"Next Piece" Player Spotlight Nominations

Started by Blink, July 06, 2009, 02:28:12 PM

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It's not like it's the first two sentences of the original post, anyway.


You are right ofc, but you are complaining on the wrong person arent you? - mario was just helping out, and it is kinda true that POTM is reserved for "the good players"


5:53sec rank 7 - in you face paul and Pikiwedia!


Not to belittle your record or anything but most dig race records are just a case of playing loads of games until you get a perfect setup. It's a lot more luck than skill based (at least until you go to 18 line mode)


18 line mode is also luck based to a great extent
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Ravendarksky
Not to belittle your record or anything but most dig race records are just a case of playing loads of games until you get a perfect setup. It's a lot more luck than skill based (at least until you go to 18 line mode)
Thats true. But as for myself I know I have improved alot, all my top 10 times are now below 9sec, so I havent just played much and gotten lucky once but Im actually better now. This I noticed when I played dig challange yesterday and it feelt easier to get to 4min now


o.o i went from 2:13 seconds to 1:11 (record set today)
learnt to tspin
learnt ZT stacking
in 8 days.
still cant double rotate yet ( <--i'm sorry)
when the going gets tough, i get going.


My first ever sub-30 piece dig race with 28 pieces (1 held, so nullpo counts it as 29): Here is the fumen:

               Tetris Belts!


After 3 years of blood sweat and tears i finally broke the 35 second barrier.  34.83  YEAAAAAAAH


When I first began playing again (3 months ago), my 40L time on Tetris Friends was like ~1:20-~1:30, but then about a week ago, I went began playing NullpoMino and my fastest time was about ~1:05-1:06. Finally, I played 40L on TOP and my fastest time was 1:02:xx. Unfortunately my TF account was created several years ago, but I never took the gaming seriously, so that might null my achievements. I didn't touch a single Tetris game during those times I had the account except for maybe 1-2 times to see what the game Tetris was like. I also didn't know about NullpoMino (1 week ago) or TOP (4 days ago) until some Tetris players told me about it on HardDrop, so thanks to those who told me about those two programs!
You see the name "Mule" and you see a picture of a cat. There is no problem there.


Hi guys, how are you?
I'll post my best record of this month...

Detail: I know that I'm the current player of the month (Oct.)
So, if my record is not considered, I totally understand
So, I let you guys the decision to take it or not

My record:
I completed Sudden Ti mode of Texmaster.
So I'm a S13 Class Player. Actually, I'm the 3rd player outside Japan, who completes the 1300 levels of this game mode.

Texmaster: Sudden Ti - S13 in 05:36:46 (3rd outside Japan) by nahucirujano

Texmaster - Sudden Ti (Shirase)
Grade: S13 (Credit Big Roll Failed but I don`t care! Haha xD)
Level: 1300
Time: 05:36.46
Lines: 161 Singles, 51 Doubles, 12 Triples and 17 Tetrises!!!
Medals: Gold ST (at 1200), Gold SK (at 1128) and Bronze RE.
Points: 282891
Date: 11/08/2011
Fastest Section Time: 300-400 -- 22.80
Slowest Section Time: 500-600 -- 30.58
1st "Torikan" Breaking Time: 02:08.38
2nd "Torikan" Breaking Time: 04:20.28

My previous record was Level 1254 on Date: 08/25/2011.
Then on 11/08/2011, I reached 1290, right after that I dedided to play one more time and I completed the game.

Keep Stacking!



Not even close to being considered, but I wanted to at least share it since it's one of my milestones:  I completed 40 lines in 56 seconds (finally broke the 1 minute barrier).

Another one that's not really a big deal, but:  I completed the "playing forever" pattern in 88 seconds.

I don't expect to be in the running with these achievements - just wanted to share them


breaking the 1 minute barrier is a huge accomplishment in my opinion.  i think they grow as you go from 50-40-30  but breaking the minute barrier i personally think is a big accomplishment and you should be happy.


Quote from: Profane
breaking the 1 minute barrier is a huge accomplishment in my opinion.  i think they grow as you go from 50-40-30  but breaking the minute barrier i personally think is a big accomplishment and you should be happy.
i broke 40 with no das before i started using das.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.