Are These Sequences PC'able?

Started by Shuey, December 03, 2014, 08:12:48 PM

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How do you fare against these PC teasers?

"These are weak sauce! I could PC these in my sleep!"
7 (50%)
"These are a little tough, but not too bad"
3 (21.4%)
"These are way too brutal!"
4 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 30


I just got time to finish looking at your solutions Blitz!  There was only one sequence where we had the same solution - all the rest were new solutions!  The more I see the various ways that you and pc clear these, the more my eyes are being opened to the possibilities.

I'm going to keep doing some studying on these so I can get more familiar with what to look for, and I'm going to keep practicing to help myself improve.

Thanks for your time, help and insight guys!  I really appreciate it .

P.S.  I'm not sure if these shapes have been coined yet, but I'm thinking one of these might be able to be coined:
"The Blitz Nugget"




Here's a new one that I'm not sure can be PC'd (even WITH a program to calculate it).  Holds ARE allowed, but all pieces must be used since there are only a total of 10.  Okey_Dokey's Perfect Clear Finder was unable to find a solution for this:



QuoteHolds ARE allowed, but all pieces must be used since there are only a total of 10.

So then if you have used hold at some point and have placed 9 pieces, you can "unhold" what's in the hold chamber and replace the "nothing" piece with it? This isn't really apples to apples with myndzi's sequence, since myndzi's sequence can occur in a real game. This sequence cannot. If you attach any piece to the end of the sequence, it becomes PCable.

I would guess that there are many sequences that are unPCable with these special rules.


Sorry to confuse caffeine.  I'm trying now to think about how to word this... Here is the sequence of pieces:  ZJSLIISOZJ

You could place ZJS, Hold L and place II, Hold S and place L, place OZJ, then you would have to place the S that was in hold.  No matter what you hold, when you get to the last piece that's current, whatever is in hold (if you held at least one piece) has to then be placed.

BTW, this sequence CAN occur in a real game; it was a sequence in a standard bag game (like Marathon from Tetris Friends).


Quote from: Shuey
No matter what you hold, when you get to the last piece that's current, whatever is in hold (if you held at least one piece) has to then be placed.
In a real game, we would be given an active piece at this point. In your case, there is nothing in the active piece. Having any piece here would allow a PC to be possible. That is why I say this sequence cannot happen in a real game.The only exception is when hold is not used. In that case, we have an active piece for the 10th piece.


I get what you're saying, but can you humor me?

I realize in a "real" game (which this actually came from), an 11th piece would be available if hold is used (and an 11th piece IS available in the game that this sequence came from).  Let's say I offer up the 11th piece - If I did, the stipulation is still that the original 10 pieces are the ones that have to be used to build the PC.  So even if I did tell you the 11th piece, you would have to hold it and use the previously held piece from the original 10 piece sequence.

Am I clear now?  That's why I never included it because the stipulation is that you HAVE to hold it anyway (it can't be used if the goal is to figure out how to only use the original 10 pieces).  It's implied that there is an 11th piece, of course; it just can't be used - it has to be held.


I see caffeine never replied to my previous "unsolvable" sequence, nor did anyone else.

Now I have three more to add:



If nobody is able to solve these, then that will be four sequences total (since the start of this thread) that have no solution.  I guess it looks like the people who are voting in the polls might be lying a bit, lol.