"Next Piece" Player Spotlight Nominations

Started by Blink, July 06, 2009, 02:28:12 PM

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An update from my earlier post- and also so it's at the front, meaning that it's easier to spot!

Got used to nullpo (finally!) and am learning 180 degree rotation for spins

Broke my long standing 40 line record, from 33.69 to 31.79

Broke survivor, from 3:24.19 to 3:49.13

Broke driller, from 20.06 to 16.78

Got s9 on marathon 1 on my first attempt.

As for multiplayer improvements- I guess coming 4th in the NP weekly counts, as does ACTUALLY earning blue rating on bb for the first time. Still reigning champion from tfo.....

I will update this post when I break more records this month and by more, so watch this space!
               Tetris Belts!


got sub40 in blockbox and nullpomino
got to 45 seconds on tetrisfriends sprint putting me on the all time leaderboard
started playing TGM, I can get to S2 in the 300's right now on grade mania 1

g u r l g a m e r


Quote from: Paul676
Still reigning champion from tfo.....

And you probably will be until November at the pace TFO2 is going...


excellent! (in C Montgomery Burns's voice)
               Tetris Belts!


BB 40L from 37.52 to 35.04. Almost sub 35!!!!!
Tetris Friends sprint from 43.02 to 39.16 taking 16th place.
And I defeated goofer finally in the HDOIV Open!

Hopefully i'll take him out in the Playoffs!


POTM = Apocalypse.  Due to the difficulty of his records I had to give him it.  He's at the point where new records are hard to come by, yet he managed to get several.

A ton of players had a very impressive month (Paul676, cubix, Deek, microblizz, GPD, clincher, Shibbypod, larry, sobored, hypofreak, asdew, noogy, drpete, DAS, jemm, chow and boing) .  I'm glad people are showing their achievements, here's to another record filled month!


Congrats Apocalypse! I'll top 23.77 and then we'll see who's POTM! >:D
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Apocalypse totally deserves PotM. congratulations

next stop sub 23 ?


My awesome downstacking guide, last updated (Jan 29, 2013): Downstacker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tired of the same old Tetris games? Read my idea for a revamped Tetris game! The Next




umm in a few weeks i've gone from

34.46s -> 33.71s -> 33.53s in 40L mode, finally getting 3 pps.
2:41 s -> 2:57s in survivor mode, trying to break the 3 minute mark
24.xx s -> 20.00 s in block driller, trying to go sub 20.

I'll post more achievements later
☠  crzy242


gahh, been trying to break 3 minutes for survivor and go sub 20, but i just can't do it at the moment. however, i think my dsing has improved, im stacking over holes less now.

got a few new records though:

Expert Ti - S5 (500) @ 3:17.18
Marathon 3.5 - S11 (1178) @ 10:53.28  (14th place !)
☠  crzy242


☠ Apocalypse