
Started by CosmicCommunist, November 01, 2016, 07:41:29 PM

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So I was watching that documentary "Your Brain On Video Games" and they mentioned this version of Tetris. I'm sure you guys are aware of it so I won't explain it. I found a  version online, but I don't like this version much. I'm sure there are other Bastet clones out there. Is there any better version of it out there? Or as a NullpoMino mode? Or an online version?

Also is there someone who kicks ass at this version? I'd love to see a video of someone kicking this version's ass.


esialb worked on something like this with tetrevil/eviline/zeromeaner, but I can't find a playable version anywhere.


I wouldn't know where to find a working Tetrevil version either.

You can also play Bastet in a browser. I think that's a good version. There's also Hatetris, it's even more evil than Bastet.


You can try the nightmare mode of this version: Java Duel Tetris 3.19. Here is the link to download it: javadueltetris
I can make only 5 lines.


Hey Pantaley, long time no see (I am eRR0Rq on YouTube). 5 lines is a little low. You can usually score higher by dropping pieces vertically with an even-numbered-columns gap to the walls. In your game I stumbled in that situation:

I had a huge 4 wide and the game gave me only Z and I pieces, so I could maintain the 4-wide for a while (until I ran out of 4 wide). Your game seems to give the 2 least required pieces. Least required seems to be measured majorly in how many lines you can clear at most with that piece. In this situation I could have cleared 1 line with every piece shape, but O and Z would have been worse because it would have forced me to make holes or odd-sized wells.

This should be no reproach, just an observation. You can do something similar in the other mentioned evil Tetris clones.


Hi eRR0Rq,
It looks impressive to have 44 lines in Nightmare mode but the screenshot is not a proof because you can change the modes on the fly in this game. And I see the hold is still active (my mistake) but it won't save you for much longer. In this mode you don't get the worst piece but one of the bad pieces. The game tries to diversify, so if you reach the same position the next time you might get another piece.
Before my post I tried the browser Bastet that you mentioned above and I stumbled exactly on the same situation where I left 4-wide and the game began giving me only I's and then I wondered if I was really playing Bastet. I tried again the same tactic now and I made 12 rows but eventually like you said the I pieces stop and that's game over. It looks like you can force situations where the game will mess up with math and you can play longer.
I'm really curious to see video where you can make 50 lines in Nightmare mode. You can try even with hold, maybe it's good to have this option but anyway the game will be short.


Esialb's tetrevil is playable in this nullpomino mod (you must choose the tetrevil rule or it will crash).


Quote from: Pantaley
I'm really curious to see video where you can make 50 lines in Nightmare mode. You can try even with hold, maybe it's good to have this option but anyway the game will be short.

Did not make a video, but I was able to replicate Okey's method. Got to 106 lines until I couldn't tap fast enough to keep up with the speed. Also, no hold.


Edit: Got to 130 lines in my next game. The start is not 100% replicable, but once you get a good 4wide going, it mostly works. Occasionally, the game will throw in a different piece (S/Z depending on which way you're stacking), but it seems to take quite a while for that occasion to come up (this is what happened in my 130-line game).
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


One of y'all should make a video. I want to see someone play it really well