Tetris Effect (PS4)

Started by SmartS101, June 06, 2018, 09:13:19 AM

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GreenTea has beaten Master mode:

Kirby703 has achieved the first 22 zone lines. It's called Impossibilitris. 21 zone lines are called Kirbtris now.


Quote from: Okey_DokeyKitaru also said that some later levels were made slower in Master mode in a previous update.
Minor note, but Greentea and I found that the speed timings have likely not changed from 6~7 frames for M30. Rather, it seems that PS4 Game Clips are not as reliably synced to a game's framerate as it's built-in Twitch/YouTube streaming (or direct feed capture, certainly). As such, where I saw 2~3f @ 30fps and extrapolated that to an estimate 4~5f @ 60fps, I found some M30 footage in one of my old Twitch streams and measured it at more consistent 3f @ 30fps, which I would have extrapolated to ~6f. Greentea and I also have both independently verified that any 60fps footage we have of M30 on various builds of the game shows lock delay at 6~7f.
<a href=http://backloggery.com/kitaru><img src="http://backloggery.com/kitaru/sig.gif" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


There will be a limited-time demo available this weekend. Similar to the one 2 weeks before the release of Tetris Effect: Only the first 3 stages of Journey mode are playable as well as Marathon Mode and Mystery Mode. Also: If you buy Tetris Effect in the PSN store this weekend, then it will cost 30 $ instead of 40 $.