
Started by kukrapoc_bazza, July 10, 2009, 02:40:34 PM

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I'm Baptiste 'kukrapoc_bazza', French native speaker from Belgium.

I played TetriNET from 2000 to 2006, becoming a pure player famous for my speed and my skill in free for all games. I joined Tetris clan HELLFIRE, playing with spindizzy, J.E.L.L.O., Acid-devil, justin, michele and zLiP. I was also picked up for the Belgium national team at the TetriNET World Cup hosted by tetriplanete.com, playing with maestro and alien_breed.

My best TetriNET achievement is the 53 lines added (using tnet1.13) and 54 lines added (using blocktrix) in #quick (aim: add the most lines in 180 seconds). I guess those scores are still undefeated? My best tetrifast achievement is a victory against JAELUV, BDigital and Jtadore in a pure FFA game, after 30 games played? ...

I started Cultris in 2006, nickname Spatule and [hf]kukrapoc_bazza. After a break of >1 year, I'm coming back, nickname TooMuchTooLate. But skill has gone, old keyboard has gone and I miss the games with gigolo, Trevor and KhmaiBoy aka Maseratti.

I am a former top10 player on Tetron2000 and Multris and I managed to reach the Grand Master rank at TGM in 10:38:15 in 2007. Never played this game after that anymore.

I have two 'tetris regrets'. The first one is that I did not play TetriNET2, missing legends such as Corrosive, DraKKiE, Lapsilap and vapid in action. The second one is that I have never played a game with gigolo, scooter, goofer, J.E.L.L.O. and DaƱce in the same room.

I have always considered myself as a decent Tetris player, never as an elite.

Nowadays, you can catch me on Urban Terror, *FLAP*kukRAbAzZa*.. (*.. is a tribute to mistyblue*..)



welcome to the site kukrapoc, i remember seeing you back during tetriFAST days.  Good to see that you still play tetris after so long.


Hi Kukrapoc, thanks for coming.

We have a few great players here, not sure if anyone has beaten your 52-53 lines in 180 secs record yet.
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Ah, welcome.

I had seen your TGM1 record on Tetris Concept and wondered if you had played any of the other games. Your completion time is quite good. Have you thought about checking out other TGM series games or clones of them?
<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Yeah, under 11 minutes on TGM1 is pretty snazzy. It's faster than I've ever bothered trying to go at least.


I played some TGM2 but my laptop was to rusty to play it correctly. I could try on my new computer to play some games but I must confess that Deathmode 300 (level I reached sometimes with the Flingstones computer) seemed to fast for me already.


Death mode is pretty harsh. The step up from TGM1 to TGM2 in terms of difficulty is pretty substantial.

If it won't run well enough for you there's always Texmaster.