"Next Piece" Player Spotlight Nominations

Started by Blink, July 06, 2009, 02:28:12 PM

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lol viru's original post was from december 2009.
☠  crzy242


o that's cool if only i made a 1 yr mission like solo :s 50 tpm increase :s but i haven't played much bb so maybe i'm faster now!  although from my toj 37*2.5 is 92.5 D: apm over lpm anyday!
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]


Went from 38.35 to 32.38 on Nullpo 40L in one day! Also breaking my 40L record on BB, I think i'll start playing nullpo 40L for a while.

I'm also averaging around 55 apm on TOJ, was around 47 before. 55 still seems low though...

December 18th - Got 59 Apm average for the day.

Defeated SiRTeTRiS in TTO! Now for Trance (6-15, BOO!)

Blockbox 40L from 33.21 to 32.41.

TOJ Time Attack from 39.627 to 37.638.



Defeated Trance in sprint - now for Maserati!!!
               Tetris Belts!


Broke 40-second barrier: 39.37

2:47 for Phantom 300

1:08.20 for invisible TF sprint

That's all for this month :/
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]www.hrlarry.com[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


I learned how to T-Spin for a single or a double clear.. Goal: Triple T-Spin!
And I'm used to turn Tetriminos with only the Clockwise rotation.. I should practice with both buttons
Yesterday I got first in the Global leaderboards in Tetris PS3 for a variant called "Ledges".. That's my very first Tetris "achievement" :-D
Another Goal: Learn some cool spins


For the month of December:

34.03 40L
18.30 BB Driller

I guess that's it.


I cut off 5 seconds off my 40L mode(from 0:58.6x  to :53.54) in nullpo and new BB survivor time from 2:05 to 2:36
"Given the real thing and an indistinguishable fake, which is worth more"- Gaen Izuko (Nisemonogatari)
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."- Aristotle


blink, any chance of awarding "player of the year"?
☠  crzy242


Quote from: crzy242
blink, any chance of awarding "player of the year"?

One vote for jkwon23.


No ulterior motive there crzy at all

I say no because I wouldn't get it
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Lorygravina

Yesterday I got first in the Global leaderboards in Tetris PS3 for a variant called "Ledges".. That's my very first Tetris "achievement" :-D

I just beat you.


All I've done this month was cut .55 seconds off my forty lines and started using finesse and both rotations.


40L 48.xx
Survivor 2:40.99
Driller 23.xx


Finally broke my 40 lines rec on TF (now its 43,49,previous was a few months ago 45,xx)
And a few days ago i broke my 40 line rec on BB (now its 41,00 secs )

Too bad BB doens't save best times for 40 lines anymore