Cell Phone Tetris

Started by mIIr, July 07, 2009, 12:51:00 PM

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No real way to verify... unless you can post a pic of your cell phone screen but just for shizz and giggles whats some peoples high scores?

98 lines
level 10


Tetris mobile? when I used to play that I only played multiplayer against people
"Put some stank on those blocks."


Well,it also exists a tetris version for ipod touch,which I usually play when I go to gym or when I wait for the bus to arrive.

However,this version has only marathon and magic version :/.Till level 15.


High score 157865
Lines 145


Score 339919
Level 10


I got 421,500 on marathon on itouch.


Is this the same game that caffeine won the tournament for? I wonder what his highscore was.


i think the tournament he played in was multiplayer and he had the highest rating.


whoa multiplayer in your cell phone?
where can i get this tetris
It's all about the love


i'd like to play it too but i can't on this phone


It's EA's latest non-iPhone release. There used to be a leaderboard for Marathon, 40 lines, and Ultra, but it's no longer available. The top Marathon player looked like he played the same game on and off for at least a month. the 40 lines top ten were all 0 second glitches. I was #1 on Ultra. =] I don't remember the exact score, but I think it was the only one that was over 300k. Right now you can only see the leaderboard for Multiplayer Elo-ranking. I still play this every day. =] It's great for working on my T-Spin opening, as well as downstacking (the game uses random garbage). Multiplayer is surprisingly fair, too. Identical pieces and garbage. TTC should take a hint.


Quote from: caffeine
TTC should take a hint.
i was a little disappointed that the only cell phone tetris game Henk Rogers specifically talked about in his last interview was Tetris Pop.


EA Mobile Tetris Marathon Highscore:
Lines Cleard 151
Level 15 (the whole time)

Dont believe it and ill take a pic of my phone... im addicted (lol)...play at least two games a day or have a problem...
-- Tetris Addict and proud... Looking for a Team --


Quote from: Locolama
EA Mobile Tetris Marathon Highscore:
Lines Cleard 151
Level 15 (the whole time)

Dont believe it and ill take a pic of my phone... im addicted...play at least two games a day or have a problem...

I believe it, but why'd you stop at 151? Most players I know can keep playing indefinitely. Is there a new update that cuts you off after so many lines?


Quote from: caffeine
I believe it, but why'd you stop at 151? Most players I know can keep playing indefinitely. Is there a new update that cuts you off after so many lines?

EA Mobile Tetris Cuts You Off At 150 lines...you can only go over if you get more than one line as your last move.. (the most you can get it 153) Games where u can play indefinately are also scored differently
-- Tetris Addict and proud... Looking for a Team --


Are you talking about EA's iphone Tetris? If not, then there must be a new update since EA's mobile Tetris has always let you play indefinitely.


Can you guys recommend the best game for both the itouch and iPhone?  Free or pay doesn't matter.