Puyo Puyo Tetris @ CEO 2017 (Orlando, June 16-18)

Started by Sixfortyfive, June 01, 2017, 09:12:15 PM

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(Not sure if I'm supposed to post this here or in Arena, but I'm putting it here since I saw the EVO thread in this subforum.)

Puyo Puyo Tetris will have a dedicated tournament at the CEO 2017 fighting game event (Orlando, June 16-18), ran primarily by AdmiralFunk and yours truly and held in the BYOC area of the arcade room. While some of the finer details have yet to be ironed out, I figured that I'd share what I can so far:

Smash.gg Event Page - Rules and other general info can already be found here. Once the full CEO schedule has been released (ETA: shortly after June 5), then this page will be updated with a precise schedule for the PPT tournament as well. At that time, you'll also be able to pre-register and pre-pay for the PPT tournament if you wish. (On-site cash registration will also be available.)

Facebook Event Page - This is the main place where I'll be looking for input from players on things that have yet to be decided, such as preferred entry fee, preferred tournament schedule, equipment inventory, and so forth. If you have any questions or concerns about the PPT tournament, then this is probably the first place that you should post them, if possible. I'll be checking back here and on Twitter as well when I can, of course.

tl;dr on details so far: 1v1 Swap, to be run entirely on Saturday June 17 if possible. Will be streamed if 4G signal is usable in venue; archives to be posted to Youtube afterward regardless. A CEO attendee badge is required to enter, but it doesn't have to be a "competitor" badge since this isn't a main CEO event; a "spectator" badge would also suffice.

The big question mark right now regarding basic tournament stuff is what the set length is going to be. Low-level play takes forever in this game compared to pretty much any fighting game, so the early rounds of the bracket might be kept particularly short in terms of number of games/rounds. This detail probably won't be finalized until very close to the day of the event, once we have a better grasp on how many setups and players will be present. In the meantime I'm just rummaging through Youtube archives to get an estimate for how long single-rounds tend to last in Swap mode.

Ideally, I'd like to split this tournament into at least 2 separate pools at 2 separate times, so that attendees participating in other CEO events wouldn't be forced to play in multiple games at once. This will be worked on once the full CEO schedule is released. 1v1 Swap is the only guaranteed format at the moment, but once the schedule is done we'll see if there's room for more. The most-likely additional format to appear would be 2v2 Team VS (PTvPT), with perhaps 1v1 Fusion or 1v1 segregated VS (PvP & TvT) after that.

Check the above links for more details and let me know what you think.


*almost spits out food*




Registration is now live at the smash.gg link above. There is both a 1v1 Swap bracket and a 2v2 Versus bracket.