[Gameboy Tetris]

Started by jujube, June 30, 2009, 10:10:04 PM

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I play Tetris on Game Boy, but I always have a problem when it's to move blocks to the right. It seems easier to put blocks on the left than right.
How do you do?

And another question, is it possible to play level 20 on special mode (with a heart)? My record is level 13 at this mode.


Quote from: DafpI play Tetris on Game Boy, but I always have a problem when it's to move blocks to the right. It seems easier to put blocks on the left than right.
How do you do?
Yes the way to the right side is longer. For vertical S and Z placements, it's 3 steps to the left wall and 5 steps to the right wall. For vertical I, L, J and T placements, it's (up to) 4 steps to the left wall and (up to) 5 steps to the right wall. I still make all the 5 step moves. It should be possible, if you stay at the bottom (provided you don't use your thumbs, if you play it on the road then you have a problem). At the end, it's all about tapping speed. Have a look at Spectre's/DanZ's B-type video:

I try to drop pieces on the right wall first. In earlier levels, I stack on the right side, too. That means I leave the most left column open for Tetrises. I also play this way because you can better skim on the left side. J pieces have higher chances to appear than L pieces. (L, J pieces are the right-angled pieces. J is brighter than L)

Quote from: DafpAnd another question, is it possible to play level 20 on special mode (with a heart)? My record is level 13 at this mode.
No, you can't. You have to clear 100 lines in heart mode to get to level 20. I guess this is one reason why there aren't that many max-outs (besides people tend to use thumbs; you access heart mode by pressing Down arrow simoultaneously to Start button on 1P/2P select screen)


Quote from: Dafp
And another question, is it possible to play level 20 on special mode (with a heart)? My record is level 13 at this mode.

Quote from: Integration
No, you can't. You have to clear 100 lines in heart mode to get to level 20. I guess this is one reason why there aren't that many max-outs (besides people tend to use thumbs; you access heart mode by pressing Down arrow simoultaneously to Start button on 1P/2P select screen)

Tetris on the Game Boy was my first Tetris I ever played and the time when I played it seriously. Although its about 15 years years ago I know that I had to keep pushing the SELECT-Button after switching the GB on. I was then able to play Level 10-19, unfortunately with the same Scoring like Level 0 - 9. 400 for Single, 1000 for Double, 3000 for Triple and 12000 for Tetris on Level ♥9, than 800, 2000, 6000 and 24000 on Level 19. (+10% per Level)
@ Integration: Is it possible that you mixed this up with 1989 from TF? Because I read something about pushing the button down to start on the higher Levels with a Score-Boost? Or is there really another way on the GB which I never knew of? ^^
Congratulations to your great score, my record on the GB was about 520k until my beloved GB died.
But I know you can still do way better


Sorry for the late response.

Quote from: Dark8Dragon@ Integration: Is it possible that you mixed this up with 1989 from TF? Because I read something about pushing the button down to start on the higher Levels with a Score-Boost? Or is there really another way on the GB which I never knew of? ^^
Heart mode works like you described. You will lose at least 250,000 points within the first 200 lines. It's useless for highscoring. It's main purpose is B-type (besides practicing level 18/19).

What I meant is that there is no way to practice level 20 efficiently. When I was a child, I couldn't survive level 20 longer than 10 lines in average. It was my nemesis - my thumbs couldn't defend against its evil nature. I was spending 15 minutes to get there, just to be beaten up in a few seconds. I didn't collect enough experience to overcome its speed.

On the other hand, you can start NES Tetris on the ultimate gravity (on PAL version level 19 is even a killscreen). Eventually NES folks managed to beat their nemesis.


Ah ok sorry, my English and my perception seems to be a little rusty
Yes i can remember that I had a hard time with playing Level 19 in the beginning too.
But I had a lot of practice with other games I played, so my thumb was very well trained^^
Before I started with playing Tetris I had experience with other games. I hated it in the beginning, I guess because I was not even 7 years old when I started with gaming. But when me and a friend started to play Tetris with the link cable the headache went away and i began to like it  Thats the Tetrisversion where all began and why I still feel a strong connection to 1989 and to the GB.


Impressive! I could never do that with my left hand :0
I tested to play at game boy upside down for use direction with right hand, but it's more complicated


I will read the guides on this web site. I have to.


I doubt any guides exist. Here a small Fumen:


Another notable thing is the randomizer. It tries to prevent to give you the same piece 3 times in a row. But the implementation was bugged. For example it's unprobable to get 2 L pieces in a row. As a result some pieces appear more often than others. More explicitely: O,S,T = 16.1%, J,I,Z = 13.7%, L = 10.7% (credits go to color_thief).


After being stuck at 292k for quite some time, I finally broke me record by scoring 433420! 500k before too long, hopefully!


Holy sht, this topic bump brings back some old memories  
Day One Member of harddrop.com


Haha, yeah. I figured I might as well bump it with my new highscore. I've just bought a Gameboy Light and Tetris in Japan, so I'm spending most of my vacation travel time on playing the heck out of the old classic! Also got to try TGM 2 and 3, which both killed me. Just couldn't get used to the stick controls in the hour or so I had at the arcade in Osaka.


Nothing wrong with bumping this thread. As far as I know it's the only GameBoy Tetris highscore board you can find in the interwebs ... besides Twin Galaxies but who takes TG seriously (lol at 614,000 points being the second best submitted score)? Sadly, original poster is gone. So no chance the first post is updated unless a Moderator does it.


Yeah, TG is really outdated. I'm trying to regularly break at least 250k and it's going okay, but the randomizer can really screw you over. I often experience it giving me three identical pieces in a row, then giving me another piece twice before giving me two of the first piece again. But that's Tetris, I guess! Btw, is there any way of softresetting in and out of heartmode?

Oh, and here's a shoddy pic of the score.


Hey guys, I'm new here. Awesome to see a thread about Gameboy Tetris. I've been playing Tetris since Game Boy back in the early nineties but over the last year or so have been taking it more seriously and spending a lot of time with the game. I play all sorts of variations but spend most of my time on the Game Boy version. This is the best score I've done so far.


A long way to go to catch up to a lot of you! I find the Game Boy version to be a big challenge, but it is the one I am best at so far (I can barely break 200,000 in the NES version) I recently switched to playing on a Game Boy Pocket since I like the DPad a lot more.


This is my favourite version of Tetris to play offline. I haven't been able to beat my score of 442,080 from around 6 years ago though (must be getting old). Made on GameBoy Color with a defective d-pad no less. I play it on 3ds mostly nowadays, it's a much smoother more enjoyable experience but haven't been able to break 400k since.



OP seems updated with scores in this thread. here add some more

Joey Toma 999,999

see also some updates here:


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]1 DanZ 999999
2 carcajou 999999
3 Integration 999999
4 Level30 697464
5 Magnanimous 551306
6 SuPa 523746
7 flare 520056
8 iphys 463519
9 armoredscarves 460935
10 Chicken_Wing999 460125
11 iljain 441724
12 Kevcel 415220
13 VitoKing 288558
14 plantagons 240899[/quote]
pls disregard carcajou. that score is from Tetris Friends 1989 game