"Next Piece" Player Spotlight Nominations

Started by Blink, July 06, 2009, 02:28:12 PM

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It's all about the love


oh cool. 59725 ultra. my friend got angry and beat me back pretty quickly  so now I'm #3 on ultra lawl


Quote from: not_trig
oh cool. 59725 ultra. my friend got angry and beat me back pretty quickly  so now I'm #3 on ultra lawl

Makes me wanna study ZTStacking again
TetrisFriends Profile // Facebook
AIM: qgstkpnjtp // OS: Mac OS X 10.5.6


hmm. my friend (who's #2 on tetris friends) taught me how to do it...

unfortunately I am still not close to as good as he is [he has 61k on facebook] and lucked out that one game by going super-fast (100+ tpm yay!) I average ~48 though... :/ and he averages 55 at what he calls "cruising speed." makes me sad



Jumped Shaved 4 seconds off my Sprint on TetrisFriends. =-)
TetrisFriends Profile // Facebook
AIM: qgstkpnjtp // OS: Mac OS X 10.5.6


After blockles changed,

-Went from 57  seconds on 40 lines- to 44 seconds-
-1:30+ on block driller- to 38 seconds-
-Tpm of 100~- to Tpm 130
Learned finesse
Learned counterclockwise and 180 rotations
Learned to T-Spin
Learned to T-spin Triple


wow s2k you wer epulling a sub-one minute 40 like time without two rotation buttons
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Goob's Money Crew[/div][div align=\\\"center\\\"]


Nice, at least something good came of the Blockles fiasco.


Gained Every Achievement and New High Scores for Tetris Evolution Cascade, Marathon (Fixed and variable), Race 10,25,40 Lines, Ultra , Score times, Go Low (Fixed and variable), Hotline, and Eraser times.

Currently highest level on TFL and achieved my 2000 rating..

Oh yea, I Knocked Out Blinky in TF Live!!


This week's player of the week was very close between S2K and ItsWhatever, but I have to give it to S2K because learning to tspin, tspin triple, finesse, use both rotates, and the double rotate button would usually take other people over a month.  Congrats to both of you on your achievements though, and keep it up itswhatever, you'll get POW soon enough lol.


Completed Secret form on Block Box after having a week break of trying to complete it  i know there already be a POW but i just proud


40L: 1:19 78 tpm » 1:10 87 tpm » 00:57:74 102 tpm!

marathon 41300 » 739393

i think i'm getting faster?
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wow rule you are pro now
I told you you could go faster!
It's all about the love
