two people. At least have something like having one hold slot per team so teammates could pass blocks or something. It seems kind of silly to have a team of individuals doing whatever, not reacting to there teammates one bit.

I remember that in Tetris 2, the 'Next piece' queue was shared by both players in a 2P game.
I agree with the fact that there should be some element(s) between teammates, like a shared 'Next piece' queue or one hold slot per team. But one problem would be communication.
For instance, take players X and Y. X is a man of above-average skill. Y is a woman about the same skill level as X.
I assume that X & Y are teammates. Hold slot is shared by both. Each has their individual 3-piece queue.
Player X builds up for a Tetris. Player Y is downstacking.
X is ready for a Tetris, but sees no I-Tetrimino in his queue.
Y spots an I-piece coming in her queue.
How would X tell Y that he needs the I-piece, so he can complete a Tetris to send garbege to the other team?
Unless voice chat between teammates is supported on such a game, X cannot type in the chat box (if any) that he wants Y's I-piece without potentially topping out.
Or, one other solution is that Y could think that X needs her I-piece to make the Tetris. So, she sends her I-piece into the hold for X to use. (Intuition)




Quote from: oliv
As for the players having different roles,  I've thought of different sports and if you look at tennis, which is to me very close to tetris, in doubles both players have similar, symetrical roles. But then again tennis doubles have very little popular succes compared to basketball, and other teamsports.
I think we should try both and we will see what's best.

I think I get your point about symmetrical roles. I have no problems with players not doing the whole offense/defense roles. In tennis doubles the teams share the same side of the court which forces them to work together to defend their side of the court while sending the ball back to the other side for an attempt to score. If tetris did something like that then it could work out nicely, maybe.

I do get that communication will be a problem. It is hard to work together when you have no way to communicate your plans of action. That will have to be worked out by either getting communication or playing enough with your teammate to be able to sort of work together without talking, or making team strategies to follow.
Play Cultris


I got the idea of a Tetris Tug of War while waking up, but I don't see how it would be team-based rather than sum of each player speed / number of player.
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