Tetris Jargon Translation

Started by Digital, July 29, 2009, 05:39:41 PM

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I was browsing one of our old wiki pages today that translated a few English tetris terms into their Japanese counterparts. I thought it would be cool to add more common terms onto the list. Then I remembered Blink mentioning how he had seen 1500 players online at Hangame his first time there. That led me to thinking that with a population that large, they must have at least established their own jargon on some level. Our plan is to find out what they are if there's any. Getting back to the big picture though, we're looking for jargon in any language as long as they are established. Here's the work in progress.

[wiki]Term Correspondence Chart[/wiki]

Would really appreciate it if anyone familiar with the Japanese or Korean jargon could help us fill in the blanks or correct any errors.   And of course, if there are any suggestions for new terms, languages, or things we could do differently, feel free to post them in the thread.


All Clear/Bravo     全消し
Block       ブロック
Garbage       じゃまブロック
Ghost/Shadow    ゴースト   
Hold       ホールド
Line clear       ラインクリア
Piece preview / Next pieces    ネクストブロック (nekusuto burokku) / NEXT    
Playfield       プレーフィールド
Orientation       状態
Randomizer       出現補正
Rotation system       ローテーションシステム
Tetromino   テトロミノ (#tetramino テトラミノ #tetrimino テトリミノ #Multimino マルチミノ)

Cascade       カスケード
Combo       コンボ
Firm drop/Sonic drop  ファームドロップ      
Floor kick       床蹴り
Hard drop/Sonic lock    ハードドロップ   
Misdrop       ミスドロップ
Rotation       回転
Skimming       削り (#Digging   掘り)
Slide       スライド
Soft drop       ソフトドロップ
Square       スクウェア
Twist/Spin moves    回転入れ    
Wall kick    壁蹴り   
Zangi-moves ザンギ入れ

ARE / Entry delay / Spawn delay     出現時間/待機時間/あれ (ARE)    
Back-to-Back    バック・トゥ・バック
Delayed Auto Shift (DAS)    横溜め移動    
DAS Delay    横溜め時間    
Gravity       重力
Line clear delay    消去時間    
Lock delay    接着時間/固定時間    
Top out       窒息
Torikan    とりカン

#reference data

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]if there are any suggestions for new terms, languages, or things we could do differently, feel free to post them in the thread.[/quote]


QuoteDefensive  When nearing a top out, counter the garbage as best as you can. Your opponent will not recieve extra ammunition and will have to build his own tetrises. Do not waste time making many singles. Most of all, remember not to overstack.

counter the garbage - 相殺


Sticky - スティッキー

Fusion - フュージョン

Digital - デジタル   B)


You're the best maske!   Thank you so much for helping out with the translation. You're always giving us a hand. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to tell us.  


Alright, the tables have been updated. I added the terms you suggested maske. I also followed the reference links you gave and added several more terms. I'll try to see what else I can find on those pages and add them on later. Suggestions from everyone are welcome as always.  


Whoa... tables are full now at least on the Japanese side , looks pretty good.
Hopefully someone will provide Korean terms
It's all about the love


Does anyone play Hangame?


QuoteThank you so much for helping out with the translation. You're always giving us a hand.

the gratitude is all mine. it's an easy task  
without digital's and jujube's help, i wouldn't lhave ived in tc. indeed, i'm still counting on you, and i would like to express my thanks to you afresh.

now, correction is here.

Combo     コンボ (REN)

Combo / REN - コンボ / レン

Monosquare ピュアスクウェア (Pure SQUARE)
Multisquare コンボスクウェア (Combo SQUARE)

Monosquare / Pure SQUARE  - モノスクウェア / ピュアスクウェア
Multisquare  / Combo SQUARE - マルチスクウェア / コンボスクウェア

although i quoted "Pure SQUARE/ComboSQUARE" from the terms on TETRiS GREEN, are "Monosquare/Multisquare adopted on other games ?

*Additional Terms  
Hotline  - ホットライン
Inititial Rotation System - - イニシャルローテーションシステム
Arika Rotation System -- - アリカローテーションシステム
Super Rotation System - スーパーローテーションシステム
Grade Recognition System - 段位認定システム
Temporary Landing System - ブロック仮想落下システム
The Tetris Company / Tetris Holding - テトリスカンパニー / テトリスホールディング
Tetris Guideline - テトリスガイドライン
Alexey Pajitnov - アレクセイ・パジトノフ
Henk .Rogers - ヘンク・ロジャース
Edward .Rogers - エドワード・ロジャース

i always feel hd's wiki seemes to lack the terms about Multiplayer Games.
because i don't know how to express them shortly,  i have sometimes encountered difficulties. Hopefully, their terms will be added.

  • timming your placement rhythm so that the garbage cannot be countered  - 相殺外し
  • instant "Top out" ??? - 即死
  • dealing well with sulky garbage and escaping from a crisis ???  - リカバリー
  • occurring a long direct hole like the following situation ??? - 貫通

    if  i'm lost, you can look and you will find me on resort...  
    time after time... time after time... time after time...  
    although i'm still in my twenties, i'm sorry for quoting a old source like cyndi  .


Quote from: Maskeoccurring a long direct hole like the following situation ??? - 貫通
Google literally translated those kanji as "Penetration". It sort of reminds me of "rectum" from Arkmay's glossary (not especially SFW).


Quote from: Maske
now, correction is here.
Ah, thank you for the corrections. Making edits in Japanese, I have no idea if I'm copying and pasting correctly.  

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Monosquare / Pure SQUARE  - モノスクウェア / ピュアスクウェア
Multisquare  / Combo SQUARE - マルチスクウェア / コンボスクウェア
although i quoted "Pure SQUARE/ComboSQUARE" from the terms on TETRiS GREEN, are "Monosquare/Multisquare adopted on other games ?
I'm not sure if the terms are official. One of our members used them for the [wiki]Square Platforming[/wiki] wiki page. I think I've seen "monosquare" used a few times outside of the wiki.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]*Additional Terms[/quote]
Yay, more terms! We're going to need to do more organizing as the tables get larger. Do you have any suggestions on how to divide the terms into more groups?

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]*Suggestion
i always feel hd's wiki seemes to lack the terms about Multiplayer Games.
because i don't know how to express them shortly,  i have sometimes encountered difficulties. Hopefully, their terms will be added.[/quote]
Yeah, I've realized this too. At the moment, we don't have enough multiplayer articles on the wiki. Thus, the common multiplayer terms used by the community are not really clear. I was actually planning to add a "Multiplayer" category right under "Methods of Play" once we have a few more dedicated pages. That might just happen very soon since you've reminded me.  

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]hmmm, there's still this much. our work seem to be no end. i might run away
if  i'm lost, you can look and you will find me on resort...  
time after time... time after time... time after time...  
although i'm still in my twenties, i'm sorry for quoting a old source like cyndi  .
Yeah, there's definitely a lot of work ahead.   I'm more excited than frustrated though.  

Maske, you should sign up on the wiki and make the edits yourself, contributing to where you see fit. I don't want to take all your credit.  


Quote from: tepples
Google literally translated those kanji as "Penetration". It sort of reminds me of "rectum" from Arkmay's glossary (not especially SFW).

well, if "rectum" is twisted, does the situation become the following illustration?

Quote from: Digital

Maske, you should sign up on the wiki and make the edits yourself, contributing to where you see fit. I don't want to take all your credit.  

hm..., though i have created my accout, there seems to be a lot of differences between mediawiki and mine. i must learn  the notation about mediawiki considerably. so i hope you prepare to wait for 100 years. i will get down to my work around the turn of the 21 centuries

ok now, i'll support you sooner or later.
then, since i don't need my credit, please feel free to write articles.

btw, though hd's wiki don't have the page about Edward.Rogers, isn't his name well-known in western ?
in spite of the CEO of Tetrisonline Japan Inc, i've heard that he kept average 7950 at the twilight of tds scene  (however, seeing his toj's grade, he seems to be become weak very decently.)


Quote from: Maske
btw, though hd's wiki don't have the page about Edward.Rogers, isn't his name well-known in western ?
that name doesn't sound familiar to me. what name does he use on TOJ and TDS? that might be easier for some people to recognize


Edward Rogers, as in the Eddie Rogers that I've heard posts on 2ch?


Korean Jargon Translations:



슈퍼 로테이션 시스템 (Super Rotation System)

로테이션 시스템 (Rotation System)

티-스핀 (T-Spin)

백투백 (Back-to-Back)

테트리미노 (Tetrimino)

하드 드랍 (Hard Drop)

소프트 드랍 (Soft Drop)

테트리스 (Tetris)

회전하기 (Rotate)

블록을 (Block)

알렉세이 파지노프(Alexey Pajitnov)



Quote from: DigitalI'm not sure if the terms are official. One of our members used them for the [wiki]Square Platforming[/wiki] wiki page. I think I've seen "monosquare" used a few times outside of the wiki.
"Monosquare" and "multisquare" come from the manual of the North American version of The New Tetris. And I seem to remember Tetris Worlds mentioning "pure square" and "combo square".

Quote from: Maskewell, if "rectum" is twisted, does the situation become the following illustration?
That one looks more like "garbage" to me.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]there seems to be a lot of differences between mediawiki and mine. i must learn  the notation about mediawiki considerably.[/quote]
Then I take you've never edited Wikipedia either.


i hate to bother you, but can i ask you a quesiton ?
why do you need Japanese and Korean Jargon Translations ?
if you are gathering their jargon, i think you shoud gaher other languages too, such as French, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese. and so on

Quote from: jujube
that name doesn't sound familiar to me. what name does he use on TOJ and TDS? that might be easier for some people to recognize

eddie is well-known not only as the celebrity but also good japanese speaker , and he cherishes the substitute character's name written by "kanji" on  japanese site. now, i have often saw him posts a comment on mihara's blog.
then. although i found him own made mention of his tds carrear on the boad of japanese sns, i don't know his wifi-name

for all some of heartless japanese are badly complaining about him, i really think he has a friendly appearance and he is a fine type of gentleman. perhaps he might answer your inquiry kindly when spoken to. when i once asked directly for him to exchange my tds code, he had left a polite comment to me "kindly" and turned down my proposal.
haha, there is by no means an element of sarcasm in "kindly"