"Next Piece" Player Spotlight Nominations

Started by Blink, July 06, 2009, 02:28:12 PM

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Hi Atomitekke, welcome to HardDrop! If I remember correctly, you once mentioned me in your tag line. So thank you. 43.3 seconds in Tetris Friends sprint is good - better than I could do. Don't listen to people telling you something else. Nevertheless, there are really people who can go sub 30 in TF and sub 25 in NullpoMino.  But those players are the exception. Most times they are young, dedicated Asians, who can plan ahead many pieces. But if you take away their previews, hold and bag randomizer, they become vincible.

Nullpo is thought to be played with 60 fps only. Otherwise the times are invalid.  If someone's achievement is that implausible, one could call them out to play some netplay sprints. Then one would see their real speed.


Quote from: Integration
Hi Atomitekke, welcome to HardDrop! If I remember correctly, you once mentioned me in your tag line. So thank you. 43.3 seconds in Tetris Friends sprint is good - better than I could do. Don't listen to people telling you something else. Nevertheless, there are really people who can go sub 30 in TF and sub 25 in NullpoMino.  But those players are the exception. Most times they are young, dedicated Asians, who can plan ahead many pieces. But if you take away their previews, hold and bag randomizer, they become vincible.

Nullpo is thought to be played with 60 fps only. Otherwise the times are invalid.  If someone's achievement is that implausible, one could call them out to play some netplay sprints. Then one would see their real speed.

thanks for your answer. It's clarifying. Though I'm still not a believer in 5 tetriminos per second in real time, even with only 2 average keystrokes per tetrimino I cannot imagine someone typing that fast. But then I once thought it would be impossible for myself to ever play under 60 seconds, so...

I'm not sure about mentioning you in my tag line. I don't remember really and i don't even know what a 'tag line' is.

Anyway, thanks


Quote from: atomitekke
Though I'm still not a believer in 5 tetriminos per second in real time,


QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: atomitekkeThough I'm still not a believer in 5 tetriminos per second in real time, even with only 2 average keystrokes per tetrimino I cannot imagine someone typing that fast. But then I once thought it would be impossible for myself to ever play under 60 seconds, so...
You rather need 2.7 keystrokes per tetrimino. 5 tetriminoes per second are the top speeds, the average is way below. The question is where to stop to believe. Is it imaginable that people could go sub 27 on Tetris Friends (BTW TF records are hard to fake)? If you watch Subversive's or MicroBlizz' replay, you can really see what makes them so fast. Eliminate the line clear delay, the lag and the time needed to move towards the walls, then another 5 seconds can be shaved from that time. Atomitekke, if you keep practicing in NullpoMino, I am sure your times will go in direction 35 seconds.

Quote from: atomitekkeI'm not sure about mentioning you in my tag line. I don't remember really and i don't even know what a 'tag line' is.
Oh that's a funny story. So don't mind if I tell?! With tag line I mean the short text standing next to your name in Tetris Friends. Mine is: "If you like Tetris, you'll love CULTRIS". This way I have an Cultris advert for free on a competing Tetris site. So how do I manage that as many people as possible read it? By sacrifying 10 hours straight to claim the top spot on N-Blox. You have to know that if you are not logged in and click on community -> leaderboard, then the N-Blox page will show up. So all those people new to Tetris will see my score and think: "Woah I dont eeven no how to pronouns sat numba. So many zeerooooos! Sat Integration gye must be da best in Tetris! Eeven betta then Triforce! He reecommands Cultris?! Wuts sat? Must chegg out!" Some days later I checked the page again to see if my score wasn't removed by some evil TF staff. There I saw that someone on the first page congratulated me on my score via his/her tag line. You don't see every day that a stranger congratulates you. So that line put a smile on my face. I thought it was you, but I am bad in remembering names. Must have been Alexhanna or Lasarahdropit then.


Quote from: Integration
[...]Oh that's a funny story. So don't mind if I tell?! With tag line I mean the short text standing next to your name in Tetris Friends. Mine is: "If you like Tetris, you'll love CULTRIS". This way I have an Cultris advert for free on a competing Tetris site. So how do I manage that as many people as possible read it? By sacrifying 10 hours straight to claim the top spot on N-Blox. You have to know that if you are not logged in and click on community -> leaderboard, then the N-Blox page will show up. So all those people new to Tetris will see my score and think: "Woah I dont eeven no how to pronouns sat numba. So many zeerooooos! Sat Integration gye must be da best in Tetris! Eeven betta then Triforce! He reecommands Cultris?! Wuts sat? Must chegg out!" Some days later I checked the page again to see if my score wasn't removed by some evil TF staff. There I saw that someone on the first page congratulated me on my score via his/her tag line. You don't see every day that a stranger congratulates you. So that line put a smile on my face. I thought it was you, but I am bad in remembering names. Must have been Alexhanna or Lasarahdropit then.

Silly me, i have to apologise, I'm bad at remembering names too. Indeed I did congratulate you with your superscore. And I am glad to see you already answered the question I wanted to ask you about it, how long did it take you? Strangely enough my best score took something like 10 hours too, of course i took short breaks, for a drink, eat or sanitary pitstop, but probably I'm just less efficient than you were. I finally topped out because I was so very tired and couldn't respond quick enough to a misdrop the game produced. I don't really want to have a go at improving your score yet, i think levels double about every hour of play, so that would mean playing 11 hours straight, staying focussed on making as many tetrisses as possible and still not stacking too high because of the risk involved...feels like having to climb a mountain. But I just love the game so i will be playing it every now and then.

Quote from: Integration
You rather need 2.7 keystrokes per tetrimino. 5 tetriminoes per second are the top speeds, the average is way below. The question is where to stop to believe. Is it imaginable that people could go sub 27 on Tetris Friends (BTW TF records are hard to fake)? If you watch Subversive's or MicroBlizz' replay, you can really see what makes them so fast. Eliminate the line clear delay, the lag and the time needed to move towards the walls, then another 5 seconds can be shaved from that time. Atomitekke, if you keep practicing in NullpoMino, I am sure your times will go in direction 35 seconds.

I do sometimes have a look at the best sprint games. I notice how the players minimize the number of keystrokes very well. They make use of some sweetspots, the sweetspot right below the spawning tetrimino, where you only have to push the harddrop, or maybe just have to press a rotate once, and the other sweetspot which is the DAS to the wall, + rotation + harddrop. myself I try to also use the technique of stacking in such a way that i can place many pieces without having to rotate, and trying to keep in my mind little rows of tetrimnos that i can stack in standard ways, so that i don't have to think too much. But i experience lots of problems with misdrops and stuff, so that takes a lot of focus during my games. If I play at 15 fps, I can take it much easier, not worrying about the time i spend, and just stack carefully. Though the gameplay becomes very sluggish at these low fps-rates. Finally i think that if a perfect game takes 100 tetriminos, every tetrimino could maybe take 2.5 keystrokes, this would add up to 2.5 + begin + end + lineclear= 5.5 frames per tetrimino, so about 550 frames in total. At 60 fps, this could maybe lead to a perfect score of just under 10 seconds? Well, I don't really know.


Quote from: atomitekkeSilly me, i have to apologise, I'm bad at remembering names too. Indeed I did congratulate you with your superscore.
Ahaha, I suppose, we are siblings in mind. So thank you for your tag line initiative.Like I said before, it put a smile on my face.

Quote from: atomitekkeAnd I am glad to see you already answered the question I wanted to ask you about it, how long did it take you? Strangely enough my best score took something like 10 hours too, of course i took short breaks, for a drink, eat or sanitary pitstop, but probably I'm just less efficient than you were. I finally topped out because I was so very tired and couldn't respond quick enough to a misdrop the game produced.
Yes I played a bit less than 10 hours. I didn't use autorepeat. I tapped all the time. There's also an option to increase autorepeat delay and rate (key K), but I don't recommend using it because it makes you misdrop.

Quote from: atomitekkeI don't really want to have a go at improving your score yet, i think levels double about every hour of play, so that would mean playing 11 hours straight, staying focussed on making as many tetrisses as possible and still not stacking too high because of the risk involved...feels like having to climb a mountain. But I just love the game so i will be playing it every now and then.
Not sure, what you mean with levels double. But score multiplier is proportional to level. Basically, if you play double as long, your score quadruples; if you play triple as long your score will be 9 times as high. So you don't really have to go for Tetrises. If you clear Tetrises only and reach level n, you should have roughly 1500*n*n points. If you clear singles only and reach level n, you should have roughly 200*n*n points. So someone clearing singles only would be able to beat my score by reaching level 3200. BTW if you plan to conquer the top in feature, remember there's something called arithmetic overflow. The highest number for a signed 32 bit integer variable is 2^31 = 2,147,000,000. Stop playing before you reach that score. Otherwise your score could become negative, so all that effort for nothing.

Quote from: atomitekkeFinally i think that if a perfect game takes 100 tetriminos, every tetrimino could maybe take 2.5 keystrokes, this would add up to 2.5 + begin + end + lineclear= 5.5 frames per tetrimino, so about 550 frames in total. At 60 fps, this could maybe lead to a perfect score of just under 10 seconds? Well, I don't really know.
There's something called TAS (tool assisted speedruns). Not sure if you were speaking about TF,  here's a NullpoMino one:


Quote from: Integration
.....The highest number for a signed 32 bit integer variable is 2^31 = 2,147,000,000. Stop playing before you reach that score. Otherwise your score could become negative, so all that effort for nothing.

Ah I don't know much about computers, but that does sound like a typical mistake a crappy softwareprogrammer could make. Only i dont understand, with 32 binary objects you can make 2 to the 32d combinations yes, not 2 to the 31st

oh never mind, not that interested anyway



Sprint times:
TOP 46.47 -> 42.891
TF 52.64 -> 51.39
Zeromeaner 41.xx -> 39.76
Blockbox 44.12 - 42.23

Cultris 2:
Maserati 41.08 -> 37.79
Fortnight 62 -> 69 lines sent
Improved max average BPM to 171


Broke two of the milestones I've been working on for a while:

Over 100k in NES Tetris, and under 2 minutes in 40 Lines.

118480 in nes and 112.65s in nullpo


Quote from: pizzapizza
now down to 1:00:98 for tetrisfriends sprint    

now down to 1:00:66  


Quote from: simonlc
Over 100k in NES Tetris
You are a tetris master.

Funny how a tetris master can't even sub 1:30

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Submissions for May begin.
Vote for April: http://harddrop.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5175 (closed)

FieryLight: Sprint 28.28 -> 26.78 (becomes 3rd fastest in Canada)

My improvements for May:
Zeromeaner Line Race 39.30 -> 37.90
ZM Dig Challenge (BB mode) 2:15 -> 2:33
Blockbox 40 lines 42.23 -> 39.18
TF Sprint 52.xx -> 47.76
TOP Time Attack 42.xx -> 39.083
[Cultris 2] Beat Grande Finale, new version
[Cultris 2] Max average BPM 171 -> 179
[Cultris 2] Maserati 37.44 -> 36.81
[Cultris 2] Fortnight 80 lines -> 94 lines
[Cultris 2] Maserati perfect clear sprint 39.36


Quote from: XaeL
You are a tetris master.
Funny how a tetris master can't even sub 1:30
I'm working on it, current goal is sub 100s.
