"Next Piece" Player Spotlight Nominations

Started by Blink, July 06, 2009, 02:28:12 PM

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Submissions for August begin

Vote for July's POTM here: http://harddrop.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5321


Hi all,

I received an invite and thought I'd 'drop in' to share my recent maxout on NES Tetris.  (It has a crazy ending.)


My previous high score was 936,952 set back in March.


Nice. Was it the first Level 9 max-out ever?


My goals for this month are: Hit sub-30, resdesign my playstyle in multiplayer, learn to use piece previews better
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Sprints: Nullpo-26.78 (4/0),  TF-35.97, TOPW-29.461 (065-15), C2-36.58 (4.5/0)


Ranked up from 1 to 20 on Battle 2P.

It's honestly an achievement when TF decides not only to forget you have DAS, but to lag like total quicksand mixed with dog shit.
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Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


Quote from: Aaron
Ranked up from 1 to 20 on Battle 2P.
                          Z E N A S I S


Quote from: Integration
Nice. Was it the first Level 9 max-out ever?

As far as I know it was - and someone else also pointed out to me that it was the first time that the maxout was reached on a line, rather than a tetris.


40L - 34.63 > 29.15 | SUB 30!!
Dig Challenge - 3:56.36 > 4:23.31
Got my first 20 combo
                          Z E N A S I S


Quote from: pizzapizza
now got a 57.13 on tetrisfriends sprint

got 54.46 on tetrisfriends sprint  


Nice. Such a big jump. You could have been even 2 seconds faster, if you hadn't used softdrop needlessly. How comes that you use it so often in sprint?


Quote from: Integration
Nice. Such a big jump. You could have been even 2 seconds faster, if you hadn't used softdrop needlessly. How comes that you use it so often in sprint?

sometimes i get nervous and sometimes over think what my strategy will be like depending on what the situation looks like


Cultris 2:
Maserati 36.81 -> 36.25
Swiss cheese 11.xx -> 9.86


I was contacted via Twitter to come submit myself for possible player of the month, I do really need to start visiting full time and start harassing my fellow Minnesota Tetriser, Ben Mullen. Anyway, the following is most of what I did in the month of August for NES Tetris, but surely not all of it...

999,999 Max Out (232 lines) - Finally! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKsvAXQ6jEo...oHSEljB2YBp93qA

987,784 (231)
921,262 (217)
917,994 (220)
914,573 (233)
909,072 (219)
899,027 (230)
882,366 (230)
876,744 (198)

And set a transition score record of 676,452 (transitioning from 18 to 19). There have been claims of a 700k transition, but this passes Alex Kerr's 674,380 for highest validated transition.

I should have submitted myself back when I broke the Tengen Tetris high score at 10 million+ or last month when I scored 930k on a NES Tetris Level 19 start (4th highest all-time behind Thor, Jonas, & Harry's max outs), but the max out is really what it's all about anyway.


Btw, here is the link to my youtube channel... http://www.youtube.com/user/cancerbullets


Quote from: GutsI received an invite ...
Quote from: boblazeI was contacted via Twitter to come submit myself for possible player of the month
Sisu tell us your Twitter account! Reply quickly, we have to know!


If it is possible to nominate someone else, I wanted to throw keroco's name into the pot for the sub 20.