Tetris Jargon Translation

Started by Digital, July 29, 2009, 05:39:41 PM

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Quote from: Maske
i hate to bother you, but can i ask you a quesiton ?
why do you need Japanese and Korean Jargon Translations ?
if you are gathering their jargon, i think you shoud gaher other languages too, such as French, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese. and so on
Of course, of course, that is the plan.    Right now, we're focusing on Japanese and Korean first because they both have a large number of players. Other countries might not have a large enough fanbase to have an established set of jargon.


All terms except for the multiplayer ones have been added onto the charts. The multiplayer terms will be in a pending section for now until we come up with suitable English equivalents. I'll try and organize everything better after I sleep.


Maske, I saw your post before we had to revert to a backup of the forum. Here's what it should look like. It's a bit confusing at first so don't worry about it.

{|                                    <- Use to start a new row of diagrams
|{{pfstart}}                          <- Use to start 1st diagram
{{pfrow | | | | |g|g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow | | | | | |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow | | | | | |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g|g| |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g|g| |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g| | |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfend}}                             <- Use to end 1st diagram
|{{pfstart}}                          <- Use to start 2nd diagram
{{pfrow | | | | |g|g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow | | |j| | |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow | | |j|j|j|g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g|g| |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g|g| |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g| | |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfend}}                             <- Use to end 2nd diagram
{{pfrow | | | | |g|g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow | | | | | |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow | | | | | |g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g|g|j|g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g|g|j|g|g|g|g|g}}
{{pfrow |g|g|g|j|j|g|g|g|g|g}}
|}                                    <- Use to end a row of diagrams


looks like advertising around on hangame worked a little bit, someone filled out a bunch of terms on the korean side.


Here are the translations for the words "Hold" and "Next" for the game screens in French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Dutch:

Hold: Tenir / Halten (Halt.) / Espera (Esp.) / Tieni / Houden (Houd.)
Next: Suivant (Suiv.) / Weiter (Weit.) / Siguiente (Sig.) / Avanti (Avan.) / Volgende (Volg.)

Abbreviations are shown in parentheses where the entire word does not fit the length.


I propose the following be integrated in French translations

English: T-Spin
French: Rota-T (ro-tah-TAY)
Rota(tion) + T

English: Garbage lines
French: Lignes de rebut/déchet

English: Hard Drop
French: Chute instantanée (Instant Drop)

English: Soft Drop
French: Chute accélérée (because 'Chute molle' would be redundant)

English: Back-To-Back
French: À la Suite

English: Twist
French: Coinçage (koin-ssah-j)

English: Entry/Spawn
French: Entrée

English: Hurdle/Split
French: Séparation

English: All Clear/Bravo
French: Tout Fini
French for 'All Done', although Bravo can be used as well

English: Misdrop
French: Échapée

English?: Torikan (a.k.a. 'YOU STOP RIGHT THERE FOR NOW')
French: Arrêt momentané

English: Top Out
French: Hors Limites (couldn't think of anything better)

English: Lock Down
French: Arrêt de mouvement

English: Ghost Piece
French: Pièce fantôme

English: Tetris Guideline
French: TetriGuide
Portmanteau of Tetris and Guide

English: Tetris The Grand Master
French: Tetris Le Grand Maître


Actually, All Clear/Bravo/Perfect Clear would translate into French would be "Parfait".


I think that this might be important if we are to get into competition with hangame players, so this is a little bump for this thread ^^


Quote from: Sisu


here we are

English | Chinese(simplified)
blocks/tetriminos/pieces: 方块
Garbage: 垃圾行
Ghost/Shadow: 影子
Hold: 方块æš,å­˜
Line clear: 消行
Piece preview/Next: 方块é¢,,览/下一个
Playfield: 游戏池/场地
Orientation: 朝å'
Randomizer: 方块序列ç"Ÿæˆå™¨
Rotation System: 旋转系统
Entry/Spawn: 出现/出ç"Ÿ

Tetris(as a quadruple): 消四行  ('Tetris' as the name of the game in Chinese is 'ä¿,,罗斯方块')
Triple: 消三行
Double: 消两行
Single: 消一行
T-spin: T转
Combo: 连续消行/连击

Hard drop: 硬降
Soft drop: 软降
Sonic drop: 音速软降
Misdrop: æ"¾é"™
Twist/spin: 旋转嵌å...¥/卡位旋转
Wallkick: 踢墙

All clear/Perfect clear: å...¨æ¸.../å...¨æ¶ˆ
ARE/Entry delay: 出现延迟
DAS: 自动移动
DAS delay: 自动移动延迟
Gravity: 重力/下降速度
Line clear delay: 消行延迟
Lock delay: é"å®šå»¶è¿Ÿ


The korean is the same as english.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


jimmy's translations are mostly ok.

actually most of them are just translated (or say transcripted) directly from English, so some of those terms have no perfect match in Chinese. also very few people in china know tetris game with these new features indicated by these terms.....

for example "hold", i haven't found any which doesn't sound weird..

also it can't sound more weird to have an SFX like "消三行" "erase three lines"..
or "三" three, "三行" three lines, etc..
i don't know why either..

so they're still mostly called in English, at least in my Chinese player group..

and some more detailed idea..

方块 actually means "square block", but it's often used to call a piece in tetris by people..
also as in name of tetris "ä¿,,罗斯方块" "Russian square blocks".....
maybe we should call it a 块 "block" later..

è¡Œ "line" are more widely called å±, "layer, floor (of a building)" by general players, as è¡Œ might sound more "scientific"..

as mentioned above, Chinese don't quite call clearing different number of lines specifically.. maybe a bit different for 4 lines..

misdropping are often called generally "失误" "make mistake".

"垃圾行" "garbage line"... most people may just say "things risen up".. and... "OMG it's rising! ohhhh fffffu----.... dead"....

DAS are always called as "加速器" "speed booster" by FBT players, because they're not built-in feature of that version, and needs third-party software to get this feature.

and back-to-back, literally "背对背", but..... i can hardly think it's something else than the real action "standing / sitting back to back"... always called B2B/BtoB....

wallkick.. really "kick the wall" "踢墙".. (someone might ask you if your feet get hurt...)

hard drop is also called "直落" "straightly/directly fall/drop", as almost no version played by Chinese people provides falling action with lock delay.

top out, always just called "died", but any more word looks unnecessary...

"torikan" for TGM series... seems to be called "é"é—¨" "the iron door" by some good players we knew...
sonic drop 瞬间(instant)软降
floor kick... 踢地板(kick the floor)?_(:3J L)_ sounds more painful... 爬升(climbing up) might be better..
digging, just 挖掘
slide, æ»'动

counter-attack 反击

about rotation systems, i just say ARS SRS, etc.

some additions

game modes: (游戏模式)
sprint 竞速
marathon 马拉松
ultra... not often playing and can't think of a good name..

names of people..
Alexey Pajitnov: 阿里å...‹è°¢ 帕吉特诺夫 (many replacements with same pronunciation)
Henk Rogers: 亨å...‹Â·ç½—杰斯

maybe more...


Some Russian translations. A few definitions can be matched better, but are mostly accurate.

Rotation - поворот
Rotation system - Система поворотов
SRS - Супер-система поворотов
ARS - Арика-система поворотов
Gravity - гравитация
Slide, Skim - скольжение (synonyms in Rus.)
Combo - комбинация
Cascade - каскад
Square - квадрат
Wall kick - отталкивание от стены
DAS - Автоповтор движения
DAS Delay - Задержка автоповтора
Piece - фигура
Ghost piece, Shadow - призрачная фигура, тень
Back to Back - спиной к спине
Randomizer - генератор случайных фигур
Playfield - игровое поле
Garbage - мусор
All clear - Все чисто (literally), Поле очищено (Field cleared)
Twist - поворот, изгиб
Orientation - положение

Henk Rogers - Хэнк Роджерс


Attempted to fix the encoding of the Chinese posts.
Quote from: JimmyX
here we are
English | Chinese(simplified)
blocks/tetriminos/pieces: 方块
Garbage: 垃圾��
�Ghost/Shadow: 影子
Hold: 方块暂存
Line clear: 消行
Piece preview/Next: 方块预览/下一��
�Playfield: 游戏池/场地
Orientation: 朝向
Randomizer: 方块序列生成��
�Rotation System: 旋转系统
Entry/Spawn: 出现/出生

Tetris(as a quadruple): 消四行  ('Tetris' as the name of the game in Chinese is '俄罗斯方块')
Triple: 消三��
�Double: 消两��
�Single: 消一��
�T-spin: T��
�Combo: 连续消行/连击

Hard drop: 硬降
Soft drop: 软降
Sonic drop: 音速软降
Misdrop: 放错
Twist/spin: 旋转嵌入/卡位旋转
Wallkick: 踢墙

All clear/Perfect clear: 全清/全消
ARE/Entry delay: 出现延迟
DAS: 自动移动
DAS delay: 自动移动延迟
Gravity: 重力/下降速度
Line clear delay: 消行延迟
Lock delay: 锁定延迟
Quote from: farter
jimmy's translations are mostly ok.

actually most of them are just translated (or say transcripted) directly from English, so some of those
terms have no perfect match in Chinese. also very few people in china know tetris game with these new
features indicated by these terms.....

for example "hold", i haven't found any which doesn't sound weird..

also it can't sound more weird to have an SFX like "消三行" "erase three lines"..
or "三" three, "三行" three lines, etc..
i don't know why either..

so they're still mostly called in English, at least in my Chinese player group..

and some more detailed idea..

方块 actually means "square block", but it's often used to call a piece in tetris by people..
also as in name of tetris "俄罗斯方块" "Russian square blocks".....
maybe we should call it a 块 "block" later..

行 "line" are more widely called 层 "layer, floor (of a building)" by general players, as 行 might sound
more "scientific"..

as mentioned above, Chinese don't quite call clearing different number of lines specifically.. maybe a bit
different for 4 lines..

misdropping are often called generally "失误" "make mistake".

"垃圾行" "garbage line"... most people may just say "things risen up".. and... "OMG it's rising!
ohhhh fffffu----.... dead"....

DAS are always called as "加速器" "speed booster" by FBT players, because they're not built-in feature of that version, and needs third-
party software to get this feature.

and back-to-back, literally "背对背", but..... i can hardly think it's something else than the real
action "standing / sitting back to back"... always called B2B/BtoB....

wallkick.. really "kick the wall" "踢墙".. (someone might ask you if your feet get hurt...)

hard drop is also called "直落" "straightly/directly fall/drop", as almost no version played by Chinese
people provides falling action with lock delay.

top out, always just called "died", but any more word looks unnecessary...

"torikan" for TGM series... seems to be called "铁门" "the iron door" by some good players we knew...
sonic drop 瞬间(instant)软降
floor kick... 踢地板(kick the floor)?_(:3J L)_ sounds more painful... 爬升(climbing up) might be
digging, just 挖掘
slide, 滑动

counter-attack 反击

about rotation systems, i just say ARS SRS, etc.

some additions

game modes: (游戏模式)
sprint 竞速
marathon 马拉松
ultra... not often playing and can't think of a good name..

names of people..
Alexey Pajitnov: 阿里克谢 帕吉特诺夫 (many replacements with same pronunciation)
Henk Rogers: 亨克·罗杰斯

maybe more...