Puyo Puyo Tetris for PC

Started by morningpee, February 05, 2018, 10:07:43 AM

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let this be my first sh-tpost about PPT.

it has ARE time which is not short. however it comes without IRS or IHS.

not only caused by network lag, because it presents when you play single-player modes like sprint.

as a result, it feels very bad because you'll have your input "ate" once you hurry to push any key right after dropping a piece.

it's balancing. ok, but i don't accept such "feature" at all.

unrecommended: http://steamcommunity.com/id/farteryhr/recommended/546050


Quote from: farter
as a result, it feels very bad because you'll have your input "ate" once you hurry to push any key right after dropping a piece.
One could argue that you fail (or simply refuse) to adapt to the ruleset of this particular game.
I see you've already come to this conclusion in your review: "Monsters may practice to avoid pressing rotation/hold too early while beating me into the ground. No problem.
Just I can't stand it."
Day One Member of harddrop.com


Saw Kitaru and pwn_by_numbers speaking about Puyo Puyo Tetris autoshift / autorepetition behaviour on Discord. I haven't read fully what they wrote but a few things from my point of view / testing. I tested on singleplayer sprint mode only.

If you don't press movement key during entry/spawn delay and then hold down movement key for a while:
piece makes first step immediately, the second step roughly 167 ms later and any further step every 33 ms. By my definition, this corresponds to DAS = 10 frames, ARR = 2 frames.

If you harddrop a piece and then hold down movement key during spawn delay:
piece makes first step 33 ms after ghost piece shows up, and the second step roughly 117 ms later (and any further step every 33 ms)
So, you can save a little time (at least 50 ms) by pressing movement key during spawn delay.

If you hold down movement key, press harddrop immediately after, then this happens to the next piece:
piece makes first step 33 ms after ghost piece shows up, and the second step 33 ms later (and any further step every 33 ms).
So you can save a lot of time by not releasing movement key while harddropping. But this only works when you repeat the next piece in the same direction as the last move of the previous piece (that's classic DAS preservation).

Summarized, the second step is made roughly this long after the first step:
after spawn delay: 167 ms
during spawn delay: 117 ms
before spawn delay: 33 ms

So, it seems DAS is also charged during the spawn delay period. Or the game makes a check if movement key was already pressed when spawn delay begins and ends, and sets the DAS counter to a certain value accordingly.


Another notable thing is that the game has seperate DAS counters for Left and Right movement and both can be charged at the same time. Thereby, the game will execute the movement in the direction which was pressed last. Let's say the piece spawns in the middle, you hold down Right until the piece is at the right wall and then you also hold down Left (Right is still pressed). Then the piece will make 1 step to the left immediately, the second step 167 ms later and then repeats to the left every 33 ms. Let's say you repeat until you are on the left wall and then release Left (Right is still pressed). Then the piece will make 1 step to the right immediately, and the second step 33 ms later (and further steps every 33 ms). This means although the piece was repeated to the left side, the DAS counter to the right side was still fully charged.

Here's a situation where this is useful. Let's say you want to drop 2 pieces like this:


The J piece comes first. Hold down Right until the piece is on the wall, then hold down Left while still pressing Right. The moment you press Left, the piece will move 1 column away from the wall, but it will still there for another 167 ms (before it moves further left). If you press harddrop now and release Left during the spawn delay, then the next piece (Z piece) will begin moving towards the right wall immediately (full DAS charge). You can now repeat the same procedure for the Z piece to fully charge the following piece (no matter if you want to move it towards the left or right wall).

Same thing also works when you have to rotate the piece - as long as you want to drop the piece 1 movement away from a wall. For example in the following situation, you would hold down Right until you are on the wall, then hold down Left and rotate left immediately afterwards, and finally press harddrop (you have a 167 ms time window to harddrop after holding down Left).


So yeah, Puyo Puyo Tetris has some quirks I haven't seen in other Tetris clients before. There are tricks with which you can reduce the rather long autorepeat delay (DAS). However, those tricks involve planning ahead (I would say 2 pieces) which is very difficult to do. I would personally like to play on a client that has rather short autorepeat delay (DAS) but rather long autorepeat rate (ARR). However, I can understand that this is not possible on a client that has no tunings (you cannot make autorepeat delay too short or it would be too slippery for more casual people).


Quote from: Kevcel
Quote from: farter
as a result, it feels very bad because you'll have your input "ate" once you hurry to push any key right after dropping a piece.
One could argue that you fail (or simply refuse) to adapt to the ruleset of this particular game.
I see you've already come to this conclusion in your review: "Monsters may practice to avoid pressing rotation/hold too early while beating me into the ground. No problem.
Just I can't stand it."

tbh what bugs me most are rotations (along with hold).

i remember how "wallkick" is explained in some wiki saying like "without it, you'll feel the rotation key is 'locked' (or 'eaten') when your piece is near the wall".
what's more, in sega tetris, the great version with solid ceiling, your rotation key is also locked when you're at the top, which is most likely to happen at the beginning of a game because of the low gravity.

fine, they all had been past things. now we have standardized void ceiling and SRS with super kicks.

and i'm still bugged by the fact that my rotation key is frequently locked or eaten. EACH PIECE.

it's OK if you have IRS IHS like TGM.
it's OK if you disable IRS IHS like TF did, but it troubles only when you clear lines, cus there's line delay, not ARE for each piece.
it's even OK if there's like just one such frame under 60fps like in TOP. and nullpomino 7.5.0 with TGM-like rules lol (already fixed by several individual mods including mine i think).

from oldschool on NES like bps, tengen, nintendo's on, i never experienced such bad initial rotation eating.

sega tetris 1988 you win.

maybe, here's just the whole mental process of how i get disappointed.


It's Steam Summer Sale until July 5th. Puyo Puyo Tetris is reduced from $20 to $15. You can also buy rather bad games for relatively little money during this period: Tetris Ultimate is $5 and Tetraminos is $2 (note that Tetraminos is no official Tetris game).


There's a new Puyo game called Puyo Puyo eSports. So far, it's a Japan+Korea+Taiwan-only release for PS4 and Switch; prize is 2000 Yen (but reduced to 500 Yen in first week). It looks very similar to Puyo Puyo Tetris; with few new features (a set can be played to any score, room creator can choose amount of sets and length of a set, there's a 8-player tournament bracket, green-screen backgrounds, most Tetris characters got replaced by new characters, fever mode + Tsu mode only).

Anyway, I had played a little Puyo Puyo Tetris yesterday (online on PC), and it looks like the amount of Puyo players has decreased.


Zetris ist an adaptive Tetris Bot which you will face on the PC version of Puyo Puyo Tetris from time to time. Recently, it learned to use center 4 wide. So far, only with 4 residual blocks in the center columns but there's probably nothing worse than an ultra-fast 4 wider: